
A Necromancer In Super Gene

What's the point in stealing the MCs opportunities when I can just steal the leftovers? --------------------------------------------- Fast Paced. Irregular Updates. I do not own anything in Super Gene, except for my only OC characters. I do not own the cover, if the owner of the cover want me to take it down then please contact me at 'sleepybot77@gmail.com'

Paralyzed_Bot · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


"Hey Sen, what should we do now?" I asked Han Sen, giving him a horrified side-eye.

"Isn't it obvious? Run to the southeast cliff fast as you can." Han Sen said and jumped off from his Mount to Wang Mengmeng's white bear.

"Is it time to reveal my identity?" I thought traveling into the direction of southeast cliff.

The formation was preety simple, in the front Wang Mengmeng taken the lead while Han Sen instructed her, behind them was Huangfu Pingqing shooting the beasts that came near her, but strangely enough she didn't shot any arrows to the beasts that came near me. I mean I was in the last but I still wasn't falling behind because of my Obsidian Dragon.

But I didn't actually needed her protection as any beast who came near me will get a whopping by either my crescent spear or by the tail of Obsidian Dragon.

"As usual, her personality is wicked. She's a bad gal." I thought looking at the black haired girl who was shooting one beast after another.

But when it all was happening, the Wang Dongling guy was fighting those Black-feathered monkeys like a rogue. I knew he was going to die here but I still didn't spared a bit of my strength to save him.

I knew that I could've saved him without even moving a single finger of mine, but I wasn't a saint who would guide a person in their life. I wasn't a devil either who would just kill anyone for fun, but it's a different thing if there's a reward on killing them.

Soon enough, we reached cliff edge, Wang Dongling was screaming like a horse being slaughtered, that surely made everyone's heart sank except me.

I wasn't feeling a bit of fear because I'm quite confident in my skills. I still can escape from this temporary alliance anytime I want, and even if I exclude the use of my Devil Souls, my Sparticle training shouldn't be in vain here.

When Han Sen was just taking countermeasures against those Black-feathered beasts, I leaped off from my Obsidian Dragon and ordered it to kill as many mutant Black-feathered beasts as it can.

Summoning my newly gained primitive jade shell armour which I knew that it won't give me even mud tier protection against these beasts, I quickly ran through the horde to reach Wang Dongling who was nearly going to die.

Cutting through every single mutant Black-feathered monkey and using super particle acceleration to dodge their attacks, I launched myself at the sacred-blood Black-feathered king who was almost going to kill Wang Dongling with his next strike.

"Cover me." I shouted with all of my strength and threw my spear in the sacred-blood creature with all of my strength.

Han Sen and Huangfu Pingqing also heard my instruction and covered me from those beasts that was going to attack me.

Suddenly, a mutant monkey appeared in front of me and taken the hit instead of the sacred blood one.


"Shit." I quickly backed off from up there using one of the mutant beast as my landing spot.

On the ground, I saw the headless body of Wang Dongling, the sacred-blood Black-feathered monkey was holding Wang Dongling's head like a trophy.

Without anymore bloodshed, I quickly summoned my sacred-blood rock worm pet in it's battle form. I didn't have the neither the energy nor time to check the reactions of people behind me.

Without further ado, I quickly launched myself into the air and started to kill any beast that approached me, killing one after another I heard the notification that I was dying to hear at this point.

"Mutant black-feathered beast killed. Beast soul of mutant black-feathered beast gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten primitive geno points."

Instantly thinking of the mutant beast soul, a pair of black feathers appeared in my back, and flew back with all my might.

Sacred-blood rock worm was killing any mutant beast that approached it and it wasn't even budging with those mutant monkeys claws attacks.

"So, what's the plan?" Flying near him, I quickly asked him without turning my gaze towards his direction.

"You.... Just get Wang Mengmeng and this miss into the shelter." Han Sen exclaimed.

"Not happening. Although I'm a member of the special squad, you aren't the captain of it, and I'm here to hunt not to babysit." I answered in an annoyed tone.

"Are you out of your mind? How can anyone kill a horde like this? Even if your pet helps, it's not possible to kill all of them." I heard a voice from my back, surprisingly it was Huangfu Pingqing.

"Still thinking of saving yourself?" I thought, looking at her.

In the original novel it was even mentioned that if Han Sen hadn't given Wang Mengmeng the sacred-blood ant armour, then Huangfu Pingqing was determined to follow Han Sen to escape by any means, even if it kills Wang Mengmeng.

But I'm not to judge her. In this place, only the rule of jungle applies. So it's impossible for me to despise her.


After some thinking, Han Sen gave Wang Mengmeng his sacred-blood ant beast soul, and asked her to escape back with Huangfu Pingqing.

"I'll give my beast souls some instructions, please run back as fast as you can." I said and summoned my Obsidian Dragon once again, and gave it the instruction to protect these two.

"Please hurry up." I said and looked at both of them.

Without wasting anymore time Wang Mengmeng and Huangfu Pingqing started to travel back on their mounts.

In the midst of it, I saw that not a single beast now was coming near rock worm. It seemed like the sacred-blood Black-feathered monkey had instructed his subordinates to not fight the rock worm, but instead he ordered them to chase the girls.

Han Sen quickly took out his bow and shot the beasts that was chasing Wang Mengmeng and Huangfu Pingqing.

"So, what is the plan? Mr. Dollar." I asked Han Sen looking at him.

"I'll approach the sacred-blood king while you should clear my path." Said Han Sen while transforming into his dollar identity.

"Roger." I quickly said and rushed over to the herd of mutant beasts that was now somewhat small from before.

Summoning my crescent spear in my right hand, I once again threw it towards the direction of the sacred-blood creature.

And like before, a mutant beast appeared out of nowhere to protect his majesty. The thrust force in that spear was enough to pierce a mutant beast and still come out from the other side. But the spear lost its momentum and began to fell onto the ground.

"Dollar, fast." I shouted at the sight of the sacred-blood creature being with just four mutant creatures protecting him.

Han Sen quickly rushed at the sacred beast and threw himself at the group, just when Han Sen was fighting the group I recalled my spear and threw it once again towards the sacred beast.

But unlike before, it missed the target and fell onto the ground. It was really a perfect chance for me to strike down the sacred-blood creature as not a single mutant beast appeared to protect it's back.

"My aim really sucks." I thought, annoyed by the things that was happening in front of me.

I just stood on the ground for a second, after a minute of thinking I quickly summoned my pair of wings and my beast soul armour and flew into the direction of the sacred-blood beast.

"Use your Ghost Haunt after I make the strike at it's lower abdomen!" I shouted after reaching a audible distance from Han Sen, Han Sen heard my instructions and started to kill the mutant beast that was approaching me.

Not a single beast wasn't in my path, flying, I made a strike with my full force at the belly of the sacred-blood creature, which it obviously dodged.

But that was what I wanted, the moment it dodged my attack, I quickly sensed where it was dodging my attack with my reflexs and landed a swift kick in its chest, sending it fly down onto the ground.

This was the end of the sacred-blood Black-feathered king, it was considerably strong in a fight in air, but on the ground it was only as good as a injured sacred-blood creature.

Quickly ordering my rock work to apprehend it onto the ground, I flew down there to land the final strike on the sacred-blood creature.

But just when i was flying down there, I saw a golden light traveling at a sound breaking speed in the direction of sacred-blood creature.

It was without a doubt, dollar. Han Sen also wanted to make the last strike to gain its beast soul.

"How can i forgot this thief protagonist." I thought and also hurried in it's direction.

I knew that my mutant feathers won't be able to catch up to Han Sen so my last chance ti gain its beast soul was only to summon one of my Devil Souls on the head of the sacred-blood creature that was still in apprehension.

Quickly ordering my rock worm to bite the head of the struggling sacred-blood creature, I also summoned my sacred-blood scaled armadillo's Devil Soul on the head of the lying beast.


An ear piercing sound could be heard, dollar stopped in its track and saw something that made him baffled on the spot.

A beast that he had killed himself with his own hands just appeared out of thin air, killed the lying beast, and then disappeared from there.

Dollar turned his gaze to see me, only to find a baffled expression from me as well.

"Nice." I was so happy that i wanted to laugh out loud, but I didn't dared to.

"Sacred-blood black-feathered king killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood black-feathered king gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten sacred geno points randomly."

"What the hell just happened? Where's my beast soul?" I cried at the sight of the monster being killed by an unknown identity.

Han Sen also saw me mourning over the loss of a sacred-blood creature, but he didn't buyed my acting entirely.

"Sen, don't worry about this. Because the reason I came here isn't completed." I said with a hint of curiosity in my voice.

"What reason?" Dollar asked.

"I'll only tell this to you if you agree to give me this beast body." I said pointing towards the dead body of the sacred-blood Black-feathered king.

"But rest assured, it's a sacred-blood beast soul which you're guaranteed to get." I said and waited for his answer.

"Tell me about it first." Dollar said with a neutral expression.

After that, I quickly instructed him about the sacred-blood ghost butterfly's hideout, and also about their weakness and strength.

"I'll give you my sacred-blood Obsidian Dragon if you didn't get the sacred-blood creatures beast soul." I said.

Dollar just stood there for a minute, and then he said. " I want your Obsidian Dragon beast soul now."

"Not possible." I instantly replied and then said, "How about I give you something other than that? It would probably won't be that usable to you though."

I pointed my hand towards him and transferred him the sacred-blood rock worm pet beast soul. Han Sen wasn't in shock because he had already saw my rock worm apprehending the sacred-blood black-feathered king.

"How di-I killed it." Cutting Han Sen's speech in his tracks, I quickly answered him what he was gonna ask.

Han Sen just looked at me in suspicion but he just shrugged it off. As long as i wasn't harming him in any way, he would also not harm me.

"You should hurry up, who knows what'll happen if you go there late." I said to Han Sen to which he just started to go into the pit before him.

"I'm only giving it to you temporary unless you will not get the butterfly's beast soul." I shouted at the barely seeing him.

"Today was tiring as hell, now at least I won't be seeing this thief protagonist for a week." I thought and packed up the loot in my inventory.

2044 words.