
A Naughty CEO's Love

A mystery man who pretends to be poor to find true love meets with a famous woman who betrayed by her ex-boyfriend " I rather be with a man who is ugly, poor, and imported but can give me true love and respect" ...... " Wife I want you" " What!!? don't you import?" " Wife I buy a big house for you" " What the hell are you!?" .....

Kim_Aromy · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Why did you do this to me!?

"Aaah, mmm, yes, there, ooh, speed up, sweetie"

"Ooh so sweet" he said while fucking her with different styles and increased the speed

the sounds of moans echoed in the room, while all that was going on, a yman who stood outside the door of the house head everything that happened then he smirk and said "Bitch"

After a while, the door opened and a man came out then he left without saying anything. He didn't seem to care that someone was hearing what happened.


"So this is how you love me??" asked tJason after encountering that situation in the house he rent to live with that girl

" Tch, love?? What are you talking about, what made me agree to stay with you is only money, my friend told me that you seems to be rich, so I decided to seduce you and pretend that I loved you" said Yasu while looking at Jason with mocking smile

"Mmmh, so you were lying? You wanted money, eh?" asked Jason as he looked at the woman calm

"Yes, that's the reason, if I knew you just a cleaner of that rich house, you think I would lost My time on you"

"So you want to say that this man you have been fucking with is rich?"

"Hahaha, he's just a poor like you, but at least he knows how to satisfy my body not you, who for all these months has never even touched me!!" She said angrily while getting up from the bed which was dirty with sweat and love juice due to the previous sex session then she headed to the bathroom

Jason took his phone out of his pocket and called someone who was unknown then step out of the room

.... After a while Yasu came out of the bathroom but she did not find Jason

"Hm, it would be better if he left"


"Why did you do this to me!? He is my man!"

"Huh, do you think Vini was in love with you all that time? It's only because you are famous that he needed to use you to grow the name of his company"

"What about you? you never considered me as your friend?"

"Never, and stay away from my Vini"

It was very painful for Arya who is a very famous model in the W City . She looked at the pictures that showed her former friend and the man she loved so much being so intimate with each other.

She smile and thought with tears in her eyes

' so this is my destiny?'

she raised her head and laughed painfully. Then she got up to leave the restaurant, but before she reached the door she stop when she heard people talking.

"My God, so you want to say that man can't do it at all? And he's not rich!!!?"

"Yes, that is so i left him, first of all, it is ugly and he has no money, why should I be with him?" Yasu said while take a mouthful of alcohol. suddenly they after what they head

"Where is that man?" asked Arya, who at that time wore a mask afraid to be recognized . She looked at the girls while she thought

'I'd rather have a man who is ugly, imported and poor, but only love and respects me'


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