
A Naughty CEO's Love

A mystery man who pretends to be poor to find true love meets with a famous woman who betrayed by her ex-boyfriend " I rather be with a man who is ugly, poor, and imported but can give me true love and respect" ...... " Wife I want you" " What!!? don't you import?" " Wife I buy a big house for you" " What the hell are you!?" .....

Kim_Aromy · Fantasy
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18 Chs

what bothering you?

Why do you want to see me?" Jason asked while learning on his chair

"You're a man, I don't think you'll be afraid to meet a woman like me, I'm sending you the address and time to meet" Arya said, then she hung up.

Meanwhile, on Jason's side he looked at his phone for a while, then he smiled amusingly "What a bold woman!" he thought

While Jason was enjoying his private thoughts, there was another person nearby who was very interested in knowing who the woman was. After waiting for a long time without getting any information from his friend who had already started signing the files on his desk, he decided to interrupt and ask him.

"Who is that woman" he asked.

Jason raised his head and looked at him with cold eyes "It's none of your business" said Jason. Ignoring his suddenly indignant and irritated friend, he then picked up the phone and called his assistant and barked his orders authoritatively. "Within five minutes I need all the information you can find about my latest female caller! Also, make sure you prepare regular rugged outdoor wear for me".

Jason then hung up just after giving instructions to his assistant

"Hey, how can you hide something like that from me? I'm your close friend!" Gidion complained while looking at Jason with disdain. It was very difficult for him to restrain himself from the intense curiosity he has but when he saw that the person he was talking to was ignoring him, he decided to accept defeat.

"Okay, but please don't wear that ugly face mask again, at least show your face now!" Gidion suggested as he hurriedly left the office

After getting the address of a place to meet, Jason arrived there wearing typical outdoor clothes and his appearance also changed due to the skin mask he wore. It made him look normal even though his good and powerful body could not be hidden from people's prying eyes.

Jason looked at the not-so- popular coffee shop with a smirk. After entering in the shop, he looked around for a bit. Then he smiled when he saw a girl whose beauty was not hidden despite wearing big glasses and a white scarf. From the information he got and the pictures he saw, it was not difficult to recognize her. He slowly approached her.

" Ms Arya?"

Arya was startled from her thoughts then she looked at the strange person who had called her name…


"You're Arya, right?" Jason asked again while looking at her lovely face.

"Umm, who are you?" asked Arya

"I'm Jason" the stranger said with a friendly, bright smile as he shook Arya's hand.

"Ooh it's you! Please, sit down here Jason." Arya offered as she pointed to a metal cafe chair opposite her. The man followed her suggestion then shook the smiling female's hand as he sat down.

He's not that bad, she said to herself without knowing that the person she was talking to was not just any ordinary person and he had already read her mind.

"Would you like some coffee?" Arya asked as she looked at Jason

"No, thanks."

"Oh, do you want anything else to drink?"she asked him again.

"Thank you but I'm good," he declined again.

"What about something to nibble on…"

"Thanks, I'm quite full, actually."

Suddenly Arya found herself running out of words. She picked up her still-warm cup of coffee and drank it quickly.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" she slightly chocked after drinking all her coffee in just a few hurried gulps, Jason got up quickly and approached her

"Slowly there… please be careful" said Jason as he gently patted her on the back to calm her coughing. After a while, Arya began to breath normally again. Jason sighed in relief then promptly returned to his seat.

"Thank you" she said while taking a tissue and wiping her mouth gracefully. Arya was feeling quite timid and ashamed over what just happened, "He is not that handsome but why can't I calm down?' thought Arya as she took a deep breath to calm herself.

"So, why have you asked to meet you here?"Jason finally asked, going straight for the jugular. "I mean, what can't you possibly say over the phone that you would ask me out here, lady?"

" Be my husband…" proposed Arya after gathering all the courage she had. After all, it was NOT easy for her to say those words She didn't expect one day she will end up being the first to ask for marriage especially from a stranger. "Be my husband," she repeated while looking into his____ eyes.

It was a sentence that echoed repeatedly in Jason's head while he was stunned because he didn't expect to hear what he heard! He coughed a little, then he looked at Arya who bent her _______ head down and started cursing herself.

Aahh, how have I become stupid? thought Arya in despair as she slowly raised her head and looked at Jason. When there eyes met, the hopeless girl bowed her head down again

"Madame, do you hear what you are saying right now?" asked Jason because it was not easy to believe that a beautiful and fairly famous woman would ask him to fulfill such a request. How could she make such decisions? The puzzled male asked himself. Is she doing this because of what happened between her and another man? ' Jason wondered as he still stared, intently looked at Arya. "And how did you get my numbers?" Jason asked in surprise again.

The question was what made Arya raise her head and look at her bewildered companion again so she could quickly answer, "I don't know who gave it to me, but from her descriptions, I guessed that she was your woman before" replied the lass with a slightly indignant tone.

"Ooh, so you have heard of my latest shortcomings, yes?" Jason asked while smiling to show he didn't care about the way he was being viewed by his lousy unfaithful ex.

"I'm sorry, I know you can mistake me as a rude and foolish woman, but right now I need a husband who will respect and love me no matter who he is." Arya stated seriously while looking at Jason

"What made you make this decision to pick me, miss?" Jason asked with a wide grin, slightly eager to know her answer.

"I'm sorry but I think I'm not ready to reply to that question for now."

"All right. If I agree, when do you suggest when will we hold the wedding? And where?"

The two continued to talk gingerly to decide the details for their upcoming marriage. After their mutual agreement and decisions, Jason escorted his slightly shy soon-to-be bride outside of the cafe to grab her a cab. After making sure that Arya had already left in her chosen ride home, a very nice luxury car arrived after a few minutes and stopped in front of Jason. He then quickly got into the said vehicle and it left at once.


Meanwhile, unknown to her soon-to- be groom, Arya went by the hospital before going home since her mother was confined in the ICU suffering from brain cancer

"Tell me the truth, what's bothering you, hmm?" Lena asked her daughter who seemed to be lost in her thoughts and was staring at the wall as if she could see right through it.

"Nothing mom, everything is fine, honest."

Arya didn't want to bother her very sick mother with the problems she has, so she decided not to tell her anything of what has happened between her and Vini

"It's been a long time since Vini came to visit me, where is he? How is he now?" asked the highly perceptive mom.

"Mom, it's time to take your medicine" swiftly reminded Arya in an effort to try avoiding the topic involving her ex-boyfriend. Lena felt that there was something unpleasant was presently happening between Arya and Vini. She didn't want to give her daughter a hard time so the caring mother decided to wait until her daughter is ready to tell her.

"Miss Lena, here is your guest today," announced a nurse while still standing at the door waiting for an answer from the two ladies inside the small hospital room.

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