
A Naughty CEO's Love

A mystery man who pretends to be poor to find true love meets with a famous woman who betrayed by her ex-boyfriend " I rather be with a man who is ugly, poor, and imported but can give me true love and respect" ...... " Wife I want you" " What!!? don't you import?" " Wife I buy a big house for you" " What the hell are you!?" .....

Kim_Aromy · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Welcome home

"Now do you remember who I am to you or do you need me to remind you more?"


After calming down a bit, Arya tried to get out of her husband's arms but Jason held her so tightly.

"Answer my question first then I will let you go," he said while wiping his wife's lips which were red and swollen because of the kiss

"Take me to where my mother is"

Without looking at his face, Arya changed the subject, she didn't want to talk about her life with someone she didn't know, for fear that if she continued to argue with Jason she would a bad position

' if it wasn't for my mother, I wouldn't be here and make you use me as you want ' she thought with tears in her eyes

As if he read her mind, Jason chuckled a bit. Then he looked at Arya who was looking down.

"So you came back here, because of your mother, right?"

"What else brought me here? It's not like we have that relationship, I'm sure you have your goal of speeding up the marriage" Arya spoke in a loud voice while looking at Jason with sharp eyes

"You must have forgotten, it was you who announced the first marriage, wife"

Arya was stunned after remembering that she was the source of this marriage but she still didn't want to agree with the accusations

"I admit that I was the one who suggested marriage not with rich Jason but the poor one, I needed a man who is just normal and not the big boss of the company" she defended herself while puffing her chest with confidence

"So, are you going to tell me who hurt you or are you going to continue to be ridiculous?" This time Jason's voice had threats in it, he looked at Arya's neck very angrily

' Who dare to touch what is mine ' he thought. Then he let go of Arya and left the room. before Arya could figure out what happened she heard a knock on the door, she quickly put on her pajamas and went to open the door and meet Dani, Jason's assistant

"I'm sorry madam, Boss told me to take you home," said Dani Very respectfully

"Home!?" Arya was very surprised, how come he made decisions without involving her, she didn't want to give a hard time for this assistant so she got ready and left with secretary Dani.

while on the way she had a very difficult time asking where Jason was, she didn't want to be seen as too curious about him so she kept quiet until they arrived at the big mansion.

' Is there a place like this in this city ' she thought while looking at that building with great enthusiasm and forgot the worries she had a while ago.

"Welcome home, madam"

The voice of the head servant of the house startled Arya out of her thoughts and she quickly looked at the woman in front of her

"Thank you very much, aunt" Arya replied very politely without showing any pride and making the servant smile more

' She deserves to be the boss's wife ' she thought as she generously approached her and hugged Arya

"Very welcome, you can call me Aunt Mina," she said as she left her and led her towards the inside of the palace-like house.


after being abandoned at the office, Vivian went out and went to Gideon's bar who was drinking with women around him.

After seeing Vivian in anger, Gideon ordered the women to leave the room, then welcomed his friend

"What made you angry, beautiful" he asked amusing while smiling and looking at the woman who had invaded his comfort with a dry look as if she wanted to kill someone

"Who is that" she asked in a low voice full of anger in it, Gideon remained confused as to not understand what that woman meant.

He put the wine grass on the table in front of him and looked at Vivian carefully

"Who? Who are you talking about?"

"Sure, the woman who dating Jason, I want you to tell me Everything about her!"

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