
A Naughty CEO's Love

A mystery man who pretends to be poor to find true love meets with a famous woman who betrayed by her ex-boyfriend " I rather be with a man who is ugly, poor, and imported but can give me true love and respect" ...... " Wife I want you" " What!!? don't you import?" " Wife I buy a big house for you" " What the hell are you!?" .....

Kim_Aromy · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Strenger feelings

Jason pushed his finger even deeper and thrusting faster while his other hand played with Arya's hard nipple

"Ahh mmh ohh!" Weird cries began to come from Arya due to the pleasure she experienced

jason gentle bit Arya's nipple as he continued to increase the speed of his finger and attacked the same place every time and made Arya feel like she was in heaven

"Ah hah ohh! " Arya continued moans louder while sweat form all over her body. Jason's finger and mouth made Arya come very quickly. They were a very strange feeling for her but they made her feel a wonderful pleasure. She breathed heavily and her heartbeat went very fast. jason continued to lick Arya's inner part and made Arya moan in pleasure

"Ooh! Please ahh" Arya found herself saying things she didn't understand making Jason smile triumphantly.

" What are you please for?" Jason huskily said as he continued to thrust his finger in quick movement and made her more and more absent minded by the pleasures she got.

Arya didn't know what she wanted, but she found herself asking for something she didn't know, she couldn't think well at that time. After a while Arya reached her peek again and all her strength was exhausted.

Jason got up and pulled her closer then carried her into the bathroom. Then he put her in the shower.

"I'll do it myself" Arya said with her head down, she didn't want Jason to bathe her. Jason just looked at her then he got out of the bathroom and left the room wearing only pants with his chest exposed


They were booked master bedroom so Jason entered another room and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower, it was very difficult for him to control himself.

"Fuck! " he curse then opened the coke and water began to flow in his body, suddenly the ink on the areas of his left hand that was drawn as a tattoo changed color and became red and made Jason feel severe pain, at the same time his Fungs grow and eyes turned red, Because of the pain he experienced, he found himself punching the wall of the toilet. After a while, the situation disappeared and he returned to his normal state. Jason sighed heavily. When looked at his left hand he stunned when he found that the ink tattoos were no longer there.

"So it's true, we didn't even make love how can it be lost to easy" jason thought as he put a hand to his head and pulled his hair confused


After Arya finished showering, she opened the door slowly and peeped to see if there was anyone in the room, she sight in relief after seeing that the room was empty. slowly she moved and started to pick up clothes one after another while her face turn red, she found herself remembering what happened a short time ago

'. Ahhh! What do I think! Arya, come back to your senses,' she thought, shaking her head.

while she was busy checking her clothes, the door opened and startled her

"Why do you enter without knocking!" Arya shouted as she held her towel well, but after her eyes met Jason's, she bowed down in shy and started coughing awkward. Jason moved to where she was and gave her the new clothes that he had ordered for her

" Change into this, we are going to have a meal outside the hotel" said Jason and Arya quickly accepted them and ran to the bathroom to change clothes.

Jason shook his head while smiling amusing then he sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his phone where he found many messages, he ignore them and laid down on the bed waiting for his wife to get ready


While Lilian was in her room, she received a phone call that made her very angry

"How is it possible that Arya had the money to transfer her Mather in such a hurry?, lest you go against our agreement and decide to help her instead!" Lilian said as she clenched her fists after knowing what happened, she hung up the phone and threw it at the wall

"Ahhh! you were supposed to come and kneel to me, how did you solve that problem so quickly, who is that helping you! witch! "Lilian started breaking things in her room while shouting angrily. She was sure that only way Arya had was to go and find Vini who was the boss of the cosmetics company which develop together between him and Arya. And that way she would get a reason to humiliat Arya but now everything went against her plan

aifter reducing her anger on her furnitures, she sat on the bed trying to figure out how she will bring Arya down completely. After thinking for a long time, she got an idea and slowly her lips curve up in evil smile.... .....

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