
A Naughty CEO's Love

A mystery man who pretends to be poor to find true love meets with a famous woman who betrayed by her ex-boyfriend " I rather be with a man who is ugly, poor, and imported but can give me true love and respect" ...... " Wife I want you" " What!!? don't you import?" " Wife I buy a big house for you" " What the hell are you!?" .....

Kim_Aromy · Fantasy
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18 Chs


After being caught Arya tried to hide her ambracement, but her face was still red.

"It's your fault! Who told you to drag me when you're still.....naked," said as her voice got smaller in the end. It was so shameful that she wished the ground would open so that she could sink down.

When blushed girl was in a pool of thoughts, how will she be able to escape from the situation, suddenly the water started pouring on her body and made her shocked.

"Haa!, what are you doing?" Arya screamed and quickly tried to get out of the bathroom, but Jason grabbed her waist and pulled her, causing Arya's lips to touch Jason's chest.

Naked man gritted his teeth trying to hold back his emotions as Arya's lips sent a thrill through his body. 'it was a bad idea to stop her ' he thought

Arya felt that something hard was touching her stomach, so she quickly tried to release herself from Jason's body.

"Stay still, if you keep struggling I can't promise you that I won't do anything to you here" Jason said in hoarse voice as he took a deep breath to calm himself then he let go of Arya then took a towel and wrapped himself around his waist. Then he left the bathroom.

Arya felt that her legs were exhausted, she slowly opened the cork and the water poured down her body. 'Why can't I refuse him? What has happened to me?' thought Arya. Because it was not normal for her to be so easy for a man, despite being in a relationship with Vini for a long time, she never let Vini touch her before marriage. She was a girl with a higher self control, but since she met Jason it has been so different that even she herself does not believe that this is her body.

After cleaning herself, he put on a pajama and left the bathroom. Then he to the wardrobe and found that there was not a single piece of clothing that suited her, so she decided to put on Jason's shirt and sit on the sofa. When Arya looks at her phone and encountered many missed calls from her manager. She quickly called her manager, and it was not long before the call was received.

"Sister Lisa," said Arya as soon as the phone connected and a voice came from the other side.

"Arya, where are you? Do you know how people talk about you on the internet?" asked Lisa, her voice showing great concern and worries.

"I don't understand what you are talking about?" asked Arya, clearly not understanding what her manager saying. After being urged by her manager that she should come to the company that day, Arya agreed with her and after finishing talking with Lisa she logged into her account and encountered a big scandal about her.

"#A famous model was not found involved in relationships with various directors. In order to get many deals, he betrayed his long-term girlfriend who has helped him get to where he is because of sugar daddy's money#."

". Ahhh I can't believe that beautiful Arya is so dirty."

"She looked so innocent."

"How can she betray president Vini who has helped her all this time?"

" She didn't deserve to be queen model, he should come out from entertainment industry!"

Arya couldn't continue reading the comments she grabbed the phone angrily while her eyes filled with tears.

' It must ust be Lilian, how dare she twist the truth like that! ' thought Arya with tears in her eyes. The door opened and Jason entered the room already wearing pants and a blue shirt.

"What happened?" asked Jason after finding Arya in that state, he walked to the sofa and sit next to her then slowly patterns her head.

She quickly wiped her tears and looked away; she didn't want to share anything with Jason about what happened so she decided to stay silent.

' He hides many things from me, why should I have to tell him everything happens to me ' she thought while sneer.

After seeing that the famous model is not giving him the answer he wants, Jason smiled. Then he grabbed Arya's chin and made her look at him.

"Are you going to tell or not?" He asked while looking at Arya deeply with his blue eyes.

"And why do I have to tell you?"

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