
A Naughty CEO's Love

A mystery man who pretends to be poor to find true love meets with a famous woman who betrayed by her ex-boyfriend " I rather be with a man who is ugly, poor, and imported but can give me true love and respect" ...... " Wife I want you" " What!!? don't you import?" " Wife I buy a big house for you" " What the hell are you!?" .....

Kim_Aromy · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Can I take you somewhere?

" sorry but I have been told to make sure you transfer your mother from here"

The doctor spoke with a guilty expression, but even he would not be able to do anything. Arya was in shock, unable to understand why they were asking her to move her mother from this hospital. She felt a surge of anger and helplessness, She had worked tirelessly to ensure her mother received the best care, and now the hospital she thought can provide good treatment for her mother was telling her she had to leave with her patient for unknown reasons.

Arya left the doctor's office feeling completely drained. As she looked at her mother's room, tears streamed down her face. She couldn't comprehend why fate seemed to be working against her. ' why all this happen'

At this moment, Jason arrived, unexpectedly appearing in front of Arya.

" You!"

Even though she didn't understand why, seeing him brought her a sense of relief. Tears flowed uncontrollably, and Jason embraced her without saying a word.

After crying for a while, Jason took Arya out of the hospital to sit on a bench in the nearby area. He then left briefly and returned with a bottle of water, offering it to Arya to help calm her down.

Arya thanked him and apologized for showing her vulnerability. She questioned why Jason was there, as they hadn't spoken since their previous encounter. His sudden presence surprised her, but Jason didn't reply her question instead he said

" Can I take you somewhere?"Said Jason while looking at her, his boyish eyes and charming smile making her feel uneasy. After some hesitation, Arya agreed, and Jason took her hand and led her out of the hospital.

As they entered a taxi, Arya looked at Jason curiously, wondering where he was taking her. When Jason announced that they were heading to the marriage office, Arya was taken aback and expressed her disbelief.

" Huh! Marriage office? "

" What now? Changing your mind?" Asked Jason with a smile on his face

" No, no it's not like I don't want, but you know I have to use a lot of money for my mom and I don't think I can... I can..." Arya having a hard time to finish the sentence

" You don't think you can provide my needs?" Jason finished what Arya failed to and this made Arya to feel more shy

" Sorry, it's not disrespect you but.." Arya tried to defend herself but Jason didn't seems to care

" Don't worry I understand, but let's go and get married first"


Upon arriving at the marriage office, Jason comforted Arya, who was visibly worried about the unfolding events.

" It's okay Arya , don't be afraid everything is okay now think how your mother will be happy after knowing that you don't think about Vini who already betrayed you.' Arya talk to herself in her mind and decide to accept what came to her at this moment.


They proceeded with the formalities at the marriage office. Just before taking pictures for their marriage certificate, Jason removed his mask to reveal his true face, leaving both Arya and the photographer speechless.

".." Arya

".." photographer

"Go ahead and take the picture," said Jason, pulling Arya close to him. The camera clicked, capturing the moment. Afterward, they took a seat, waiting for their marriage certificate.

A whirlwind of thoughts rushed through Arya's mind. 'How is it possible'

she pondered, stealing glances at Jason, who now looked even more breath taking than the idiol actors in a movie. Arya found herself captivated by his features—his lips, sharp nose, eyes with green cores, and long eyebrows.

'Arya, come to your senses. What are you doing? You shouldn't be intoxicated by his beauty. You should question him about why he was hiding all this time!'

Arya struggled to rein in her thoughts, finding it difficult to focus.

"Don't worry, you'll get the answers soon," knowing that she had a hard time to comprehend what happened, Jason reassured her taking Arya's hand and resting it on his lap.

The tension between them hung in the air as they awaited the next steps in this unexpected turn of events.

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