
A Naughty CEO's Love

A mystery man who pretends to be poor to find true love meets with a famous woman who betrayed by her ex-boyfriend " I rather be with a man who is ugly, poor, and imported but can give me true love and respect" ...... " Wife I want you" " What!!? don't you import?" " Wife I buy a big house for you" " What the hell are you!?" .....

Kim_Aromy · Fantasy
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18 Chs

be my husband

"Why do you want to see me?" Jason asked while learning on his chair

"You're a man, I don't think you'll be afraid to meet a woman like me, I'm sending you the address and time to meet" Arya said Then she hung up. on Jason's side he looked at his phone For a while Then he smile amusing 'what a bold woman' he thought

while Jason enjoy, there was a person who was very interested in knowing who the woman was, after waiting for a long time without getting any information from his friend who had already started signing the files on his desk, he decided to ask

"Who is that woman" he asked and Jason raised his head and looked at him with a cold eyes

"It's non of your business" said Jason Then he picked up the phone and call his assistant "within five minutes I need all the information about that woman, also make sure you prepare normal clothes for me" he hung up just after giving instructions to his assistant

"Hey, how can you hide something from me, I'm your friend!" Gidion Complained while looking at Jason With disdain, it was very difficult for him to restrain from the curiosity he has but when he saw that the person he was talking to was ignore him, he decided to accept defeat

"Okay, but please don't wear that ugly face mask again, at least show your face now!" Said Gidion then he left the office


after getting the address of a place to meet, Jason arrived there wearing normal clothes and his appearance also changed due to the skin mask he wore and made him look normal even though his good and powerful body could not hide from people's eyes.

he looked at the coffee shop that wasn't very popular then he smirk

.After entering in the shop, he looked around. Then he smile when he saw a girl whose beauty was not hidden despite wearing big glasses and white scarf. From the information he got and the pictures he saw, it was not difficult to recognize her, he slowly approached her.

" Ms Arya?"

Arya was startled from her thoughts then she looked at the person who called her


"You're Arya, right?" Jason asked again while looking at her

"Umm, who are you?" asked Arya

"Jason" Jason said as he shook Arya's hand

"Ooh it's you, sit down" Arya said and shook Jason's hand

'he's not that bad' she said to herself without knowing that the person he was talking about was not an ordinary person and he had already read her mind

"Would you like some coffee?" Arya asked as she looked at Jason

"No, Thanks"


Suddenly she found herself running out of words, she picked up a cup of coffee and drank it quickly

"Cough cough cough" she coughed a lot after drinking hot coffee, Jason got up quickly and approached her

"Slowly, be careful" said Jason as he gently patted her on the back to calm her down, after a while Arya begin to breath normal

"Thank you" she said while taking a tissue and wiping hre mouth while feel ashamed of what happened

' he is not that handsome but why I can't calm down' thought Arya then she took a deep breath

" Be my husband" said Arya after gathering all the courage she had, it wasn't easy for her to say those words she didn't expect one day she will end up being the first to ask for marriage especially with a stranger


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