
The Not So Sneaky Spy

My eyes widened seeing my mysterious visitor. Dressed in a white robe, a hat with the kanji for fire. The man was visibly old with his white beard that pointed from his chin like the edge of a spear.

My mother and father gasped in shock before immediately kneeling before him on one knee, their heads bowed. The Hokage dismissed them with a wave of his hand, his eyes focused on me more than anything...

"H-Hokage-sama? I didn't know you'd be making an appearance here! If we knew we would've been more accommodating." My father spoke, radiating confusion. Hiruzen shrugged.

"How could I not come when such a huge commotion occurred... What happened?" He questioned, making his way towards me. He put his hand on my forehead and flashed me a small comforting smile, but in all honesty? It kind of made me uncomfortable...

He's not giving off bad vibes, but he's kind of creepy.

My father and mother locked eyes before my father took the lead in the conversation. He recited everything that happened, all up to the point of my passing out, even what happened after I passed out.

"At first we thought it was just because of his chakra- H-His immense chakra that caused him to black out... Usually one would have to guide their child's chakra and slowly open the chakra pathways, but with him, his busted open. The amount of pain and stress his body and brain was under was something we could only imagine..." My father began, his eyes shaking as tears threatened to fall again, his gaze locked on me.

I stared at the blanket that covered me, my thoughts completely elsewhere.

'Raijunshiki is the God that possesses me, I've never heard of him but just based off his aura alone... He's definitely going to be a troublesome God to get one over on. It doesn't help he can read my mind, but he can't seem to penetrate any deeper than my surface level thoughts.

I just don't know how long that protection lasts.'

"-A Dojutsu we don't know about? Really?" Tapping back into the conversation, I heard Hiruzen mention my Jogan. He squinted as he turned my head to the left, showing my right eye to him. His hand turned me to the right, showing my other eye.

"Eh? H-Hokage-sama?" I question, feigning confusion. He just smiled and let go, though his interest and curiosity couldn't be hidden from the likes of us in the room.

"This... Eye of yours, can you activate it?" Taking a puff from his pipe, with a step back, he gave me and my family some room. I looked at my parents for insight, but they just looked at me with conflicted gazes.

My mother held my hand as she hardened her gaze.

"With all due respect Hokage-sama... I think it'd be better to let him rest a little longer before having him explore these abilities. We don't know if the Dojutsus very awakening was the reasoning for his collapsion, or-or the mark on his palm..." My mother struggled to keep herself from letting her frustration and worry effect her speech. Noticing this, my father stepped in.

"What she's trying to say is, give Kaidou some more time... We don't even know about this Dojutsu of his, or the mark. The chakra awakening is really the only thing we understand..." An apologetic smile laced my fathers face; Hiruzen nodded his head in understanding, letting out a puff of smoke.

"No worries. I understand where you two are coming from. I'll save my questions for later. I'll send some ninja to fix the hole he created in the backyard and overlook this whole thing. I can't punish a new aspiring light that Konoha is sure to brighten." He said with a smile, turning to leave.

Once he was out, the nurse let us know that my condition was actually stable but they wanted me to stay here a couple more days just to make sure nothing else would happen. Hearing that, my mother and father visibly relaxed as they sank into their chairs. My mother sinking in to the hospital bed I laid in.

"...That was one hell of a birthday." My father chortled sarcastically. My mother snorted with closed eyes as she dozed off to sleep. My father doing the same a few minutes later.

'This is going to be a pain in my ass to cover up. So many answers needed in so little time.' I complained mentally. Letting out a deep breath, I put my legs in a crisscross position and began to meditate. Rotating my chakra throughout my body slowly to keep check off the immense amount that was currently flowing.

Seeing the true amount of chakra within me, there's no way someone as strong as the Hokage didn't notice this. I might have subconsciously lowered the amount that could be felt/sensed, but even then-

It was half-assed.

My frown began to ease as I fell into rhythm. My chakra being the main focus of my mind as it looked like a calm but smooth flowing river running down it's bank. It was satisfying and it filled me with this feeling of comfort. Like it was caressing my head telling me everything would be okay, that I could trust it.

The longer I sat, the deeper I began to fall into the darkness, however I was pulled out by the chills that suddenly rundown my spine. Literally making me shiver.

There were eyes on me. And a lot at that.

Pumping chakra into my right eye, I felt my vision expand and change, my left eye automatically closing in response. My perspective expanded, showing me the whole room as if I was looking through the camera of a drone. My father and mother turned into nothing but blue flaming lights and every single chakra vein lit up for me.

Showing me everything, from the tenketsu points to the very center of the chakra system. My perception slowed as well. The single fly in the room moving at the speed of a snail. My eyes glazed across the room to every nook and cranny, I even went as far as to peer through the very walls, roofs and floors.

'Gotcha.' I smirked, seeing a group of three ninja throwing up a single hand sign, their chakra spiking before they slowly dispersed into smoke. They wore the standard anbu-black ops wardrobe while each one had separate animal masks.

Ranging from a white faced red eared fox, a white mask with a red wave of wind and a black faced red eared cat.

Seeing them disappear, I sighed as I felt sweat drip down my forehead. Deactivating my Jogan, I fell back into bed. My thoughts running rampant.

'...Fucking Anbu. I just hope that they work for Hiruzen and not that manipulative, dark evil bastard that's hellbent on the Hokage spot. Oh yeah, can't forget power loving...' Danzo was the last person I wanted to catch the attention of but its not like I had a choice in that matter. The discretion I wanted for my Dojutsu went up in flames when that Goddess decided to make everything awaken at the same time.

I was lucky a little pothole was the only damage that happened during my chakra releasing. Anything more than that and I was sure to be sealed and locked up. The fact that my chakra was subconsciously reigned in was a blessing.

My breathing began to slow as it fell into rhythm. The comfort and fatigue taking over my mind and body as I drifted off into sleep.

I decided I'd come up with excuses/answers another day.

Chapter 5!

I hate this chapter. It feels so BLEH!

Anyways... I still hope you all enjoyed. If you didn't, ok.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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