
A Mystique Appeal: An Unfound love

Early in the 1980s' , there lived a young lady in a small town of Paris, known as 'Melissa'. Well, "Melissa" is one kind of pretty name with such a beautiful meaning which every mother wants to name .But regrettably, Melissa never saw her mother. This is not a Cindrella story, but a tale of a bright-hearted girl...

"This place seems like so cold, I can hardly breathe. Don't you think it's extremely cold here?" asked Mr.Willson, the railway master, having a glimpse outside the window. "Yeah, it is. But what if you try to believe that you feel warm inside? That can be done too," said the 17 year old Melissa, looking at her beloved dad. Mr.Willson asked surprisingly, " Who told you these things?" Melissa sighed and replied back after a while, " Someone you adore so much" . It didn't even take a second who was the person he really loved and cared about. Mr.Willson tried to be by the side of her daughter even on the hardest moments, not to make her feel lonely, not to make her realize the absence of her mother. Melissa, however , felt kinda' lonely when her dad went outside for work.. But, the 17 year old learned much of household works in the absence of her mum, who passed away when Melissa was only 11. She learned chess, karate, and reading periodicals was one of her most favourite passions. But she hadn't found one thing, pure desired love. Well, said before, Melissa needed to be accompanied by somebody. She saw her neighboring mates hanging out with their boyfriends, expressing and sharing love with each other. However , that didn't make Melissa feel jealous, but pinned her heart like an arrow.

One day, Melissa got alongside a brook, for fishing , nobody was with her. She realized later that the only silence was the absolute thing that was needed while doing this work, otherwise the sea creatures will get aware about the presence of their fishing thing. Suddenly, when she was about to pull the fish out of the water, she lost the track . One beautiful human sat beside her, saying, " You're so good at fishing." Melissa was overwhelmed with joy and could hardly believe that somebody could praise her works, let alone a boy. Melissa asked nervously, "How'd you know?" He said, " I was watching you. Sorry for disturbing, you lost it." Melissa smiled and said, "It's okay." How long she was waiting for someone to get him? Is this the only thing she wants? Melissa thought for a while. No. he's a stranger, she should be polite, making herself out. Melissa got ready to ask him to introduce himself ,at once the boy started introducing himself," Bonjour! Meet Adrien. I live here, in Paris. Seems like you've a cool passion." Saying this, he shaked his hands with Melissa. She felt the warmth of his hands, like those are the really the ones that she was searching for passionately all those years. "Bonjour! I am Melissa. You see the house over there? I live there." "Wow! You live in such a nice house. I really love wooden house as much as you do." "Oh! I see," Melissa smiled back. "So . you a sophomore?' "Yeah, how did you know that?" "Strong guess." That was Melissa's love at the first sight . The two young teens stared at each other for a while , maintaining a deep silence. They were sitting in front of a beautiful water body where the sun was just setting down. A mesmerizing pink-blue sky. They brought their mouth closer. Melissa asked herself for the final time," Is this really gonna happen? Should I do this? No.....I can't but do this. When nothing has stopped us from this divine love , I can obviously proceed." They kissed, in front of the blazing sun being set down. When they moved out, they stared at each other again, looking exactly into their eyes." O my gosh! You are beautiful." " Thank you, ", Melissa giggled. "Look at you. The smile...." This time they kissed more passionately, feeling each other from the deepest of the heart, without any nervousness." "Thank you , Adrien".

Adrien has just got 18. He is a graduate student of The University of Paris. Melissa, however liked Adrien very much. Melissa has got amenities as Adrien moved to his new apartment a month ago, not so much far away from Melissa's. By the way, her birthday was approaching. Again, Mr. Willson is planning a lot for her only daughter's birthday. One Sunday, Melissa had to go to her academy to finish some practical. Adrien was keeping an eye on her. When she went out, Adrien at once knocked at the door hastily, "Mr. Willson?" Mr.Willson opened the door a bit later. "Yes?" "Hello! I'm Melissa's...." "Boyfriend?" Mr. Willson had a questioning smile. What did just he say? I was gonna tell that she was just a friend. Did Melissa tell him all about me? Cool! "Yeah, I am Adrien Thompson." "Come on , sit down." "Thanks," Adrien told a bit nervously. "Coffee?" "No, it's okay." "Look son, you don't need to be afraid. All you are doing is fine .Melissa lost her mother so many years ago, " saying this, he took a deep sigh." I'm sorry , Mr.Willson."" It's alright ,son. " He continued, " I have remained busy all those years for my work. I can barely afford time. And that's why, I am very happy that you are together. You look good." " May I know Melissa's Birthdate?" "19November".

19 November came. Melissa was thinking the day before her birthday how it would be like if she called Adrien? She was thinking a lot about him the entire day. On the following day, Mr.Willson has become really busy to arrange her only daughter's birthday party. On the other hand, Melissa was figuring out which dress should she put on for the party. A last, she stuck to the purple one. Mr. Willson knew Adrien would be a great surprise for her , so he just remained quiet. From the morning, Melissa started calling her friends. Mr.Willson invited some of his colleagues and relatives. The day was full of drink, wine, sweet muffins. and the special birthday cake. Melissa quickly put on her dress. She looked really enticing with her blonde hair and a blue ribbon. " Here comes my princess," Melissa hugged her dad. She went to join her friends. Suddenly, FIREWORKS! Melissa looked upward. Wow! Who arranged all of these?" "Happy Birthday Melissa, I love you" Melissa was about to faint . Did she just see Adrien? Is it possible? She burst into tears. "Thank you so much, Adrien. I love you too." They kissed. Then the party began. Adrien handed all the gifts to Melissa, a bunch of flowers, a DVD player and a roller coaster, finally some love letters with a beautiful self-written song...

Love you to the sunshine

Bring you to my heart

Sing you like a moonlight

For the nightingale's bird.

Bring some more forgotten tales here.......

Rai_Purnatacreators' thoughts