
Chapter 1:First Light

The dawn of *Eclipse* was breaking, not with the gentle rays of sunrise, but with the electrifying buzz of neon and the frenetic pace of Seoul's entertainment district. In the heart of Gangnam, a sleek skyscraper stood tall, its reflective glass façade glinting in the morning light. This was the headquarters of Starbeat Entertainment, where dreams were born, tested, and, for the fortunate few, realized.

In a spacious practice room on the building's twelfth floor, the members of *Eclipse* were already hard at work. Their reflections danced in the mirrored walls, each movement precise, each expression intense. This room had witnessed their sweat, tears, and relentless perseverance. Today, it would see the culmination of their efforts as they prepared for their debut showcase.

"Alright, everyone, take a five-minute break," Mayeetah (known as May) called out, her voice steady despite the weariness that tugged at her edges. She watched her team collapse onto the floor, their bodies glistening with perspiration. They had been rehearsing non-stop for weeks, perfecting every detail of their performance.

Deimous(known as Esfar), sprawled out like a starfish, groaned dramatically. "Five minutes? Might as well be five seconds." His humor lightened the tension in the room, earning a few chuckles.

"Make the most of it," Uki (known as Starline) chimed in, his voice soft but cheerful. He handed water bottles around, his ever-present smile a beacon of positivity. "We're almost there."

Fulgur (known as Flancito) sat quietly in a corner, scribbling in his notebook. His face was a mask of concentration as he tweaked the lyrics for their debut song. Words were his refuge, his way of making sense of the whirlwind around them.

Diana (known as Artemis), wiping her face with a towel, caught sight of her reflection and sighed. "I hope I don't look too tired for the photoshoot later." Despite her weariness, her natural charm and poise were undeniable.

"You look perfect as always." Quinn(known as Lilac)reassured her, her youthful voice carrying a note of maturity. She was the youngest, but her determination and drive often made her seem much older. She turned to May, her eyes shining with resolve. "We've got this, right, unnie?"

May nodded, feeling a swell of pride. They had come so far together, overcoming countless obstacles. She knew that their bond was their greatest strength. "Yes, Lilac. We've got this."

The door to the practice room swung open, and in walked Saeko Tanaka, their manager and guiding force. Her sharp eyes assessed the group, noting their fatigue but also their unyielding spirit. "How are we feeling, team?"

"Ready as we'll ever be," May responded, standing up straighter. She respected Saeko immensely; the woman had an uncanny ability to push them to their limits while ensuring they didn't break.

Saeko's expression softened. "Good. Remember, this is just the beginning. The world will be watching, but I have faith in you all. Make them see what I see – a group destined for greatness."

The weight of her words settled over them, filling the room with a charged silence. It was a moment of collective reflection and resolution. They were not just performers; they were a family, bound by a shared dream and an unbreakable bond.

"Alright, break's over," Saeko announced, clapping her hands. "Let's run through it one more time before the press conference."

As they took their positions, a sense of unity and purpose enveloped them. The first notes of their debut song filled the room, and with it came the thrill of anticipation. Each step, each note, each glance was charged with the promise of what was to come.

Together, they moved as one, a seamless blend of individual talent and collective synergy. This was their moment, their chance to shine. And as the final chords resonated, they knew without a doubt that they were ready.

*Eclipse* was poised to rise, and nothing could dim their light.

<To be continued>