

Prepare for a wild ride as Katashi Shuuta, a regular boy, stumbles upon a supernatural secret that upends his life. But forget typical ghost stories; this is a rollercoaster filled with real magic, demons, and angels, all set on turning his world inside out. As Katashi unearths hidden mystical realms and unearthly threats that threaten global catastrophe, he faces a pivotal choice: cower in fear or rise to the challenge. Katashi, no coward, resolves to protect our world from sinister organizations bent on darkness. His mission? To become the mightiest force in the mystical society. Get ready for an electrifying journey where reality blends with fantasy as Katashi Shuuta takes on the supernatural, battling for a brighter, safer future. Can he navigate this perilous sea of hatred to embrace love, or will darkness prevail?

LeFattyBoi · Fantasy
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36 Chs

The Will of a Mystic

"Have you heard what Shigeo did? Oi, Konseki! Are you even listening? You bastard!"

"Hahh? Shigeo this, Shigeo that, can you stop putting Shigeo's willy on your damn mouth, it's annoying."

Inside an Izakaya, there was always a commotion, voices of all ranges clashed, many villagers drank to ease their sorrow, and others ate and enjoyed the atmosphere.

"What did you say asshole? I was trying to relay important information...gulp*" A middle-aged yukata-wearing villager chugged on his sake, slamming the cup as he finished drinking.

"Honestly, there is always something going on with Shigeo." The other man sighed and dropped his sake. He silenced himself and waited for his comrade to speak this "important" info.

"Shigeo murdered the 8th Shogun, all by himself."

A deep silence fell upon both, the man wearing a kasa on his head glared at his friend in confusion, and then his confusion turned into disdain.

"Ehh? Am I supposed to laugh at your jokes? Are you a comedian now?" The man then started laughing frantically.

"N-no...I'm being serious here, he actually killed Mito Sho. I overheard some officials gossiping outside the main gate, I was about to take my shift but this news hit me like a train! So I decided to drink to such news!" The man exclaimed as he raised his sake.

"I-I don't think you're supposed to drink to that..." The other guy frowned at him.

A random man with a robe and a cloak hiding his identity was listening to those two, drinking and passing the time.

It was none other than Azula, a younger version of Azula to be exact. He ordered a bowl of ramen and some sake, putting aside his cloak, he thanked the bartender after he was served his food.

While gazing at his delicious meal, he saw Shigeo through the reflection of the ramen, he pondered on the recent event.

"I can't believe Shigeo-dono, he actually managed to do it...that Mito Sho was known as the Demon of the nimble steps, and with only a sword and armor he killed him? How is that even possible?" Azula drank from the cup and sighed blissfully. But that blissful feeling suddenly got erased by a random commotion.

"News! News everyone! Asada Shigeo has an arrest warrant for the murder of Fukawasa Yukiji! He just murdered the spouse of the Grand Mystic Elder!" A random youth entered the bar, yelling despicable news.

The hubbub suddenly grew eerie, absolute silence washed over the Izakaya, many villagers were stunned, and a random guy almost choked on his food.

"..!" Azula's eyes widened all the way slowly, had he heard wrong? Was he hallucinating after drinking too much? He must be delirious from all the sake...

He put the cloak on and stood from his seat walking off. Heading to the [Domain] of his Master in a hurry, who knows what else Shigeo will pull.

Azula gnashed his teeth and clenched his fists, this was something that Azula could not believe, Shigeo was a nice person, not to mention...he would never kill anyone, or rather, he didn't have what it takes to kill.

The fact still remains, he just murdered the mother of his Master!


Inside the lively Domain, there sat a younger version of Granny Iho...she looked the same.

She was meditating and relaxing under the brisk waterfall. Her posture changed as she sensed someone making their way to her.

"Azula? Come, and sit next to me, we shall train your mind and body." She then tapped the water next to her, indicating where to sit.

"Master...There is no time for training. I have some important news." Azula spoke grievously,

"Mm? What is it? I sense turbulence within you, are you alright Azula-boy?"


Granny Iho's eyes hardened and narrowed into gashes, her face contorted with rage, her heart raced inside her chest, she willed her hands from shaking, and her love for his student diminished as a breeze blew past her, sending the water and leaves away, in a fit of rage she released her Mana, completely demolishing the area around her, the waterfall split, the rocks shattered, and her heart crumbled.

She had created a monster.

A powerful monster that once had a heart.

Granny Iho could not believe what Azula just declared, Shigeo wasn't a killer, he was a warm, pure guy with the heart of a noble light, a golden will, and a gullible soul, he wouldn't dare to kill anyone.

"What happened exactly?" She forced herself to calm down, she almost erased the Domain by accident, so she calmed her nerves and took a deep breath.

"Have you confirmed it?" Her breathing stabilized.

"Yes, before I came here, I decided to visit the Shogun's quarters...which apparently...he also died by Shigeo's hands."

"Shigeo managed to kill a Shogun...and mother." Iho had decided to put a stop to Shigeo, she had to build up her courage, and she had to prepare...mentally and physically. There was something she had to do before.

"Azula, find Shigeo and stop him, I'll go prepare something special. I think I know how Shigeo managed to murder Mito Sho."

"Yes ma'am. I will stop Shigeo-dono."

After that, Granny Iho made her way towards her dojo, she passed through a beautiful Japanese garden, walked through a small bridge under a stream of water, the sakura trees bloomed as the wind blew, and her heart pounded as memories of Shigeo turned sour, bitter, her love was slowly hollowing.

She remembered a warm smile, which caused her to finally lose her composure.

Tears finally trickled down her cheeks.

"Shigeo...why? Why did it come to this? I thought you said, "Don't worry..." Did you give in to temptation?" Granny Iho reached the dojo and cracked a hole under the tatami floor, she walked through some old abandoned stairs and found herself staring at a dungeon, one that she'd created herself to seal a Demon...that had already died a millennia ago.


In other matters, after searching for a full hour, Azula finally found Shigeo around the outskirts of the city of Hiroyama.

Both faced each other. Azula glared while Shigeo grinned.

"Why...Why Shigeo! Did hatred consume you? Did you give in to your desires? Did you forget your Master's teachings?! Bastard!!" Azula enveloped his fists in azure flames, the flames of the Aoi clan.

Shigeo only glared with cold eyes, he swayed his Katana to his waist and did an ominous stance.

"Just because we are fellow students of Iho...doesn't mean I will spare you, Azula!" Shigeo's eyes suddenly transformed into an encirclement of fiery dots, each dot represented the hate of Mohk, a Demonic Deity that consumed souls a millennia ago.

"What?" Azula narrowed his eyes, continuing to glare at the new form that Shigeo had. "What are those eyes?"

Shigeo only grinned. "It is none of your concern, Azula. Unless you want to be consumed by the great Demon Mohk, which is why people created the saying 'Ignorance is bliss', Hahahaha!" Shigeo laughed like a maniac.

"Mohk? But he's just a myth! No one found evidence of his existence!"

"Well, the evidence is right here...In my eyes!" Shigeo widened his eyes and glared at Azula, suddenly materializing a sacred-cursed flame.

Violet flames, flames of Sheol; the infinite hell.

"Tch." Azula blocked the violet flames with his azure flames, creating a wall of fire.

"Quick as ever Azula, not bad...not bad indeed!" Shigeo raised his hand and slammed the ground, erupting flames like an active volcano, turning the whole hill into a scorched zone.

Shigeo did not give Azula time to react, he swiftly made his way through the violet flames, Azula coated himself with his own flames, countering the eruption, but then!


Shigeo slashed part of Azula's abdomen, he then gripped Azula's arm and skillfully slashed off his samurai armor, creating a fountain of blood.

Azula's armor was cracked, his stance was weakened and his body ached from pain!

Azula roared flames from his mouth and pushed Shigeo away with a powerful explosion.

Shigeo slid on the grass until he pressed hard, and a small burning mark appeared on his face.

"Heh, it seems my demonic powers are still no match to your dragon powers…" Shigeo finished his sentence with a cold glare.

"Demon Flames or Dragon Flames? Let's see which one is the strongest." Azula didn't respond, he kept his mind on the battle.

"What? Can't you have a little fun? You're always like this Azula."

"Shut your mouth already. You are not the real Shigeo!" Shigeo's ears pricked after hearing Azula, he slowly turned in his direction and stared with dark eyes, he released his Mana in an attempt to intimidate Azula.

"Azula! I am the real Shigeo!"

"Lies! The real Shigeo would never kill! Nor would he use Demonic Magic! You're just a faker, a very well-made copy…I refuse to believe that you're Shigeo!"

Shigeo could only laugh at his response. "Oh my dear friend, how ignorant are you? Have you not heard the news? Oh right, only relevant news makes its way into the people's ears. So tell me, have you heard of my mother's murder? Or my sister's murder? How about my lover? Or my childhood friend? Ehh? Tell me!" Shigeo glared with pure rage and madness.


"Nothing, right? The Grand Mystic Elder was the culprit of all crimes, he was the one who pulled the strings…so, after all this time, I decided to play at his own game, eye for an eye, soul for a soul." He pictured the head of Elder Mystic on his hand and crushed the head by gnashing his hand.

"Is this why you killed Iho-sensei's Mother! Bastard!"

"Bastard? Me? The bastard should be you! For not understanding my hate! He destroyed my family! My future! And my past! I have nothing! The only thing that kept me from despair was my family! The only thing that kept me from manslaughter was my sister, the only thing that kept my humanity was my lover, and the only thing that kept my sanity was my friend."

Azula gazed down, he didn't know how to respond anymore, was his life truly stripped away like that? Horrific…truly horrific...but, that doesn't mean the victim should also do the same...it's like an endless cycle...of killing, a death that never stops, a hatred that never rests.

"I'm sorry Shigeo, but I can't understand your feelings, I understand that you're going through a lot right now…but you shouldn't do this! Taking life for another life will continue a cycle of death!"

Shigeo gnashed his fists. "I know you wouldn't understand. But this is the only way, to cleanse this pathetic city, I'm going to erase this stench, I will kill everyone in this city so that no one can cause suffering anymore."

"..!" Azula was stunned, did he hear Shigeo correctly? He is going to kill everyone?

"If the cycle of death is everlasting...then let me bring death to those who continue it, that means everyone, like this, the cycle shall not continue."

'Is this bastard serious? He really intends to kill everyone?' Azula steadied his blade, his pain was forgotten, he gazed directly at his old friend, and stomped the ground ready to slash.

"You really think I'm gonna let you?" Azula responded with a fiery attack! He flashed through the grass at an incredible speed.

'[Ghost Dash Level Two!]' Azula appeared before Shigeo, landing a serious hit on his chest, he then thrust his Katana at his chest and pierced Shigeo, creating a stream of blood on the grass.

"[Heavenly Dance of the Azure Dragon!]" Azula gave no time for Shigeo to react, his Katana exited out of his chest and started dancing with the motion of his hands, blue flames followed creating a beautiful play of fire.

Shigeo spat blood as many slashes landed on his legs and arms, the hole in his chest gushed out quite a lot of crimson liquid.

"You really think this will kill me!" Shigeo cast purple flames on his wounds, instantly healing him.

Azula narrowed his eyes, glaring at his new enemy.

"[Omens of the Excommunicated]" Shigeo's body shone a purple glint, his body had gone an alteration, he grew black crow-like wings, his head developed black tinted horns, and his eyes increased of fiery dots.

Azula sensed an immeasurable aura of rage, pure and raw anger, and the wish to kill, to commit mass genocide, his killing intent rose with every second that passed.

If a normal bystander stood near them, one would suffocate to death. The mass of such negative emotions could cause one to commit death upon their own life.

"Azula!!" Shigeo yelled with rage.

"Shigeo!!" Azula responded with a shattering scream.




Both Katanas clashed, creating sparks, the sound of metal reverberated across the grassy land, both had the face of a predator, and their hearts did not waver through every attack and counter.

Their old memories faded as the sunset came to pass and finally disappeared into the sky, their rivalry had traveled to the land of hatred, and their friendship ruptured with every blow that landed on their wounded bodies.

It was a battle to settle old conflicts, an ending for all their cherished memories.

Azula created an opening onto Shigeo's neck, he was ready to pierce to put an end to this heartbreaking battle.

His body suddenly halted, his chest clogged with sudden emotions, his heart pounded with anguish, he felt that something was not right, something wasn't adding up to him...he had seen tears seeping from Shigeo's golden eyes.

His face did not change at all, but tears did in fact flow down his corroded cheeks.

Shigeo's eyes, even though they looked demonic and fiery, the look on his eyes gave sorrow, and pain, almost as if he was being manipulated without his consent, like a puppet to a puppeteer.


Shigeo kept his momentum and struck Azula's Katana with a swift motion, disarming him completely.

"What?" Azula's eyes widened in shock, he left himself open for an attack.

"Die!" Shigeo yelled as he swung his Katana aiming at Azula's neck.


"A flame decoy? Grrr...damn you Azula. I will kill you! You hear me Azula!" Shigeo then sheathed his Katana and raised his decaying hands.

"[Mohk's Inferno!]" Shigeo formed a symbol of hell, it was writing that only demons could read, after that, a huge portal of hellish textures appeared in the sky.

"That's not good..." Azula hid on top of a tree, gazing at the bright purple portal of hell. He sensed immeasurable danger from that fissure in the sky.

Purple flames suddenly poured like a volcano that erupted with splendor.

With every touch, the grass lost color, and life itself was being drained, turning the hill into a lifeless apocalyptic zone.

Azula could feel his life force being drained from where he hid.

"Argh! It...stings...I can't breathe..." Azula tried to cover himself with the same flames but to no avail, his Mana was instantly sucked by the Flames of Mohk.

"Is this it...? I could not stop my dear friend..." Azula regretted his strength, he was not strong enough to counter Mohk's flames.


A huge gust of wind befell the hill, the portal had broken in an instant, shattering like little pieces of glass.

"What?" Shigeo then jumped some yards back, after witnessing the portal breaking, he glared all around him, searching for the culprit.

'Impossible! Nobody should be able to break the portal! Only Mystics that were consumed by Moks will, can break the portal!'

"Shigeo, What do you think you're doing?" Granny Iho walked towards him slowly, with purple flames at hand, and fiery dots on her turquoise-colored eyes.

"..!" He shuddered a bit, and he responded. "You...I see....hahaha! You gave up your life to stop me?! Have you realized what you've done? There is no going back!" Shigeo brandished his Katana infused with the flames of Sheol.

"You're wrong, Shigeo. I won't die from pitiful setbacks, have you forgotten who I am? I'm the Sage of all Deities! And the one who will take you down." Granny Iho materialized her twin blades and infused them with purple flames.

"G-granny Iho...please...don't kill..." Azula stuttered before passing out.

Shigeo gazed at his Master with disgust, she had swallowed a finger of Mohk, it has been said that if one consumes a single finger, one can obtain unimaginable power, but this was not done by Shigeo, no.

Shigeo had the soul of Mohk inside him. So he needn't consume fingers.

"Shigeo, stop this at once, I will not give you a second chance...or else. I will have to kill you." Granny Iho materialized her twin blade and doused the blade with purple flames of Sheol, the infinite hell.

Shigeo followed up the same way, he wrapped the Katana in fiery purple fire.

A battle was imminent, but the outcome was unwished for, that is for the future to continue.


"I-I was no match for you sensei..." Blood splurged from his mouth, and Shigeo chuckled faintly as he saw his master shedding tears for him.

Iho was holding Shigeo in her short arms, and Shigeo was lying on her thighs as his life slowly faded.

"M-master...I'm sorry. I lost myself...my emotions went out of control...I'm so sorry...sensei..."

Granny Iho gently placed her hands on his forehead...slowly.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing Shigeo...I placed my trust in you, for you to control that demon inside your soul, I truly believed you had the ability to keep him under control...I was wrong...I should've done something about it...I knew you had power beyond mine, you didn't even need that demon to be strong...because...you were strong already." Her sorrowful tears dropped into Shigeo's corroding face, Shigeo could feel the emotions from her tears. Iho continued as she wept.

"I neglected your training, because of me...you turned out like this. It's my fault...not yours."

"S-sensei...I-I have one last request...before I die. There is something I must leave behind..."

Granny Iho leaned forward and listened carefully, narrowing her painful eyes...she cried out as she heard Shigeo's last words.

"My will is to change the Mystic world, pass this will onto a fine Mystic...one that can carry on and truly change the Mystic world...for a better future...this is my last request...sensei. And also, t-thanks for...everything...at least now...I can go and meet the loved ones that I lost..." He ended his last words with a faded smile, his last breath exhaled with silence, he had died in Iho's arms.