

Prepare for a wild ride as Katashi Shuuta, a regular boy, stumbles upon a supernatural secret that upends his life. But forget typical ghost stories; this is a rollercoaster filled with real magic, demons, and angels, all set on turning his world inside out. As Katashi unearths hidden mystical realms and unearthly threats that threaten global catastrophe, he faces a pivotal choice: cower in fear or rise to the challenge. Katashi, no coward, resolves to protect our world from sinister organizations bent on darkness. His mission? To become the mightiest force in the mystical society. Get ready for an electrifying journey where reality blends with fantasy as Katashi Shuuta takes on the supernatural, battling for a brighter, safer future. Can he navigate this perilous sea of hatred to embrace love, or will darkness prevail?

LeFattyBoi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


Shuuta's peaceful slumber was rudely interrupted by a violent shake that sent him tumbling from his chair. "Gak! What's going on?!" he exclaimed, his heart racing as his eyes locked onto an imposing woman, her hands crackling with ominous mana.

"Who are you? And where am I?" she demanded, her tone sharp as a blade.

"Relax! I'm Katashi Shuuta, the one who saved you!" Shuuta hurriedly introduced himself, eager to defuse the tension.

"Katashi... I see, so you're that kid." Her gaze was piercing and analytical, making Shuuta squirm uncomfortably.

"That kid? You know me?" Shuuta inquired, bewildered.

The elegant lady nodded, her words resonating with weight. "You unleashed that Menos in the sky. Your name is infamous in Hiroyama."

Infamous? Shuuta struggled to decide if that was a good or bad thing. "I didn't mean to open that thing. I was trying to save someone, including myself."

Yae relaxed her stance and extended a hand to help Shuuta to his feet. "You saved my life. I'm grateful, but I strongly advise you not to get too close to me. Just being near me could put you in grave danger. I barely managed to escape with my life."

Shuuta's determination couldn't be easily swayed. "I'm sorry, lady, but when I see someone in need, I can't help but offer my help, no matter the risk."

"But...you might die," Yae warned.

"That wouldn't be the first time!" Shuuta grinned boldly, his adventurous spirit shining through.

She sighs, looking hesitant but in the end she obliges, more help means escaping with their lives.

"Very well...At least let me give you some context." Yae turned her gaze to the window, her eyes tracing the clear azure sky.

"I was betrayed by my own clan, the Hashito clan. It's a powerful group, deeply superstitious, always seeking ways to enhance their magic through trafficking, learning, or purchasing magic. I, Yae Hashito, am the clan heir. But my most trusted servant, who was like a sister to me, betrayed me, falsely accusing me of collaborating with Asmodeus."

The name Asmodeus sent shivers down Shuuta's spine. "It's quite an accusation. Do you know why she framed you?"

Yae shook her head slowly, her eyes revealing her inner turmoil. "She was my right hand, like a sister. She would never do something like this."

Shuuta pondered for a moment and made a suggestion, "What if she was forced to do it? Is there anyone who might have wanted your position?"

"I...I don't know. But now that you mention it, there is someone who comes to mind. Jurou. He's always causing trouble with the guards around my castle."

"Castle?" Shuuta detected a hint of wealth in her story.

"Maybe Jurou pressured your servant into making those false claims."

"I know Jurou. He's a troublemaker, but this is different. My life is in danger now. I can't believe Jurou would do this. He may dislike my branch, but we are all equals in terms of power and wealth."

Shuuta nodded in understanding, though he had difficulty grasping the complexity of the situation.

"In any case, it's alright, lady. We have Mystics in my school who can protect you. And there's Kentaro-san."

"Kentaro-san is here? Is he your Commander?"

"Commander? He's the principal of the school. I guess you could say he's like a Commander." Shuuta chuckled.

Shuuta noticed something peculiar; they seemed to use military ranks in Hiroyama, like Lieutenant, Captain, and Commander. Were these ranks determined by a Mystic's strength?

"Could you tell me how strong a Lieutenant is?" Shuuta asked, his tone laced with malice but a glimmer of hope.

He was trying to gauge the power of potential adversaries to determine their likelihood of success.

"It's hard to say, but if I were to estimate, they're around twenty-five percent weaker than a Commander."

Shuuta went silent, frozen by the revelation. He glanced at his Menu, verifying his statistics. To his dismay, he was still at level 1, despite his battles alongside Kurumi.

"Damn it all..." Shuuta muttered, frustration clear in his voice as he pounded his fist against the floor.

Yae watched him curiously, wondering what had shaken him so profoundly.

Shuuta collected himself, rubbing his chin, his courage gradually returning. "Let's go to Memorial High. Kentaro is there, and we have Noara."

Yae's eyes lit up seeing hope for the first time.

"Hanako! You lazy ghoul, we're leaving."

But Hanako remained soundly asleep.


The morning began with a jolt, as Hanako barked in Shuuta's room, her loud complaint filling the air.

"Ow, my head! What the hell was that for?!" Hanako grumbled, rubbing her temples.

Yae, the princess he had saved, looked utterly bewildered as she witnessed a girl getting karate-chopped awake.

"Um... Is this how you usually wake up your significant other?" she asked, genuinely curious.

Shuuta, taken aback, turned as pale as the freshly fallen snow. "Wait a minute, you can see her?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I?"

'What a strange question,' Yae thought, her eyes wide.

"She's my Familiar. A ghost," he explained.

"Oh," Yae responded matter-of-factly, to Shuuta's comically round-eyed amazement.

Unfazed, she continued, "Fascinating. The girl is a ghost. That's amusing."

"You still haven't answered my question," Hanako grumbled, still quite upset.

Yae approached Hanako, poking and prodding her, examining her as if she were an unusual specimen. "Umm... Hi?"

"Is she your only Familiar?" Yae asked, now more intrigued.

"No, actually, I have another one. A human girl."

Meanwhile, on top of light poles nearby, two men in Yukatas observed the scene. One of them held a wooden artifact and appeared quite stressed.

"The signal is weak, but I might know where she is, Commander," said the man with spiky orange hair and a black headband, his gaze fixed on a location.

"I found her. I didn't need that silly radar. Shall we go?" The other figure, referred to as Commander Himitsu, remained silent but nodded.

Kentaro, inside his office, felt an unsettling sensation, making him uneasy and concerned. Noara, who was with him, was bewildered by Kentaro's unusual behavior.

"What's wrong?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Kentaro's eyes were locked onto the wall, his thoughts racing.

"Himitsu? He's here, and he's moving rapidly."

Noara, unaware of who Himitsu was, showed no surprise.

"He's one of the Ten Heavenly Commanders," Kentaro muttered through clenched teeth, his fists balled in anger. "We cannot let that boy die at any cost."

Noara, still trying to grasp the situation, looked deeply concerned. "Ten Heavenly Commanders? I... I've heard of them, but I had no idea they were involved in this." Her voice quivered with unease as she contemplated the gravity of the situation.

Kentaro's stern expression did little to alleviate her anxiety.

"What should we do, Kentaro? How can we possibly protect Shuuta from someone like that?"

Kentaro's jaw clenched further, his worry mirrored in his eyes. "We need to act swiftly. They're relentless, and Shuuta may be in over his head. Noara, gather the available Mystics and prepare for any outcome. We'll need everyone at their best."

"Understood," Noara replied, her voice now resolved as she rushed to follow Kentaro's orders.

The morning sun cast a warm glow as Shuuta and Yae left the house, embarking on their journey. They chatted along the way, their conversation shifting to the topic of Flight Magic.

"Hanako is flying! I've never seen Flight Magic before!" Yae marveled, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

"I'm just drifting...or floating, actually! I don't even know!" Hanako admitted, her expression one of bewilderment.

"Wait, if it's magic, that means I can use it too!" Shuuta realized, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Hanako, caught off guard, exclaimed, "Oh, yeah! I forgot to tell you about it! Tee-hee."

"You silly ghoul! I could have avoided so many falls if I had that ability!" Shuuta scolded, though a playful smile tugged at his lips.

As they continued on their way, the azure sky above them suddenly froze in time. Birds hung suspended in mid-air, the grassy landscape was eerily still, and even the faintest sounds ceased to exist.

Shuuta's instincts screamed danger, and without hesitation, he gathered the two girls into his protective embrace and launched them high into the air.

Many spikes of stone poked the ground where they stood, and with a soft, deliberate thud, Shuuta landed gracefully on the ground. He assumed a resolute stance, placing himself as a shield between the two girls and the source of the attack.

Two figures emerged from the shadows nearby. One wore a menacing grin, cracking his knuckles with excitement, while the other remained stoic and composed, arms crossed, his calculating eyes locked onto Shuuta.

Shuuta knew that the odds were stacked against them. His heart pounded with the recognition of a formidable opponent, and his fists clenched as he prepared for the impending clash.

Yae, however, was gripped by an overwhelming fear. Her breathing quickened, her trembling hands, and her gaze locked in horrified fascination. She was face-to-face with one of the Ten Heavenly Commanders.

"Young man, run! There's no hope of winning," she whispered, her voice quivering.

The commander spoke with an air of chilling finality. "Actually, there's no escaping us, even if you run. We will find you, no matter where you go. Our duty is to complete the mission at any cost, even if it means our lives."

Shuuta remained undeterred, his spirit unwavering. He screamed in determination, ready to face his formidable opponent.

The commander's companion, Yasaiko, stepped forward with a confident smirk, his eyes locked onto Shuuta. "Impressive, he resisted our mana suppression. Commander, I'll take care of him."

Himitsu, the Commander, remained silent, his gaze locked onto Shuuta.

Hanako whispered a warning to Shuuta, "Get ready, Shuuta. He's coming!"

Shuuta assumed a combat stance, his body radiating determination as he prepared for the imminent battle.