

Prepare for a wild ride as Katashi Shuuta, a regular boy, stumbles upon a supernatural secret that upends his life. But forget typical ghost stories; this is a rollercoaster filled with real magic, demons, and angels, all set on turning his world inside out. As Katashi unearths hidden mystical realms and unearthly threats that threaten global catastrophe, he faces a pivotal choice: cower in fear or rise to the challenge. Katashi, no coward, resolves to protect our world from sinister organizations bent on darkness. His mission? To become the mightiest force in the mystical society. Get ready for an electrifying journey where reality blends with fantasy as Katashi Shuuta takes on the supernatural, battling for a brighter, safer future. Can he navigate this perilous sea of hatred to embrace love, or will darkness prevail?

LeFattyBoi · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Sudden turn

After filling their bellies, Shuuta returned to class and then trudged off to P.E., where the looming threat of Mikazuki's wrath awaited him. This time, however, she seemed to be keeping a low profile, dodging any contact with fellow students, especially the guys. It had become a reflex for Mikazuki to unleash a devastating haymaker on any poor bloke who dared to breach her personal space, thanks to Noara's questionable teachings.

Shuuta felt an itch to approach her but couldn't help but ponder the consequences. He wondered if he'd end up back in the infirmary at the receiving end of a celestial punch.

To hell with it, he thought. "Well, I guess it's high time I learned how to dodge a haymaker."

With a wry smile, Shuuta decided to brave the storm and get closer to her.

"Shuuta, where are you going? Let's play basketball!" Kazuma called out.

"Just hold on for a sec, Kazuma. I'll be right back," Shuuta assured him before wandering over to Mikazuki.

Kazuma leaned against a wall, his curiosity piqued, watching the impending drama unfold.

"Hey, Mika-san, how are you?" Shuuta initiated the conversation.

"Kyaaa!" Mikazuki yelped, her reflexes kicking into overdrive.


A knuckle darted straight for Shuuta's nose, but he deftly dodged it by tilting his head to the side.

"Nice punch! Although, it's probably not ideal to punch your students," Shuuta remarked, his humor lacing his words.

"I-I'm sorry!" Mikazuki stammered, her embarrassment evident.

However, something was different about her today. Shuuta couldn't help but wonder if Noara had whispered some dubious advice in her ear.

Swept up in his curiosity, Shuuta wanted to dig deeper.

"S-Shuuta-Kun!" she stammered.

"It's just Shuuta," he replied, playing it cool on the surface while internally tickled by the "Kun" suffix. "But sure, what's up?"

Mikazuki took a moment to gather herself before popping the big question. "About that d-date... are we still on?"

Shuuta couldn't help but be amused by her embarrassment. "Oh? Who would've thought I'd see the day when the Warm Embrace of Death would ask me out with a flushed face? Yuri's like watching a sunrise, and this is like an art exhibition," he thought, barely containing his chuckle.

"I thought Noara was going to set it up and let us know," he pointed out.

"Well, she told me it's today," Mikazuki confessed.

Shuuta's face darkened, and he was left with an internal dilemma. "What the heck do I do? Yuri can knock me into a coma, but Mika can also send me to the gods. Why are these girls built like MMA fighters?"

Ultimately, he needed to make a choice. A clingy childhood friend with an aggressive streak or a beautiful girl with anger management issues? Both were incredibly appealing, but it was time to choose.

In the recesses of his mind, Shuuta concocted a little game. He'd gauge Mikazuki's reaction, and depending on how she responded, he'd decide. The rules were simple: if he made a suggestive remark and she reacted with embarrassment, she'd be his date for the day. If she responded aggressively, she'd have to wait a bit longer.

But then he realized he could simply call Yuri and explain that he couldn't go out today. "Well, that's no fun," he thought.

"Sooo, Mika-chan... this is my first time, you know. Can you go easy on me?" Shuuta dropped a classic line with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"W-w-what?! What are you saying, Shuuta-kun? You're younger than me! You can't say stuff like that!" Mikazuki protested, flustered.

Inside, Shuuta wore a smug grin as he maintained his facade of misunderstanding. "What? I meant the date, of course! It's my first time dating someone... so basically, you're my first time."

"Y-your first time is with me?!" Mikazuki was now as red as a cherry in a blender.

Shuuta couldn't fathom his luck. He mused, "I didn't expect to find a beauty who has a thing for younger guys. I bet she reads manga about it. Is that a thing among older folks?"

"Mika-chan, I'll let you pick the place for our date... unless, of course, you want me to choose," Shuuta said, teasing her.

"Mika-chan... I think that's a bit much," Mikazuki replied, still not used to being called "Mika-chan."

"You don't like it?" Shuuta prodded.

"It's not that! Anyway, you pick. I'm terrible at making decisions," she admitted.

Shuuta enjoyed their playful exchange, feeling like they were the same age for a change. "Sure, I'll give you a call," he said with a smile. "See you soon, Mika-chan!"

As he walked away, Mikazuki's face was practically steaming with embarrassment.

Shuuta returned to Kazuma, who was now burning with curiosity. What had transpired between them? Why had Mikazuki, the notorious Warm Embrace of Death, been blushing like a high school crush? Kazuma was growing suspicious of his friend – had he always been such a ladies' man?

But he wasn't the only one intrigued. A small crowd of students had gathered around Kazuma, buzzing with gossip.

"What's the deal, you guys?" Shuuta glared at the nosy bunch.

The students scattered like leaves in the wind, but Kazuma stood his ground, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Ah, so you were getting cozy with the Warm Embrace of Death. How'd it go? Did she fall for your act, or did she see through it?" Kazuma prodded, eager for the juicy details.

"Shut up before I unleash a storm on you."

"Oh my, I'm trembling with fear."

"What's that? Ready for a rematch?"

"Oh? You think you can handle me, Shuuta-Kun?"

Shuuta grinned with an air of confidence. He pointed at his buddy, oozing overconfidence. "Alright then, rematch it is. How about this? The winner has to share half of their lunch for a whole month?"

"Just a month? Boring... but fine! It does sound like a fun match."

The students around them erupted with excitement. Shuuta, known for going head-to-head with the school's most athletic and handsome boy, promised entertainment. The prospect of a thrilling duel between a skilled student and his friend was too tempting to resist.

"Interesting! I'm in for this."

"Another duel? Count me in!"

Even some of the girls couldn't help but be intrigued.

"Is that the guy who nearly defeated Memorial's 'White Prince'?"

Shuuta heard one of the girls and cringed at the title. "The White Prince of Memorial... Really?" He shook his head, masking a chuckle. 'I'm going to start calling him that...'

"Well, not today. I've got a date with destiny. We can reschedule this some other time."

"Scared? Are you already running with your tail between your legs?"

"Is that a dirty joke? Anyway, I'm not running away, Kazuma. I have a date. I'll fill you in on the details later."

Kazuma smirked deviously, nodding at this intriguing piece of information. "Alright, you win."

Pausing with a serious face, he leaned in closer. "I'll be awaiting your intel, Sergeant Shuuta."

"Aye, sir, General Kazuma."

At noon, students gathered at the school entrance. Some went off to karaoke, while others formed packs, and a few wandered alone. Among them, Hanako was also waiting at the entrance, her eyes glittering with mischief. She was looking forward to messing with Shuuta during his date.

Shuuta, however, had other plans. He decided to visit Kurumi in the infirmary, a place that resembled a miniature hospital, courtesy of Noara's expertise in healing and support magic.

Unbeknownst to Shuuta, a dark presence lurked in the shadows near the infirmary, patiently observing him.

As he entered the infirmary, a shadow on the ground quietly trailed him. Shuuta glanced around but found no one. He closed the door behind him.

In reality, Kurumi appeared to be resting comfortably inside the covers, as if she were a peacefully napping kitten.

"Well, I guess some rest won't hurt..." Shuuta thought as he walked closer to her. However, a malevolent aura suddenly surrounded him, potent and devilish.

The intense pressure pushed Shuuta away from the bed. He grunted as he was forced against the wall but managed to land with his feet sticking to it, like a human spider on a mission.

"What the hell? Is this a poltergeist?"

Suddenly, a violent tremor shook the room. The earthquake-like motion made Shuuta stumble but not fall.

"Thank goodness there's no one else here."

Shuuta moved to the window next to the bed and glanced outside, but his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Where in the world am I?"

It was hell. Shuuta's surroundings were nothing less than a nightmarish version of reality. He could see lakes of molten lava, hear the screams and horrifying wails that pierced the air. The popping of the lava created a dizzying soundtrack, and the heat was unbearable.

His entire body seemed to be frozen in place, and grotesque, deformed demons roamed the desolate landscape. They were beyond any comparison to what Shuuta had ever envisioned. His magic probably wouldn't even make them flinch.

A rustling sound drew Shuuta's attention to the blankets on the bed, causing his eyes to widen in shock.

"K-Kurumi? You were here all along?" Shuuta rushed over to her.

"Good morning," Kurumi yawned, looking adorable.

A deafening boom shook the entire room, and Shuuta's concern deepened.

Why was Kurumi here? Was this another vision or something else entirely? It was clearly a dangerous situation.

"Kyaaa! What was that?" Kurumi got up from her bed and clung to Shuuta like a piece of gum.

All the windows suddenly cracked, and pieces of glass sliced Shuuta. He shielded Kurumi from harm by standing in front of her.

"Shuuta, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... I'm fine," he assured her.

Kurumi turned to look at Shuuta, and although he maintained a calm exterior, his eyes were sharp and filled with a dangerous glint.

She had never seen someone with such an expression. His eyes were terrifying, and he seemed to emit an aura of killing intent.

It was a moment of survival, a fight-or-flight scenario, and she could grasp the gravity of the situation.

"Shuuta... what do we do?"