

Prepare for a wild ride as Katashi Shuuta, a regular boy, stumbles upon a supernatural secret that upends his life. But forget typical ghost stories; this is a rollercoaster filled with real magic, demons, and angels, all set on turning his world inside out. As Katashi unearths hidden mystical realms and unearthly threats that threaten global catastrophe, he faces a pivotal choice: cower in fear or rise to the challenge. Katashi, no coward, resolves to protect our world from sinister organizations bent on darkness. His mission? To become the mightiest force in the mystical society. Get ready for an electrifying journey where reality blends with fantasy as Katashi Shuuta takes on the supernatural, battling for a brighter, safer future. Can he navigate this perilous sea of hatred to embrace love, or will darkness prevail?

LeFattyBoi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


Shuuta's vision refocused on the present, the memory of the fierce battle lingering like a haunting ghost. As he helped the battered blonde lad stand, the gravity of their situation sank in, leaving an unspoken understanding between them.

"Let's take care of him... once and for all," declared the blonde guy, a steely determination in his eyes.

"Yeah," Shuuta affirmed, locking his gaze on the hooded man, his resolve firm.

The hooded man retaliated, flinging two daggers towards the boys. Reacting swiftly, the blonde lad channeled his mana, creating a shield of radiant light that enveloped them both.

["Light Magic: Ōdate!"]

The daggers clanged against the barrier, leaving the duo unscathed. Seizing the opportunity, Shuuta lunged forward, aiming a powerful strike at the man's face. But the hooded figure countered with a shattering punch to Shuuta's gut, leaving him momentarily winded.

Undeterred, the blonde lad materialized an orb of blinding light on his index finger.

["Light Magic: Furea!"]

The intense light assaulted the man's vision, causing him to cry out in pain and confusion.

["Light Magic: Karui Hebi!"]

A serpent of light emerged, swiftly wrapping around the hooded man. The lad manipulated the ethereal snake, lifting the man into the air before slamming him forcefully onto the ground, creating intricate patterns on the surface.

Gasping for breath, the hooded man found himself airborne once more, displaying unexpected agility.

"Not so fast!" the man exclaimed, throwing a dagger at a nearby lamppost and expertly wrapping it with mana chains. With a swift pull, he freed himself and landed atop the pole, showcasing a ninja-like grace.

"Is he a ninja?" Shuuta marveled, his eyes widening as the intense combat unfolded before him.

The blonde lad reappeared next to the man with a sudden burst of speed, delivering a swift kick that sent the hooded figure crashing to the ground.

A cloud of dust billowed around the battlefield, obscuring the ongoing clash. Amidst the chaos, Shuuta struggled to follow the erratic movements.

As the dust settled, it revealed a scene reminiscent of an intense, hot-blooded anime fight.

"...It seems like you don't need my help," Shuuta mumbled, his initial confidence fading. His mana failed to respond, leaving him feeling powerless.

"I do need your help!" the lad declared, landing gracefully beside Shuuta and dusting off his attire.

"All right... what do you want me to do?" Shuuta asked, a glare of determination in his eyes.

"Buy me some time. I'm ending this meaningless fight," the lad responded, his hands gathering a vast surge of mana.

Behind a nearby car, Hanako watched, anxiety etched on her face. Attempting to perform a ritual for Shuuta, she struggled, realizing his strength wasn't sufficient. The screen in front of her read "Failed to become Familiar," and she sighed in frustration.

Shuuta positioned himself in front of the lad, ready to shield him from any impending danger. The battlefield crackled with tension as the duo prepared for the final showdown.

As the blonde lad channeled a surge of mana, Shuuta stood firm, his eyes fixated on the hooded man. Despite the lack of his own magical abilities, Shuuta drew upon the martial arts he had learned as a child. His muscles tensed, and he adopted a defensive stance, mentally preparing for the confrontation.

The hooded man, shrouded in dark magic, grinned menacingly. He twirled two wickedly sharp daggers between his fingers, their edges glinting with an ominous aura.

"I'll cleanse you right here, devil!" the hooded man sneered, his voice dripping with malevolence.

Shuuta clenched his fists, determined to buy the lad the time he needed. He took a cautious step forward, testing the waters. The cloaked adversary responded by flicking one of the daggers effortlessly towards Shuuta. The blade cut through the air with an eerie whisper.

Shuuta sidestepped the attack, narrowly avoiding the dagger's deadly trajectory. The weapon embedded itself into the pavement, leaving a small cloud of dust in its wake.

Undeterred, Shuuta continued to move with agility and precision, evading the hooded man's subsequent attacks. The cloaked figure seemed to glide across the battlefield, his movements a dance of dark magic and lethal grace.

With each dodge, Shuuta's mind raced. He analyzed the patterns of the hooded man's strikes, searching for an opening. The adrenaline coursing through his veins heightened his focus, allowing him to stay one step ahead of the cloaked adversary.

However, the hooded man grew frustrated. He swiftly conjured a shadowy mist around his daggers, imbuing them with a malevolent energy. In a swift motion, he hurled both blades simultaneously at Shuuta.

Caught off guard, Shuuta barely managed to evade one dagger, but the other grazed his arm. A searing pain shot through him, and a dark energy spread from the point of contact, threatening to immobilize him.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Shuuta staggered backward, clutching his wounded arm. The hooded man seized the opportunity, closing in for a more direct assault.

The blonde lad, witnessing Shuuta's struggle, intensified the gathering of his mana, preparing for the decisive moment. Meanwhile, Hanako, hidden behind the car, clenched her fists, desperately willing Shuuta to endure.

As the hooded man closed in, Shuuta, drawing on his martial arts instincts, summoned the last reserves of his strength. With a swift and unexpected move, he launched a low sweeping kick, aiming to unbalance the cloaked adversary.

The hooded man stumbled, momentarily caught off guard by Shuuta's maneuver. Seizing the opening, Shuuta swiftly retreated, creating a bit of distance between them.

"Come on, kid. You can't escape the grasp of my magic," the hooded man taunted, regaining his composure.

Shuuta, though wounded and without magical powers, remained resolute. He glanced at the blonde lad, signaling that he had bought the needed time.

"That's an immense amount of mana... This must be it. I'M ENDING IT TOO!" The hooded man initiated an incantation, and a thunderous boom echoed through the air. Suddenly, six daggers materialized around him, creating an ominous aura that radiated danger.

"Die!" The man charged forward with relentless determination, unleashing all six daggers toward the two combatants. Shuuta's body trembled as alarms blared within him, warning of impending danger from every direction.

The blonde lad, undeterred by the impending threat, smacked his chest with both hands, creating a deafening bass-like sound that reverberated in everyone's ears. His body emitted a blinding light, obscuring the battlefield and leaving everyone momentarily disoriented.

["Light spear!"]

A brilliant beam of light transformed into a piercing line that shot through the hooded man. The ground trembled beneath them, and the light was blinding, even more radiant than the sun itself. Shuuta, caught in the shockwave, was forcefully thrown several yards away, landing on his backside. He lay there, utterly shaken and bewildered by the overwhelming force.

Hanako, clutching her skirt, struggled to maintain her composure amidst the chaos. "Kyaaaa!"

The street now resembled a scene from a fantastical manga, as though it had been cleaved in half, resembling a sword freshly forged from the fire.


The hooded man crumpled to the ground, choking and groaning, his figure contorted and defeated. He looked like an overcooked grilled cheese sandwich, a stark contrast to the fierce adversary he had presented moments ago.

It was over. Shuuta, still in awe, had witnessed what seemed like the ultimate move. The blonde guy, now standing amidst the aftermath, exuded an air of triumphant heroism. Shuuta couldn't help but admit that the lad had become exceedingly cool at the end of the battle.

"Are you okay? How did you cross paths with that man?" Blondie inquired without hesitation.

Shuuta blinked rapidly as he regained his senses. "Oh, uh... he just suddenly attacked me... It was random." The seriousness of the situation lingered, and Shuuta's response carried a weight that hinted at the depths of the unexpected conflict.

"Also, I heard you mention the word 'Mystic.' Do you know about us? Or are you one?" The blonde guy narrowed his eyes at Shuuta, who began to sweat nervously.

"I... uhhh did some extensive research. I made a forum post about supernatural occurrences and superhumans hiding among us!" Shuuta nearly stammered as he explained.


"You were able to trace us? Interesting. That means I'll have to kill you."

"…!" Shuuta flinched, quickly covering up his nervousness with a forced laugh. "D-don't worry, nobody believes me anyways... they're just theories."

He paused for a moment and stuck to his fabricated story. "Huh, go figure. So, nobody believes you. Let's leave it at that."

'Thank god, he bought it. I don't even know what a theory is…'

"Anyway, I'm Ogawa Hikaru. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, Uhh... Nice to meet you too, I'm Katashi Shuuta."

Just as they were about to start a conversation...

"Watch out! I sense an evil entity around you!" Hikaru pulled the bewildered lad away from an unseen presence.

Shuuta was taken aback, realizing Hikaru was referring to Hanako. He quickly stepped in front of Hikaru and explained that he was with "it" and that she was harmless... well, mostly harmless.

"Wait, so you're a necromancer? You know how to control the dead and ghosts?"

"Wait, what? No, I just—"

"I see, You were a Mystic all along. There aren't that many Mystics around this district, and that makes us rivals!"

"Hold on!"

"Great! See you around, Shuuta! It's getting late."

"Wait!" Shuuta protested as the stubborn blonde boy left him with the cultist stranger's body.

'What a stubborn fella!'

Hanako offered a wry smile, concurring with Shuuta that Hikaru was certainly eccentric. Now that the battle had concluded, they began walking back at a leisurely pace, and Shuuta was on the brink of asking numerous questions.