

Prepare for a wild ride as Katashi Shuuta, a regular boy, stumbles upon a supernatural secret that upends his life. But forget typical ghost stories; this is a rollercoaster filled with real magic, demons, and angels, all set on turning his world inside out. As Katashi unearths hidden mystical realms and unearthly threats that threaten global catastrophe, he faces a pivotal choice: cower in fear or rise to the challenge. Katashi, no coward, resolves to protect our world from sinister organizations bent on darkness. His mission? To become the mightiest force in the mystical society. Get ready for an electrifying journey where reality blends with fantasy as Katashi Shuuta takes on the supernatural, battling for a brighter, safer future. Can he navigate this perilous sea of hatred to embrace love, or will darkness prevail?

LeFattyBoi · Fantasy
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36 Chs

It has been decided.

"Now that everyone is here, let's commence the meeting."

The words rippled through a mystical plane, casting a reluctant and luminescent pallor over the scene. The expansive carved meeting desk dominated the surreal space, enveloped by high-ranking individuals occupying office chairs. Each person exuded an aura of commanding authority, with an air of gravitas and power.

An elder took center stage, adorned in a gray yukata, his long, pointed beard and bald head belying the wisdom that emanated from his venerable presence. The elder rose from his seat, his cane striking the gleaming floor with a resonant thud, underscoring the urgency of the situation.

"I have convened you all for a single purpose...." The elder's voice held a measured weight as he scrutinized the assembly.

While some among the attendees were aware of the situation, others were shrouded in ignorance or reluctant to acknowledge the impending crisis.

"We are compromised. The secrecy of the Mystics is no more. A Menos has manifested, and we must address this dire situation with immediacy."

An audible gasp swept through the room, voices melding into whispers of concern, anger, and disbelief. The implications of their exposure to the world sent shivers down their spines.

"Impossible! How can this be? A Menos?"

"This is an urgent matter. We must act swiftly."

"Whether our secrecy holds or not, the world itself is at stake!"

The elder raised his cane once more, silencing the room.

"I understand the gravity of the situation, but let us not act in haste. Proper preparation will determine our victory. The Menos was not summoned by mere happenstance... No, it was unleashed by a youth, a child who must be purged. Failure to do so may lead to a catastrophic cataclysm that could spell the end for both humanity and Earth."

"No way... a child summoned a Menos? Is such a thing even possible?"

"Only a Sin Demon can unleash a Menos... could he be one?"

The elder's countenance darkened as he released a trace of his mana, causing the room to tremble. A blue luminescence enveloped his imposing figure.

The room's occupants were frozen in place, some struggling for breath, and others rendered utterly motionless.

"Wooo! Now that's some impressive mana, old man! It's making me itch for a sparring match with you!" A man in his twenties chimed in, breaking the tension. He donned a tank top adorned with a flamboyant pink scarf that contrasted sharply with his gem-like eyes. His long, electrified chocolate hair danced around as he playfully flicked his scarf, trying to exude an air of nonchalance.

"Is that Kento-Dono?"

"That rascal Kento."


A thwack resounded as the elder's cane struck the man on the head. Steam seemed to emanate from the point of impact.

"Ouch! That cane is hard, old man!" Kento grumbled, pouting. 'He deliberately infused his cane with mana! Heartless codger!'

'Kento-senpai is cute when he acts childish,' thought one of the female observers.

"Everyone, silence! While eliminating the child may be a viable solution..."

Most in the room nodded in agreement.

"But this might be our only opportunity to infiltrate the Menos and launch an attack from within. We have safeguarded Earth since the dark ages. Now, we must take the fight to them."

Kento laughed excitedly, rising from his seat. He glanced at the elder, his tone more assertive. "Not a bad plan! But what about the child? Do you expect him to open another Menos at your beck and call?"

"My beck and call? Watch your words, young man. I believe we can harness his abilities to mount a counterattack."

"What happens after that? If everything goes according to your plan, what's in store for the child?"

"The child's fate will be sealed."

Kento broke into laughter once more. "You never change!" He paused, directing cold, unyielding eyes at the elder.

"This council reeks of corruption," he muttered under his breath. His gaze remained fixed on the old man.

Kento turned abruptly, moving away from the group and forming arcane gestures with his hands. A vortex of darkness unfurled.

"Leaving already, Kento?" The elder raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, something's come up. I doubt I'll see you around."

The comment irked the elder, who clenched his fists, his frustration bubbling. "Kento... Hmph. You impudent rascal." He paused, pondering the situation further. 'You're going to meet that child, aren't you? This could be more intriguing than I initially thought.'


"You must be Shuuta... the perpetrator." The girl, adorned in a yellow cardigan, spoke with undisguised disdain.

Beneath the cardigan, her school uniform hugged her slender frame.

"Well, what if I am? Since you already know who I am, we can skip the pleasantries." Shuuta's response was laced with a wild and carefree demeanor.

The girl's disgust only intensified, her disbelief simmering beneath the surface.

With unhinged laughter, Shuuta charged toward her.

In an instant, her fist blurred, delivering a powerful blow that jolted Shuuta from his wild fantasy.

He sat up abruptly, gasping for breath as if a phantom strike had landed.

"Where... where am I?" Clutching his throbbing head, he strained to focus his vision. The sterile infirmary of the school came into view.

His heads-up display presented an unsettling message: "Stable condition, status effect: Life halved, mana reserves at 10% permanent debuff."

"Permanent debuff? That's not good at all. My powers are nerfed, and for good reason. Never pushing myself beyond the limit again." Shuuta muttered, a realization dawning upon him.

"But wait... the infirmary was obliterated, wasn't it? How am I even here?"

"Well, that question can be answered by the slumbering maiden on your lap," Hanako's voice chimed in, startling Shuuta.

"Lap?" Shuuta exclaimed.

With a slight rustling of the blanket, Shuuta noticed Kurumi nestled comfortably on his lap, her expression smug.

Shuuta's eyes widened as he realized the state of her attire, or rather the lack thereof. Panic washed over him as he contemplated the consequences of their compromising position.

"Now, if someone walks in on this, I'll be in big trouble," Shuuta fretted.

He attempted to shift her away, but Kurumi clung to his leg, hugging it like a body pillow. She seemed as immovable as a stubborn stain.

"Kurumi has been tending to you since you were found in a near-death state. She's been nursing you back to health and even feeding you," Hanako said, her tone comically envious.

Shuuta shot back, "Envious ghoul, keeping tabs on who takes care of me, are we?"

"No, only the ones who feed you mouth to mou—"

Before Hanako could complete her sentence, the door slid open, revealing Noara and several others. Yuri, Mikazuki, Rokuro, and Yoshino entered the room.

"Could you all stop pestering me? Shuuta isn't dead! He's just resting," Noara defended.

As Shuuta sat up on the bed, he glared at the concerned faces before him. He seemed like a wronged mob boss.

"You guys actually thought I was a goner. Unbelievable," Shuuta muttered.

"Shuuta!" Yuri rushed to him, wrapping her arms around him. Her sobs filled the room, and Shuuta rested his head on her shoulders.

"You fool! I warned you not to get hurt, and you nearly died facing that... thing," Yuri chastised.

Shuuta tensed at her words. "That thing? What are you talking about?"

Mikazuki trailed behind Yuri and delved into the situation at hand.

It appeared that the portal from which Shuuta had emerged remained open. This portal was the source of chaos, leading to casualties, property damage, traumatized citizens, and a considerable number of hospitalizations.

News outlets reported the occurrences as supernatural events, and speculations swirled about the origin of the monstrous creatures that had poured out of the portal. This sequence of events forced the Mystics to intervene and cooperate with the authorities, exposing their existence to the world.

"So, you're a Mystic?" Mikazuki and Yuri inquired in unison, their eyes fixed on Shuuta.

Stumped for a response, Shuuta hesitated to acknowledge the connection, given the significance of the term "Mystic." They were supernatural beings entrusted with the power to vanquish darkness, and Shuuta pondered whether he should involve himself in this grand narrative.

Noara stepped in and answered on Shuuta's behalf, despite his internal pleas for subtlety.

"Of course he is," Noara affirmed, brushing aside Shuuta's unspoken objection.

"Subtle, please!" Shuuta screamed in his mind, knowing that Noara was not one to exercise restraint.

To address Shuuta's question about the unfamiliar faces in the room, Rokuro and Yoshino introduced themselves as Hikaru's familiars. Shuuta was quick to deduce their Mystic nature, given his ability to sense their mana.

"You see mana in them, so they're Mystics as well," Shuuta reasoned.

Noara, with her sword materializing as shimmering particles, corrected Shuuta's misconception.

"Familiars aren't Mystics," she clarified. "Let me explain. Familiars serve to channel a Mystic's mana, acting as a conduit or a weapon. They can utilize magic to protect their Mystic. Every Mystic has a Familiar."

Understanding the implications of this revelation, Shuuta's thoughts raced to a singular conclusion.

"That means..." He began but was cut off by Noara's affirmative response.

"That's right! I'm your adorable Familiar. In fact, one of the most efficient Familiars to ever exist!" Hanako declared proudly.

Shuuta chuckled, masking his reluctance at her claim of efficiency. "Efficient, huh? At making me suffer."

Unyielding in her banter, Noara offered a cheeky explanation of what Familiars were.

"They share a deep connection with your heart, akin to lovers," she suggested with a playful tone.

Shuuta's gaze shifted to Rokuro, who seemed increasingly uncomfortable. His foot fidgeted nervously as Shuuta honed in on him.

"It's not what you think!" Rokuro protested loudly, his face tinged with a blush.

Shuuta maintained his skeptical expression, prompting Rokuro to provide further clarification.

"It's not like that... He's just... too cool! I admire his elegance, his imposing presence among his peers, his charisma," Rokuro stammered, his words punctuated by his profound admiration.

"His sister complex, too," Shuuta added, smirking playfully.

Seeking to shift the conversation, Rokuro inquired about Shuuta's Familiar.

"That's a good question. It's hard to explain, but... well, my Familiar is a ghost, and she can be quite haunting," Shuuta responded.

His ghostly Familiar, Hanako, couldn't help but interject with some self-praise. "Hey! What do you mean I'm haunting? I happen to be the cutest ghost around!"

"And a narcissist," Shuuta quipped, prompting amused reactions from the group.

Yuri's curiosity was piqued by Shuuta's revelation. Meanwhile, Noara materialized her sword, an object imbued with mana.

"King Arthur is my Familiar," Noara revealed, her voice warm with affection. "He's a modest one and enjoys having conversations. We've shared many trials since my childhood, and I'm deeply attached to him."

Arthur, the sword, decided to speak, causing an eerie silence to envelop the room.

"Ah, it talks," Shuuta noted, his nonchalance unwavering, having slain colossal worms and befriended a ghost.

Yuri and Mikazuki remained dumbfounded, Rokuro was perspiring nervously, and Yoshino sought refuge behind her brother.

Observing their bewildering reactions, Shuuta inquired about the source of their unease. However, a mere gaze was their response, leaving Shuuta scratching his head.

During this awkward pause, Hanako emerged from Shuuta, appearing genuinely frightened. Seeking to reassure her, Shuuta patted her head and teased her gently.

"Hey there, don't worry. That sword won't hurt you while I'm here," Shuuta comforted Hanako, who was uncharacteristically shaken.

Still, her assessment of the sword's overwhelming presence left Shuuta intrigued.

"What's wrong with them?" he pondered aloud.

At that moment, Yuri couldn't contain her surprise, exclaiming excitedly, "A sword? Was that some kind of magic trick?"

Mikazuki followed suit, asking, "Sister, I didn't know you were a magician!"

Shuuta, well aware that mana was typically invisible to ordinary humans, was puzzled by their sudden inquiries. Hanako could see the confusion on his face.

"Can't they see mana, Noara-san?" she wondered.

Noara elucidated the matter, explaining, "Ordinary people can't see mana because they lack it. To sense and see mana, an ordinary person must come into close contact with a Mystic, as a faint trace of mana might transfer. But they might not possess the ability to wield it immediately. In essence, ordinary individuals can become Mystics, but the odds are akin to winning the lottery."

She glanced at Shuuta and smiled warmly, hinting that he might be an exceptional case.

Shuuta contemplated the implications of her smile. "Am I a lottery winner, or perhaps a phoenix's feather? The latter sounds cooler," he mused.

Nevertheless, Yuri remained puzzled, poking at Noara's sword in curiosity.

"Wow! What are those beautiful lights? How are you doing that, Noara-san?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued and her enthusiasm apparent.

Everyone turned to Yuri, who had an uncharacteristically bewildered look.