

Prepare for a wild ride as Katashi Shuuta, a regular boy, stumbles upon a supernatural secret that upends his life. But forget typical ghost stories; this is a rollercoaster filled with real magic, demons, and angels, all set on turning his world inside out. As Katashi unearths hidden mystical realms and unearthly threats that threaten global catastrophe, he faces a pivotal choice: cower in fear or rise to the challenge. Katashi, no coward, resolves to protect our world from sinister organizations bent on darkness. His mission? To become the mightiest force in the mystical society. Get ready for an electrifying journey where reality blends with fantasy as Katashi Shuuta takes on the supernatural, battling for a brighter, safer future. Can he navigate this perilous sea of hatred to embrace love, or will darkness prevail?

LeFattyBoi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

A sudden quest

Shuuta found himself in a situation he could hardly believe...

He had been wandering through the school, on the quest to locate the president's office. However, as he strolled, he couldn't escape the persistent gaze of every student who crossed his path.

Some whispered to their companions, others slyly snapped photos, and most couldn't help but chuckle softly under their breath, pushing Shuuta further into a pit of embarrassment.


A sweet, mocking giggle struck Shuuta, prompting him to lose his composure and turn sharply in its direction. He had to say something.

However, his response only added to his embarrassment.

"Who was he yelling at?"

"I don't know...probably missing a few screws."

"I agree, sis, let's stay away from him."

Shuuta winced as he heard their comments, his face contorted with humiliation. He was already grappling with Noara's unwelcome advances and verbal assaults, and she had even bested him in training.

Eventually, Shuuta stumbled upon a door that read "President's Office." With a deep breath, he turned the doorknob and entered, locking eyes with Hikaru, who sat there casually, his chin propped up by his hands, as if he'd been waiting all along.

"You've made it," Hikaru remarked, offering a smile. "Just don't forget to address me as 'Master.'" He couldn't help but chuckle with satisfaction.

Shuuta's patience wore thin as he unbuttoned his ruffled black dress with white trim, featuring a full skirt above knee length and a white half-apron with frills. It was a genuine maid outfit, and despite the absurdity, it seemed authentically old-fashioned.

"Do you have any idea what I've been through? Noara tried to..." Shuuta began, his voice trembling with anger. "Then she beat me up because I refused...and a girl took a selfie with me without consent! It's gone viral, and now they know my name—all because of you!"

Hikaru shrugged with a nonchalant attitude. "It was that or death. Consider yourself fortunate," he said before bursting into laughter.

"You're the worst scum on Earth," Shuuta grumbled.

"Me? The scum of the Earth is you! You dared to inappropriately touch my precious sister!"

"It was an accident!" Shuuta's eyes widened comically as he defended himself.

Suddenly, the loli emerged from a nearby room, her presence immediately drawing Shuuta's attention. Her smirk infuriated him, igniting his anger.

"I'll get back at you someday," Shuuta seethed in his mind, burning with rage.

"You look quite... fetching," Hanako, the ghost girl floating next to Shuuta, chimed in with laughter.

Shuuta couldn't help but grit his teeth. The trio—a ghost, a loli, and a handsome president—was mocking his outfit.

There was no way out of it. It was either this sadistic maid cosplay or death. Shuuta couldn't help but suspect that this outfit was originally meant for the loli.

Shuuta glanced at her, nodding to himself in confirmation. "Definitely for her."

"So, what did you summon me for?" Shuuta inquired, eager to be done with the situation. He had initially contemplated skipping school today but had been summoned against his will.

"We received a report from our superiors about a demon roaming Nakio Mall," Hikaru explained. "There's a victim who was attacked by an invisible entity."

"And?" Shuuta inquired.

"I wanted you to experience how we deal with demons," Hikaru responded.

"Now?" Shuuta was surprised.

"After school," Hikaru clarified.

"Why not now? We don't know how many more people might be attacked if we wait," Shuuta suggested.

Hikaru approved with a thumbs-up, causing Shuuta to cringe.

Kurumi, the loli, chimed in with her monotonous voice. "I wouldn't mind slaying some demons too."

Hikaru, however, opposed the idea. "Not now, Kurumi-chan. You need to become stronger first."

Kurumi attempted to put on a sad puppy face, but it only unnerved Shuuta and Hanako.

"You're not even trying!" Shuuta retorted.

Hikaru was caught in a predicament. He had a strong attachment to his sister, and seeing her sad was distressing to him.

"Father doesn't need to know..." Hikaru muttered.

"I heard you," Shuuta promptly pointed out.

"Fine. I'll show you how to deal with demons," Hikaru conceded.

Shuuta glared blankly at Hikaru. 'This guy...'

"Anyway, let's go before there are more casualties," Hikaru urged.

Shuuta nodded, waiting outside, but it only took him a minute to realize something.

"I'm not fighting in this ridiculous outfit!"


The day was overcast as Shuuta, the president, and the loli walked through the streets. His face was flushed with embarrassment, and he contemplated covering it or perhaps donning a paper bag. He even entertained the thought that ending his own life might be preferable to the current situation.

The loli chuckled behind him, prompting Shuuta to notice and pop a vein on his forehead.

"You little demon!"

"I can't help it, you look ridiculous."

'This outfit was supposed to be hers!' Shuuta exclaimed internally.

Gritting his teeth, Shuuta clenched his fists. 'One of these days... I'll get back at you tenfold!'

Hikaru's voice brought him back to the present. "We should be near the demon. Don't let your guard down under any circumstances."

As they approached Nakio Mall, a ghostly silence enveloped the area, and the damage was astounding. Craters marred the walls and floors, and dust filled the corridors, while an entire store appeared on the brink of collapse. It was evident that only a monstrous entity could have wrought such havoc.

"Damn... is this a mall? I'd rather not be buried here," Shuuta mumbled, his eyes darting around, taking in the destruction.

And then, his realization struck—this destruction was consistent with the work of a demon.

"Focus. I can sense it... it's coming for us." Hikaru braced himself defensively, with Kurumi seeking refuge behind him.

Shuuta's gaze met the entity, and he could hardly believe his eyes. It wasn't just any demon—it was a demonic girl with attire straight out of a BDSM video.

In a blur of motion, Hikaru was sent crashing through a wall, startling Kurumi, who had just witnessed her brother's remarkable strength. Shuuta was left staring at the girl in disbelief. It was not your typical demon; it was far more powerful.

"Ah, what do we have here?" The demon girl fixed her gaze on Shuuta, sending shivers down his spine. Her maniacal laughter echoed in the desolate mall, and Shuuta couldn't help but blame his outfit for drawing her attention.

"Are you mocking me?" Shuuta frowned, his frustration evident.

The demon's eerie grin shifted as she redirected her focus to the loli, a wicked gleam in her eyes. She raised her arm, moving swiftly toward the frozen girl, her claw-like hand poised for a deadly strike.

"D-damn it!"

In a frantic move, Shuuta managed to push Kurumi out of harm's way. But the demon's vicious claws tore through Shuuta's clothes and flesh, leaving a trail of blood on the ground.

"Shuuta!" Kurumi's eyes trembled, some of Shuuta's blood staining her face. Her hands shook with fear, and an unspoken question lingered in her mind: "Why are you risking your life for me? I never asked for help."

"Shuuta!" Hanako, the ghost, was equally frightened, paralyzed in the air, her fear of blood overwhelming her.

Shuuta's agonizing cry reverberated through the mall as he fell to his knees, his gaze locked on the demon while clutching his wound.

"You will be my plaything, human, for the rest of your miserable life!" The demon cackled wickedly.

Suddenly, a blinding flash of light seared the demon's eyes, causing her to shriek in agony as she clutched at her sockets.

Hikaru had smoke rising from his finger as he ran over to Shuuta and cast a spell. A circle of yellow runes formed beneath Shuuta's feet.

"[Divine Heal!]"

In an instant, Shuuta felt his pain dissipate, and he rose to his feet, his bewildered expression a mix of gratitude and confusion.

"Why...are you so cute?" Shuuta muttered under his breath. He wanted to strike the demon, but something within him held him back.

"Are you for real?" Hikaru glared at him with menacing eyes.

"Even on the brink of death, you're having impure thoughts... kukuku" The demon's laughter sounded coy as she paused to lick her claws.

"Your blood is quite delicious. It would be a shame to let such a treat go to waste. How about serving me? I can make your desires a reality."

"Pfff. If you think I'll fall for that, you've got another thing coming."

"You will have me."

"Tempting." Shuuta's throat went dry.

"A succubi?" Hikaru assessed the demon with caution. He felt an alluring aura emanating from her petite figure, with her heart-shaped black tail leaving a strong impression. "We need to be careful. She might have the power to charm us, especially Shuuta."

Hikaru then directed a sharp glare at Shuuta and sternly warned him, "She's trying to charm us. Don't let her seduce you, you fool!"

Shuuta just grinned, locking eyes with the seductive demon.

"I'm sorry, but I don't serve anyone," Shuuta declared before initiating his attack. Swiftly, he approached the demon and aimed a fist at her charming cheek.

In response, the demon coiled her tail around Shuuta's fist, effectively blocking his attack.

"Entertain me more. Dance, fight for your life, and die for my amusement," she taunted.

"Tch. Shut your trap!" Shuuta retorted, using his foot to push her away.

The succubi bared her claws and lunged at Shuuta, the two of them clashing with a flurry of strikes. Shuuta unleashed a series of moves—a striking elbow to her chest, a leg sweep to throw off her balance, and a majestic jumping back kick, sending her tumbling backward.

In a blink, she appeared behind Shuuta, her claws slicing across his back, before leaping up and crashing her knee into his spine. The brutal strike left Shuuta coughing up blood.

"S-scary..." Kurumi whispered, her concern evident. "Is he going to be okay?"

"[Divine Mark!]"

A rune appeared on Shuuta's body, gradually healing his wounds, although at a slow pace.

"Thanks!" Shuuta nodded, his gaze appreciative.

With renewed determination, Shuuta charged at the demon girl. His fists clenched, he aimed for her armored arm, but she deftly blocked his strikes. A powerful vortex of air whirled inside the mall, the impact of their blows causing rooms to tremble and sparks to fly.

"Physical attacks are futile. You'll never penetrate my body," the demon declared, her words laced with arrogance and seduction.

"Oh, really?" Shuuta smirked, his fingers moving toward the demon's chest in a provocative manner, his tongue hanging out suggestively.

"Huh?" The demon girl's poker face faltered.


His fingers made contact with her chest, like an arrow piercing an apple with precision.


Hikaru watched Shuuta with a sullen expression, while Kurumi had the same hopeless look. "He's a goner."

"Definitely a goner."

"You know I can hear you, right?" Shuuta shot back at the brothers bad-mouthing him.

The demon's face flushed crimson as her glistening eyes bashfully met Shuuta's gaze. It was a momentary distraction that the petite girl exploited, seizing Shuuta's hands and beginning to draw out his lust particles.

"Gghhht!" Shuuta sank to his knees, drained, and in pain.

"You pervert! Die!"

"Aren't you a succubus?!"

"Half succubus!"

Hikaru decided it was time to intervene. He unleashed a barrage of light grenades at her, causing a devastating explosion within their vicinity. The force of the explosion sent the demon and Shuuta flying apart.

The demon, now bearing burns from the holy damage, shrieked in pain. Everyone present was paralyzed by the sheer force of the blast. Their breaths were stolen by the intense energy in the air.

The demon's aura shifted to one of overwhelming lust, cloaking her like an alluring garment.


The gravity around them grew oppressively heavy, and the demon let out a barbaric war cry that propelled Shuuta yards away from her.

Hikaru shielded his face from the radiance, and as the dust settled, a sudden silhouette sent him crashing into a wall, breaking through it. Shuuta watched in shock as she vanished from his sight.


Shuuta, bloodied and battered, suddenly spat blood, and his gaze met the demon girl's. She was right in front of him, wearing an ominous grin. She extended her claws, and a lust beam struck Shuuta, sending him crashing through multiple walls. She reappeared on the other side, seizing Shuuta's head, and repeated the process, slamming him through even more walls.

Explosions and deafening crashes resonated throughout the area, assaulting Kurumi's ears. The terrified girl shrank back, trembling as she watched the chaos unfold.


Kurumi let out a piercing scream as a cloud of dust enveloped her. Shuuta, meanwhile, continued to be pummeled and slammed to the ground with relentless aggression. It was clear that if Shuuta were an ordinary human, he would have perished long ago.

Shuuta's consciousness waned, and his last vision was of Kurumi crying, her tears a testament to the brutal battle he had engaged in.