

Prepare for a wild ride as Katashi Shuuta, a regular boy, stumbles upon a supernatural secret that upends his life. But forget typical ghost stories; this is a rollercoaster filled with real magic, demons, and angels, all set on turning his world inside out. As Katashi unearths hidden mystical realms and unearthly threats that threaten global catastrophe, he faces a pivotal choice: cower in fear or rise to the challenge. Katashi, no coward, resolves to protect our world from sinister organizations bent on darkness. His mission? To become the mightiest force in the mystical society. Get ready for an electrifying journey where reality blends with fantasy as Katashi Shuuta takes on the supernatural, battling for a brighter, safer future. Can he navigate this perilous sea of hatred to embrace love, or will darkness prevail?

LeFattyBoi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

A stalker!?

A short and petite girl was strolling toward a self-proclaimed base of operations, a facility reserved for the chosen ones – her club. As she walked, she was engrossed in a novel, but her peaceful stroll was suddenly shattered.


The windows in the halls shattered with a deafening explosion, sending sharp shards of glass flying. Walls crumbled, the ceiling threatened to collapse, and the entire school quaked, striking terror into all the students around.

"Hiiiiii!" the girl shrieked at the top of her lungs.

Fortunately, she emerged unscathed, though a sharp fragment embedded itself in her book. Her eyes widened as she looked at the book.

"He survived Sheol...! Impossible! Just how outrageously strong is he?!" Her name was Hamakawa Kakoyo, and her mind went blank as she heard someone scream such eloquent words.

Peering through the shattered window, Kakoyo's eyebrows arched, her big eyes gleamed with passion, and her heart raced as if a menacing aura was strangling her throat. Shuuta stood there with a grim expression, exuding an overpowering aura of energy. Kakoyo could even see a massive demon lurking behind him, an entity created solely from his presence.

"He... he's the one, the King of Kings, the heir to the underworld, my future spouse!" She clutched her chest.

Passersby would surely wonder what was going on in her head. Spouse?! What kind of nonsense is she thinking?!

The boy suddenly vanished, followed by another thunderous boom shaking the school, scattering debris all around.

"He-he truly is... the Demon King," Kakoyo's resolute words made her decision. She was determined to serve him, assist him, and conquer the world with him. Her newfound goal was to become his partner.

A week later...


The sweet voice sent chills down Shuuta's spine. Where did this girl come from? She had an eye-patch, twin tails, and an unwavering smile, but she just wouldn't give up.

"For the tenth time, I don't come from the underworld, and I'm not trying to conquer the world!"

Her eyes sparkled, clearly misunderstanding something. "So you're trying to conquer the whole solar system, truly spoken like a Demon King."

Shuuta's patience wore thin. "S-say what now? Don't put words in my mouth that I never spoke!" He pointed at her, exasperated.

Suddenly, sparkles and glossy textures surrounded her. "Shuuta-sama, would you conquer me instead?"

"The hell?!" Shuuta jumped back, flushed and bewildered.

'This chick is crazy… How did it end up like this? She won't leave me alone at all!'

And that statement was absolutely true. Let's rewind and figure out how it all started.



During third period, Shuuta felt an odd glare upon him. He turned to the door and saw a girl with a beady golden eye, an eye patch, twin tails, and a wide grin. 'Creepy…' Shuuta broke into a cold sweat.

Someone was stalking him during class, despite everyone being in their seats. "Ah! Wait! I'm researching human emotions. This is very important! Pleaseeee....."

But a teacher found her lurking around and dragged her to the principal's office.

'Rest in pieces, the principal is one scary person. Even I struggle to compose myself in front of him.'

Before lunch, Shuuta urgently needed to use the restroom. He almost broke down the door in his haste.

"Ahhhhhhhh...AHHHH?!!" Shuuta's face turned beet red when he spotted that same beady eye only centimeters away from him. He instinctively covered himself.

"EXCUSE ME! What are you doing inside the men's restroom?!" Shuuta yelped, his embarrassment apparent.

Her only response was a sly grin. Gulp!

"Truly a Demon King."

'Uh. Huh? What did she mean by that...?'

After a long second of pondering, he realized and became even redder.

"Get out! Respect my privacy!"

Her grin widened even more, leaving a blissful smile afterward, she turned and departed.

That left the boy stupefied. Why did she suddenly enter the restroom? Is she related to Kurumi in any way?

No, she simply wants to be next to Shuuta…for eternity, until death separates them.

'I'm pretty sure this won't stop soon at all.'

And, in fact, the boy was correct!


Shuuta noticed her lurking behind a wall in a corridor, tailing him.

Shuuta spotted her in a corner of the cafeteria, peering at him through binoculars as he ate.

Shuuta glimpsed her hidden in some bushes during P.E., just barely visible out of the corner of his eye.


While talking to Hikaru, Shuuta felt a shiver up his spine... she was hanging from the ceiling with a wide grin on her small face.

Shuuta rigidly turned up and jumped from where he was. Only he could stare with round comical eyes. 'She won't leave me alone!'


Shuuta let out a stressed-out sigh. It was finally over.

The school day was over, and he had nothing else on his schedule, so he decided to go home and sink onto his big comfy bed.

'She surely wouldn't dare to follow me home… because if she does…' Shuuta had round white eyes, with a huge vein popping on his forehead.

'She won't leave ever again.'

Shuuta arrived home and went inside.

"I'm back hom-"

"Welcome, dear. Would you like to eat dinner? Or take a bath first… or would you rather-"

"Shut up! That line is cliché! Why did you follow me home!?"

"Huh? Well, it's obvious, isn't it?"

"No! Not at all! Why are you here!?"

She slowly pointed at Shuuta, smiling in the process.

"I am your servant; I will accompany you everywhere you go." She paused and smiled brightly. "Master!"


Shuuta blushed intensely. He had never heard such cute and intense words from a girl in his life, and that line hit the mark. His heart had been shot with an arrow, and he even took some mental damage!

'No, no, no. I must not lose my cool; she is probably messing with me… yeah, there's no way someone like her would just 'serve' me… well, she did follow me throughout the whole day… uwahhhh! What do I do in this situation!?'




Shuuta rapidly turned and saw a very heated ghost behind him, clenching her small fist at him.

"Oh no."


A manga book slugged Shuuta between his eyes.

"Master?! Are you okay? Where did that manga come from?"

Shuuta lay on the floor, crying a waterfall on the ground. "Why is this happening to me… uwahhhh…."

"Stand up, Shuuta! I'm not done here! I'm going to castrate you!"

"Eek!" Shuuta immediately sat up and apologized, dogeza-style.

"Master? W-what are you doing?"

"Stop calling me master! You're making it worse!"


"Gak!" Shuuta turned pale as chalk.

"Uwoh!" Hanako lost all her color, even her eyes turned monotone.

'WHAT IS UP WITH THIS CHICK?' A shattering scream that could break the heavens rang out in Shuuta's head.


"Wait a minute… you're a Mystic?"

"Mhm! The moment I laid eyes on you… I-I decided to become yours – I mean, your servant. You looked like a true Demon King."

"Huh? When did I look like that?"

"You came out of a huge worm! You were covered in blood and had an aura that could probably choke someone to death!"

Shuuta flinched and remembered exactly what she meant.

"Oh, that… I was just protecting someone… that's all."

"That's so cool! A Demon King protecting its henchman!"

"N-no…she isn't my henchman…and I'm not a Demon King!"

"She?" Kakoyo's voice deepened, her face darkened.

"Yeah…she. Is something the matter?"



"Now please, would you leave me alone."

"I can't."

"Eh? Why?!"

"What if you suddenly get attacked by a monster? They are roaming the streets, in fact, it is dangerous to be far from the school!"

Shuuta crossed his arms, he understood the chunni's concern, but he can take care of himself.

"I'll be fine, I can protect myself…besides, my Familiar can also protect me too."

Shuuta turned to the now confused Hanako.

"Right, Hanako?"

Kakoyo flinched and squinted her eyes. "I see her, so she's a ghost."

"You can see Hanako? Amazing! I thought I was the only one that could see ghosts!"

"No, I can only see Familiars. That's my special ability, it tells me their strength, their skills, and their MP."

"She's weak. Like a little bird with no wings."

"Oi…don't anger my Familiar, she's very narcissistic."

'Shuuta, can I push her kneecaps inwards? I'll try not to kill her. I promise.' She had a ghostly face, one that could induce horror upon whoever witnessed it.

Shuuta had a huge drop of sweat stuck on his head.

"Look. I understand your concern for my well-being, but I'm strong, alright? So can you please just leave me alone?"

"No can't do."

Shuuta glared.

"Fine, if it's going to be like that." Shuuta deepened his voice.

"I order you to leave…now!" Shuuta released a bit of his mana. 'She thinks I'm a Demon Lord? Fine! I'll act like one then!'

Hanako glanced at Shuuta with concern, the boy just became aggressive! Something Hanako had never seen!

It gave her chills, other than that, a new side of Shuuta was shown to her, it was kinda hot too...err.

"Understood... If it's ordered then I shall follow them." The chunni girl whimpered, walking sullenly to the exit.

"But, I'll keep following you, Master, I'll gladly give my soul, Magic, and body to you!"


She giggled as she left for the streets. "I hope Master understood my message."

Fumes, steam was oozing from his head, Shuuta was flushed out and had nothing to say, keeping the silence for the rest of the night. Hanako broke such silence immediately. "That girl! Grrrrrr...I won't let you sink your claws into my dearest Shuuta!"


The next day, Shuuta was sitting face to face with the handsome president, sipping tea and relaxing, locking the door to the office.

"So...what's up? You need something?" There was a moment of silence, then Hikaru glanced at Shuuta uncertainly.

"Yes, I'm here to ask about someone. She's a Mystic, apparently."

"Oh? So, you've found interest in a Mystic? What's the name?"

"I don't know, she's small, has an eye patch on her right eye, and has a leather choker on her neck...her hair is short and brown."

"Ohhh! Kakoyo-san! Yeah, she is one troublesome girl!" Hikaru laughs and sips on his tea.

"She calls me Master."


Hikaru spat all the tea that was in his mouth right on Shuuta's face.


"S-sorry...It's just...I can't believe it, she doesn't like anyone, she won't talk to anyone, she doesn't even like me."

"That's understandable though."

Hikaru popped a vein, placing the cup on his desk he crossed his arms as he continued, "She hasn't joined a team yet, she's very picky. Maybe she'll finally do something for the school..."

Shuuta suddenly shushed Hikaru by placing his index finger on his lip. "I can sense her behind the door..." Shuuta whispered, placing his eyes on the door. He sneaked with utter silence.


"Waah! I-Uhhh...Hello Master, Hello prez." Kakoyo was on the floor, glancing up at them.

"Hmph, She won't stop following me, as you can see." Shuuta glared at her.

Hikaru was lost, was that really Kakoyo? She would never do something as weird as that!

Kakoyo was laughing nervously, she swiftly stood up and greeted her Master with a smile.

Shuuta blushed and turned away. "Stop following me already! I'm not your Master!"

"Hikaru-san, I am here to tell you something that I've decided." The chunni befuddled the prez with her stern statement.

Hikaru remained silent, waiting for her response.

"I want to join Shuuta's squad! This way, I can follow him on every mission!" She exclaimed brightly.

Shuuta just sighed inwardly, scratching his head as he responds. "I'm not even on a team yet…err."

"I'm Hamakawa Kakoyo."


The chunni pouted angrily. "Call me Kakoyo, there's no need for formalities. Plus, I will marry you eventually, Shuuta-sama."

"There she goes again…exaggerating." Shuuta sighed afterward.

Hikaru had lost color on his face, did she just declare that?!

"Tch. If you're so fixated on joining my team, then I shall test you, to see if you're worthy." Shuuta decided one thing, and that was to find a way to deny her entry to his squad.

Kakoyo had shiny eyes, excitement oozed out of her. "My body is ready!"


'Not that kind of test!' A vein popped on his head.

Shuuta felt rather hopeless; the girl in front of him was definitely a decent human being. She only lacked social skills. Maybe that's why she talks with suggestive and assertive statements.

If she talks with him more... perhaps she'll become more approachable?

She really needs to drop the Master thing; a lot of misunderstandings will kindle something. Shuuta opened the door and walked away, and the chunni obviously followed behind him.

"I want to see this; it's not every day you see this kind of scenario often." Hikaru rubbed his chin and also tailed them.