

Prepare for a wild ride as Katashi Shuuta, a regular boy, stumbles upon a supernatural secret that upends his life. But forget typical ghost stories; this is a rollercoaster filled with real magic, demons, and angels, all set on turning his world inside out. As Katashi unearths hidden mystical realms and unearthly threats that threaten global catastrophe, he faces a pivotal choice: cower in fear or rise to the challenge. Katashi, no coward, resolves to protect our world from sinister organizations bent on darkness. His mission? To become the mightiest force in the mystical society. Get ready for an electrifying journey where reality blends with fantasy as Katashi Shuuta takes on the supernatural, battling for a brighter, safer future. Can he navigate this perilous sea of hatred to embrace love, or will darkness prevail?

LeFattyBoi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

A Demonic Curse.

Hikaru's legs trembled beneath him as grief washed over him. His heart raced with sorrow, and he couldn't contain his sadness.

Gritting his teeth, his face darkened, and he muttered, "Lies…" Louder this time, he repeated, "LIES!"

The demon cackled maniacally. "Better start saying your goodbyes to that girl. There's no way she'll survive."

"I'll kill you!" Hikaru choked the demon, channeling holy light into his hands. Her body disintegrated into nothingness under his righteous fury.

"Asmodeus…? That name... I studied religion because my mother forced me to. I recognize that name; it's one of the seven princes of Hell... So, he's real?" Shuuta trembled in his shoes.

He understood that Mystics were otherworldly entities, but he never imagined that Hell existed. As a result, the existence of Heaven also became apparent.

"If that's the case, then God exists, and the threat that could destroy the world is real."

"Ugh! It feels like my brain is going to explode!" Shuuta clutched his head in confusion.

"Shuuta, we need to bring her to Noara. Maybe she'll know what to do. Can you carry her? I've used up quite a lot of mana," Hikaru requested.


As Shuuta cradled Kurumi, she woke up, the first thing she saw was Shuuta's face.

"Hey," Shuuta greeted with a smile.

Kurumi's heart raced, her chest burned, and her eyes turned into hearts as her face reddened.

"Shuuta…" Kurumi fidgeted with a cute, bashful expression.

Thump, thump!

"Shuuta…" Kurumi murmured, her voice filled with affection.

"Hmm… Prez?" Shuuta glanced at Hikaru, puzzled by Kurumi's strange behavior.

"Kurumi, what's wrong?" Hikaru inquired, crouching down next to her.



"My… lower part is burning…" Kurumi confessed with the most adorable, bashful expression.


Hikaru's nose erupted with red liquid before he passed out beside her.


Shuuta knelt there in awkward silence. "Darn it…"


Kurumi lay on a rickety infirmary bed, her expression a mix of desire and frustration. Noara's bright yellow eyes glowed as she peered intently at the girl, her magical vision dissecting the nature of the curse that had befallen her.

Shuuta stood nearby, concern etched across his face. "We know she's cursed, but we're not sure what kind of curse it is."

With an air of nonchalance, Noara mused, "It seems to me that she's experiencing something rather... amorous." Her comment hung in the air like an uninvited guest, and Shuuta couldn't believe she'd make light of the situation.

A shadow crossed Noara's face, her demeanor suddenly turning grave. Shuuta felt an uneasy chill creeping down his spine as he asked, "Amorous? Is this really the time for jokes?"

The name "Asmodeus" dropped from Noara's lips, a name laden with dark implications. "Asmodeus, the Prince of Lust, one of the Seven Sins of Death."

Shuuta couldn't help but interject, "Isn't it the Seven Deadly Sins?"

Noara cast an annoyed glance at him, her tone slightly exasperated as she corrected him, "Quiet, kid. Mine sounds better."

The room grew heavy with the weight of the revelation. Noara's eyes seemed to peer into the abyss of history as she continued, her voice filled with ancient knowledge. "Lust, Pride, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Wrath, and Envy—the seven sins of death—an order ruled by the Kings of Kings."

Her voice took on an eerie, almost mystical quality as she delved into the dark annals of the past. "The betrayal of Abaddon set in motion the most catastrophic war of all, the Regulus War—a triple multi-dimensional conflict. Demons clashed with angels, angels battled demons, and Mystics found themselves caught in the crossfire."

As Noara's words lingered in the air, the room seemed to hold its breath, weighed down by the gravity of the history she had revealed. Shuuta couldn't help but wonder what role they would play in this intricate, supernatural world.

Shuuta's eyes widened as he listened to Noara's ominous explanation. The idea of seven sins and an ancient, catastrophic war sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't believe the world he had stepped into was so complex and filled with darkness.

"What does this mean for Kurumi?" Shuuta asked, his voice wavering.

Noara glanced at the infirmary door, ensuring no one was eavesdropping, before continuing in a hushed tone. "Asmodeus is known for his curses of lust and desire. It's said that when someone falls under his influence, their deepest and darkest desires are brought to the surface. In Kurumi's case, her affections for you have been amplified to an extreme level."

Shuuta's face turned crimson as he realized the implications. "So, she's under some sort of love curse?"

Noara nodded. "In simpler terms, yes. Asmodeus's curse has made her love for you almost overwhelming. It's not entirely dangerous, but it can be challenging to manage. If it goes unchecked, it can lead to irrational and even destructive behavior."

Shuuta felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was flattered that Kurumi had such strong feelings for him, but on the other, he was worried about the consequences of this curse. "What can we do to help her?"

Noara leaned closer. "There's only one way to break a curse like this. We need to confront Asmodeus and convince him to lift it. He's the only one with the power to do so."

Shuuta's eyes widened in disbelief. "Confront Asmodeus? How do we even find him?"

Noara's eyes glistened with determination. "I know someone who might have the answers. We need to go visit an old acquaintance of mine, someone who has dealt with the Seven Sins of Death before."

"Well, head back home. I'll deal with these kids. Rest up and eat well, because I'll be training your body until it breaks," Noara declared with a mischievous grin, her tongue flicking out playfully, resembling a hissing snake. Shuuta gulped nervously at her ominous words.

"Yes, ma'am!" Shuuta saluted, quickly making his escape from the infirmary. But just as he exited, fate had other plans for him, as he collided with Yuri, and they both tumbled to the ground in a comical heap.

"Ugh…" Yuri groaned, her face inches from Shuuta's.

"S-Shuuta?" Yuri found herself seated on his face, a rather compromising position that had both of them blushing furiously.

She quickly stood up, her face turning as red as a tomato. "I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there." She managed an awkward smile, and Shuuta, still slightly disoriented, couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation.

"This day went from bad to worse," Shuuta muttered to himself, trying to regain his dignity.

But Yuri wasn't done with him. "Is this girl completely unhinged? She's acting as if nothing even happened!" Shuuta coughed to regain his composure, fully aware of the chaos that seemed to follow him everywhere.

"It's fine, so...where were you headed?" Shuuta inquired, attempting to steer the conversation away from his recent mishap.

"To class! Where else, you idiot?" Yuri responded with a hint of exasperation.

Shuuta's patience wore thin, and his vein throbbed once again. "Rude. I was heading back home."

"Why? Did something happen?" Yuri's curiosity was piqued.

Shuuta hesitated, searching for a believable excuse, which seemed impossible in this situation. 'Oh crap! What lie can she buy?'

"Did you catch a cold? I could warm you up with my body," she suggested, her voice dripping with a suggestive tone.

Shuuta blushed furiously, stammering, "Thanks, but no thanks."

"And by the way...what's with the dress?" Yuri couldn't help but notice Shuuta's peculiar attire.

"You barely noticed?!" Shuuta coughed, trying to divert the conversation and avoid discussing his cross-dressing adventure.

Cough* Cough*

"I felt dizzy and nearly fell, but I'm feeling much better now. They told me to rest at home."

"Oh, I see! Well, I'll take care of you if you want." Yuri's offer seemed earnest, but Shuuta, still flustered from the events of the day, couldn't handle any more surprises.

"No, it's alri...-" Shuuta's voice trailed off as he suddenly lost his vision and passed out.

"Shuuta?! Hey, Shuuta, respond...to...me," Yuri called out, panic evident in her voice.


'Huh?... What happened?... Where am I?... It's very warm and comfy, what's this soft sensation on my chest?' Shuuta slowly opened his eyes and immediately recognized his surroundings—his own room.

He found himself lying in his own bed with a wet towel on his head. His body felt heavy, and he struggled to move.

Suddenly, he felt warm breath on his neck.


Had someone just breathed on him? Anxiously, Shuuta pulled back the covers to discover...

'Gaaah!' Shuuta let out a startled scream that echoed through his room.

Yuri lay sprawled naked on top of him, sleeping soundly with a contented smile, her warm breath caressing his skin.

Shuuta's mind raced, panic setting in. "What the...? Why is she naked? Did she take advantage of me? God, save me!" Shuuta was trapped, afraid to move even an inch, fearing the consequences.

A shiver ran down Shuuta's spine, as if someone was intensely watching him. His anxiety grew, and one question consumed his thoughts: "Where's Hanako?" He dreaded the idea of her appearing next to him, holding one of his knives with a murderous look in her eyes.

His eyes shifted to the side, and a sigh of relief escaped him. Hanako was nowhere to be seen. He was safe, for the moment.

Minutes passed, and Yuri stirred awake. Shuuta scolded her for her actions, while Yuri appeared pleased.

"Why are you angry? I was just worried, so I did what my heart told me," Yuri defended herself.

"By getting naked and sleeping on top of me?" Shuuta was still bewildered.

"You do feel better, right? You were out for a whole day!" Yuri justified her unconventional method of care.

"What? An entire day?" Shuuta struggled to process the absurdity of it all. 'Did she really stay with me for a whole day?'

Shuuta blushed and looked away. "T-thanks...I owe you."

"Idiot!" Yuri suddenly pressed herself closer to Shuuta, tears welling up in her eyes.

"What happened? Why do you have that scar?" She clung to him, her emotions and curves pressing against him.

Shuuta's expression darkened. "I'm sorry... I can't tell you."

Yuri held onto him tighter. "At least promise me you won't get hurt." She locked eyes with Shuuta, waiting for his answer.

Shuuta's face lit up, and he smiled warmly. "Sure."

Meanwhile, Hanako seethed with jealousy, her anger becoming palpable. "Why is that girl in my house? Why did she sleep with him all day? And that thing she did with her mouth... I won't forgive her! Shuuta's mine! Only mine!"

Hanako sneaked up to Shuuta, delivering a swift manga book to his face, knocking him unconscious.

Yuri discovered the manga and, to her surprise, realized it was a doujinshi. Her face turned as red as a tomato. "I didn't know Shuuta was into this..."

Out of nowhere, Yuri started levitating, a look of terror on her face. "Wha-wha-what the?!" She floated towards the room door and was pulled outside by Hanako.

The door slammed shut behind Yuri, who was now stranded outside.

"Shuuta!!" Yuri's desperate cries echoed through the neighborhood.


Shuuta, nursing his head, howled in pain as if he were a wounded animal.

"Why did you throw that?! It really hurts!" Shuuta exclaimed, looking irritated.

"Why did you sleep with her? Did that girl seduce you? I'm cuter than her!" Hanako accused, her voice dripping with resentment.

"What the hell? Of course, she didn't seduce me. She carried me home after I passed out," Shuuta retorted.

"So, she drugged you, I see," Hanako insinuated, making false assumptions.

"Eh?! No! My head is spinning from talking to you. Let me sleep!" Shuuta protested, clearly frustrated.

"Do you prefer petite girls? Shorter girls?" Hanako continued to taunt.

"Just leave me alone," Shuuta grumbled, retreating under his cover.

"Kazuma-Kun told me you like little sisters, right? I can be your little sister for tonight," Hanako said as she yanked the covers away.

Shuuta's eyes widened in shock as he gasped for air. Hanako had transformed to look much younger, emphasizing her cuteness and her curves had all but vanished. "Onii-chan," she purred, her eyes suggestive.

Steam billowed from Shuuta's reddened face as he stammered, "I'm not a lolicon... I'm not a lolicon..." He repeated it like a mantra to quell his inner turmoil.

"Stop! You'll never win my heart like this!" Shuuta yelled, his anger flaring.

Hanako's expression darkened, and she retreated. Shuuta instantly regretted losing his temper, fearing he'd crossed a line.

"I... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that," Shuuta apologized, locking eyes with her.

"Meanie!" Hanako threw another manga at him, rendering Shuuta unconscious once more.

Shuuta's soul seemed to leave his body as he fell deeper into chaos, a victim of the absurdity of his circumstances.