
Dream Night

In the morning they both went to their own works as Zara went to university and Can went to the studio . At 11:30 a.m. Zara get a call from Can.

Can: When would you be free?

Zara: l will be free in 10 minutes.

Can: I am coming to pick you.

Zara: OK. I am waiting.

As she come to the lift to come down on the ground floor she stuck-up in the left as she is afraid of darkness and covered room. When lift stuck the lights went off and there was dark in the lift . She was screaming help help nobody was there. it was about 15 minutes when the left stuck the vendors were there to open the lift and when vendors open the lift then she came out but she was so frightened and afraid. She knows that the Can was waiting outside the university for her. Everybody was asking from her, if she is fine or not? She said ,ok and she was coming out.

Can call her

Zara:I am coming out.

She come out in very hustle manner Can saw her coming out and she saw the Can talking to each other from phone . Suddenly Can saw she fell down on the footpath. She was thinking that she was being caught in the dark for 15 minutes and she fall down at the street side. Can hurriedly went to her and pick her up and her bag and mobile and put her in his car and he took her to his own house and call the doctor and the doctor check the

Doctor: She is in a little shock... fever. I am giving some medicines give her when she wakes up and I am giving her injection of rest so she can rest better when she will wake up she will be feeling better .

Can: Thank you doctor but don't tell this to anyone.

Doctor: Of sure I won't.

Can take the doctor outside and say

Can: There is not any problem I think she is alright I guess.

Doctor : Yes Yes she is fine . She is in a shock when she wakes up asking her about what happened. She will tell you surely. Bye Mr Can and take care.

Can: Yes you too

Both shake the hands and Can close the door then he came back to his room where Zara was lying on his bed he saw her in very grieve manner and was thinking what would be happen to her why is she in this state... He interrogated he came to know that she was stuck in a lift for 15 minutes he was very upset by listening this. He decided to take care of herself. After a while Zara started calling someone.

Zara: Please don't go. I am alone please don't go.

And tears were falling from her eyes. Can hold her hand in his hand and making her feel relaxed. But this makes him think that .

Can:. Whom she was calling? whom was ...?

She was also taking a name which he couldn't here because she was in deep sleep. Can got tensed after listening this. When she gets relaxed after a while Can place her hand on the bed and went in bathroom thinking.

Can: Who she was calling???

Can come in the room again and sit on the couch besides the bed with mysterious thoughts , and fell asleep. In the mid night she woke up and saw Can was sleeping on the couch with a book in his hand. When she gets up a sound makes Can awake.

Can: Are you awake? Are you Ok??

Zara: Yes I am fine. What was happened to me? Were I am??

Can: I come to pick up you from the university because you were going for the interview and you fell down so I bring you at my home .

Zara:ohhh Yes I was stuck in the lift and I got frightened there so I fell down. Why do you bring me at your home ? What time is it? I have to go to my home.

While saying this she gets up from the bed and try to stand but her head spin and she was going to fell down again Can hold her from her back and make her sit on the bed. He was looking her clear shiny black hairs and nose and his heart beat become fast.

Can: You are not able to go now because you have given some resting medicine . Stay here for today night I will drop you tomorrow in the morning.

Zara was holding her head .

Zara: But it's too late I can't stay at your home please....

Can: Yes, you are not feeling well so don't worry I will drop you tomorrow.

Zara kept quiet.

Can: let me bring some food for you.

Zara: I am also coming with you.

Can: No I can do by myself. Ok don't worry

Zara smiles and sit on the bed and pick her mobile and watched 4 miss call from her mother. Zara called her mother.

Zara: hello mama. how are you?

Mother: fine and you. you were not picking up the call is everything ok?

Zara: Yes mama I'm not feeling well I'll call you tomorrow. I just wanted to tell you that I am fine.

Mother: Ok take a rest you will be fine tomorrow.

Zara Yes mama bye.

Mother: bye.

Can was in the kitchen preparing food for both he was happy to have her in his home and she was staying at night as this was the dream night for him.

Can : Zara come have some mid night snack.

Zara: Yes

Both laughed
