
Can's exaggeration

They both are sitting in the lawn. Paul and Can are both sitting silent.

Paul: Do you call me to stay on silent mode?

Can looks at Paul and stands up.

Paul: Is everything Ok??

Can: I don't know what to tell you or not to??

Paul: Go on I am listening.

Can: I am in love with the girl.

Paul looks towards Can and put his hand on Can's shoulder and laughed into blaster.

Can: What happened??? I am serious.

Paul: You??? No you can't be.

Can: Why not?? I call you to share my problem with you and you are laughing.

Paul: I don't believe you. Because you The Can Yaman don't love anyone still know after Lara left.

Can: Yeah yeah but I think now I am serious.

Paul: Ok tell me what do you want to...

Can: I am in love with a girl. She is so innocent and.....

Paul: Do you check that girl??? I mean she is not who is taking your advantage???

Can: No. She is just a girl.

Paul: What is her identity? Do you checked her background and etc..

Can: I've checked everything. She is a great girl but...

Paul: But.....

Can: She is married...

Paul: Ahhh dude don't tell me you are in love with a married girl???

Can: But his husband is died.

Paul: Ohhhh this is so sad. But you don't need to love a married girl. You can get many beautiful girls from foreign.

Can: That's the thing but would they love me or my reputation??

Paul: She love's you????

Can: No and she doesn't have any idea that I am in love with her.

Paul kept silent.

Can: She is something. She is so sincere, innocent and silent girl.

Paul: What's her name?

Can: Zara .

Paul: Hmmm nice name.

Can: She is in so much pain ....

Can told Paul the whole past of Zara . Paul was so upset by listening all the story of Zara.

Paul: How's there are so much up and down in the life of some people's??? This is the life 'A mystery life' . We don't know what would happened next??

Can: I want to stay with her.

Paul: Ask her to forget about past and move forward.

Can: She is not interested in this . She says she can't be dishonest with him .

Paul: True love.

Can: Yes.

Paul: Now a days it's difficult to find true love. Girls just wanna money and heavy bank account for shopping. She is free she can do anything but she is very loyal to her husband. His husband would be very lucky.

Can: Yes but I am bit jealous. Why he left her all alone??

Paul: This is natural. You can't interfere with.

Can: You are right.

Paul and Can kept silent for a while.

Paul: Try to convince her . You don't need to show your love but you can stay with her so can have the habit of you.

Can: Yeah I'll try. Thanks buddy for coming. You made my mind really relaxed.

Paul: No problem dude call me when ever you need me.

Both hug each other and say Goodbye to each other. Can closes the door of the home and looked towards the stairs which go towards the Zara room. Next morning Zara come down to go university. She saw Can was in lawn and drinking coffee.

Zara: Good morning.

Can looked at Zara from head to toe she was looking amazing.

Can: Good morning. Ready to go.

Zara: Yeah I'm. How's your meeting with your friend?

Can: Nice.

Zara: Good . Are you ok?

Can: Yeah I'm fine. Do you want some coffee??

Zara: No thanks I'm just leaving for the university.

Can: Let me drop you...

Zara: No no. No need my friend is coming to pick me.

Can: A a a friend???? Whom???

Zara: Yeah I've made a friend who is from my country.

Can gets jealous.

Can: That's sounds great.

Zara: Yeah. So I'll be going.

Can: Ok. See you.

Zara: See you.

Can went back to the Zara looking by whom she was going to. Can looked from the camera she was a girl to whom zara was going with . Can relieved to see that it was a girl. Can come back to the lawn to do breakfast. Suddenly Zara was coming in his mind .

Can: She was looking beautiful. Ahhhh I'm gonna mad .

Zara was in university with her friend Maria. Can called Paul in the morning. Paul was sleeping a deep sleep.

Paul: Ahhhh yeah..... Can.... what happened... Zara knew that you love her.....??? Did she listens us ?????? Why are you calling me in the middle of night??? I'm just came back from your house.

Can: It's 9 o'clock of the morning. Good morning.

Paul: What?? Really???

Paul looks towards the clock.

Paul: Ahh yeah. Good morning dude. How do you get up so early???

Can: Zara is in university.

Paul: Ok. Then???

Can: She don't want me to drop her in the university. She chooses a friend which picked up her from the house. Doesn't it's sounds strange???

Paul: So what happened dude. Chill.

Can: How can I chill?? She is ignoring me.

Paul: Relax Yar. If you are suspecious go and check her.

Can: Yeah I'll check her I'm coming to pick you and then we go to the university.

Paul: Wait?? What?? No I am sleeping peacefully Yar I'll not going .

Can: I'm coming in five minutes be ready.

Paul: Ahhhh you are so annoying.

After five minutes Can arrived at the Paul home.

Paul: Are you at the plane I was wearing jacket.

Can drove towards the university.

Paul: Now how you are going to check from so many students where is she???

Can call Zara

Zara: Yes.

Can: Where are you?

Zara: I'm in the university. Why?

Can: I mean let me drop you to the office if you want to??

Zara: No thank you for asking but I am going out for lunch with my friend.

Can: For lunch???

Zara: Yes.

Can: Where? You don't even know the places correctly.

Zara laughed.

Zara: When you were on your shooting trip I managed to learn famous places with my friend. So don't worry. I'll meet you at home at night . Ok. Goodbye.

Can: I really don't believe she dropped my call . I'll follow her.

Paul was sleeping. Can looked at Paul.

Can: Paul.... Paul...

Paul: Yes yes she is waiting....

Can: We are following her .

Paul: Okay where is she??

Can: She is just coming out from the university.

Paul: Which one?

Can: The girl in blue coat and pent .

Paul: She is beautiful.

Can: Stop looking at her....

Paul: Yes yes you are right.
