
Chapter 8

Is she really allowed to eat this?

The girl has no clue what to think. Something so delicious was placed right in front of her.

Can she eat this? Should she?

She looks at both Paul and Matilda, and both are looking back at her.

"Go ahead, try it!" Matilda says with an encouraging smile, and Paul nods as well.

Slowly, the girl grabs the spoon, scooping a small bit of the stew up and bringing it to her mouth. She sniffs it, and it smells delicious.

Not only does it smell delicious, it looks delicious. She seems almost afraid to eat it, not wanting it to disappear.

Now she opens her mouth, and slowly she bring the spoon inside before closing her mouth around it.

It's good..!

She can't stop herself now. Almost like an animal, she ravages the stew, taking bite after bite without pause. Before Paul and Matilda realize it, the entire bowl is empty, and the girl has made a mess of herself.

"Oh my!" Matilda says with surprise. "I guess it's good."

She laughs to herself at the comment.

"Well of course it's good, you cooked it," Paul chimes in, taking a bite of the stew himself.

Unlike the girl, Paul and Matilda don't rush with their food. Instead, they take their time, sharing in idle conversation between bites.

How can they talk when they have such amazing stew in front of them? Maybe they aren't as hungry as she was, or rather, still is.

Her stomach rumbles at the thought, and Matilda laughs once more.

"Would you like another serving?"

The girl nods with an extreme level of enthusiasm.

Yes, she does want more!

"Okay, one moment then," Matilda says, standing up from the table and grabbing the girl's bowl.

It was hardly long before the girl had another steaming bowl of stew in front of her, ready to be eaten.

"This time though, don't rush with your food and make a bigger mess of yourself," Matilda says.

Is she messy?

The girl looks down at herself. Sure enough, she is covered in her last serving of stew.

How could she make a mess of her stew instead of eating it!?

The girl looks appalled with herself.

She will not make the same mistake twice!

This time, she is much more careful in eating, and as she eats, she listens to the idle chatter between Paul and Matilda.

"We need something to call her instead of just 'girl' or 'you.' Do you have any ideas?" Paul asks Matilda.

Something to call her? Are they thinking of giving her a name?

"You're right, she does need a name we can call her. How about Susie?" Matilda suggests.

"Susie? Seriously? She does not look like a Susie. Maybe Marion?"

"No, Marion doesn't fit either. Elizabeth?"

"Come on dear, look at her! None of these names we have would fit her. Maybe we should think on it later," Paul says, clearly unsure what he and Matilda should call the girl.

"Yes, I guess you're right," Matilda says with a sigh. "Well, I noticed you didn't get too much firewood today."

"Hard to gather wood for the Winter when you come across a girl lost in the woods," Paul says jokingly.

"Wait, say that again," Matilda says, suddenly serious.

"What? What did I say?" Paul asks, confused by the sudden shift in atmosphere.

"You said Winter."

"... What about it?"

"Well, what about Winter?"

"What do you mean dear?"

"I mean, what if we call her Winter? She has snow white hair, so maybe it matches more than the names we came up with," Matilda says.

Paul looks taken back.

Together, the two turn to look at the girl who was still eating, albeit much slower than before.

Why are they looking at her? Did she do something wrong?

"Yeah, I think Winter would work," Paul says, nodding at the idea.

"What do you think?" Matilda asks the girl. "Should we call you Winter?"

Winter? Is that supposed to be a name?

The girl looks confused.

Well, it would be better than just being called girl. She doesn't see why not.

The girl nods her head.

"Perfect, Winter it is!" Matilda says, clearly pleased with herself.

"Yes, it is a good name," Paul says, chuckling at Matilda's enthusiasm.

"Now then, it looks like you're done eating there Winter," Paul says, pointing the Winter's empty bowl.

What? Done eating?

She looks down herself and is shocked to find her bowl empty.

How can it already be gone!?

She seems disappointed.

"I know, it did taste good," Paul says, "but it's about time we all start getting ready for bed. Matilda, she's going to need a bath. Would you mind giving her one?"

"Yes, of course I can," she answers with a smile. "You go and get some water for the tub, I'll get her something to wear. I should have something she can wear among the clothes I've made this year."

"Okay then, sounds like a plan," Paul says, and together they both get up, Paul heading outside with a bucket and Matilda heading to their room in search of clothes.

"Winter, follow me. I need to see what might fit you so I can choose something for you to wear," Matilda calls.

Winter quickly stands up from the chair and follows closely behind into their room. Inside is a large bed, one that all three of them could easily fit on. Beside the bed is a small drawer with a candle that lights the room despite the darkness outside.

The left side of the room has a dressing cabinet and a large chest next to that. Both are filled completely with clothes. It is the chest that Matilda goes to, bringing Winter along.

Inside the chest is an almost overwhelming amount of clothes.

Why is there so much!? Do they wear all of this!?

Matilda laughs at Winter's confused expression.

"I make clothes that Paul sells in the city every few months. That's what he's leaving to do next week. Since you're here though, we can use some of this for you. Now then, stand right here while I see what might fit you."

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