
a murderestic psycho


Godgamerlol · Horror
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1 Chs

chapter 1. everyone is a hero except him.

De lu sun is a very sweet and nice person he is not the most popular or the smartest but he does really well in academics and sports but every good person has a dark side.... In his case he doesn't have a dark side he is the DARK side.

Location: school

Time:8 00 am

Target: no one.

De lu sun was just minding his own buisness when the class bully jack Yes he is transfer student from the great Britain you may ask what the fuck is a British person doing in a Japanese school there is no reason to becuase British schools already excel in everything academics etc the reason he is here i don't know!.

Jack came up to de lu sun.

"Hey loser alone again?" Jack asked in a mocking tone looking down on de lu sun.

De lu sun didn't want any trouble so he tired walking away.but jack pinned him to the locker with his right hand holding him still with a snister grin "i don't want to do thi-"

Jack kicked him in legs and slapped him again and again he couldn't do anything well he could but did he?

All it was too jack was joyful bullying but to de lu sun it was fueling something deep within him no one wanted to see something dark and snister a demon perhaps? No much MUCH worse.

Jack was satisfied de lu sun was in pain his face was red as a tomato it stingted it hurt jack was about to leave.

Jack oh jack he had made the biggest mistake of his entire worthless little life.

"You think you can get away with this." Said de lu sun in a deep snister voice his voice was chilling and soft suddenly the pity fullness of the situation disappeared and it became intense and felt like something was gonna happen.

"Oh you still are concious? My bad." Said jack in a mocking tone before kicking Dr lu sun on his face. But de lu sand catches his leg.

And used his elbow and strike teh weak nerve on his leg cuasing jack to scream in pain in high pitch tone making his throat tingle.

Sun punched jacks face and kicked him super hard on his stomach blood came from jacks mouth making the ground covered with blood and jacks organs...

Jack was barely alive struggling to stay alive and conscious "y-you...." Jack uttered weakly unable to talk in his current state.

"Worthless trash bags like you are the reason why the earth is a bad place I may be the garbage man but atleast i complete the job." Said sun in. A cold tone with a eaire look in his eyes they where expression less and cold you could get lost in them forever making your brain melt not being able to understand the eyes of de lu sun.

De lu sun took a knife from his sleeve he was hiding the whole time he stabbed jack in his shoulders deepening the wound and he kept sticking the kinfe in our to see the beautiful red blood it was so beautiful there are many beautiful things even in disgusting creatures like jack.

He stabbed and stabbed till the area became a pool of blood and organs no one saw him do this act except a girl named ashalin she was de lu sun's childhood friend.

"De- l-uu.... Sun.. wha-" she tried speaking but was to shocked and horrifyed by the pool of red blood and jacks dead corpse de lu sun turned to look her in the eyes with his ruthless emotionless gaze piercing through her soul leaving her to freeze...

She started running to the principals office screaming but no one was there you see only de lu sun and Ashlin come this early the school starts really late even the staffs arrive late jack found about this and came early just to bully de lu sun.

She is running fast as her feet can carry her

She is making turn after turn running up the stairs the school is unfortunately huge as fuck.

She made a turn a de lu sun kicked her out of no where cuasing her to crash onto the wall breaking the wall and her bones making it hard for her to breathe she let out a pained scream she looked at de lu sun with a fearful look in her eyes. "H..--ho-how d-id you- get he-r-re" she asked panting in pain while holding her back her spine is heavily damage she may never be able to stand straight ever again even worse never walk de lu sun looked at her eyes with a snister cold look no emotions or expressions just straight up child running through her damaged spine.

"There is this thing called a elevator" de lu sun said calmy yet coldy and emotionlessly.

Ashlin realised he was too smart and calm so she tried to make the crawl for it.

She got up and tired running but she feels down because of her spine destorying any sort of rebellion against de lu sun's cruel act she tried crawling.

"It's useless give up...." He said as kicking her face her nose is broken and bleeding she can't breathe she is going to die in a few seconds.

Before her final moments she looked at him and said "ja-" she coughed blood she was panting and trying breathe trying to say the last words that are really important.

She finally finished her sentence."ja-jason was right..." She said he looked at her he looked calm but after a few seconds of calm his temper kicked in and he kicked her in face so hard her face broke cuasing her to die on bleed her brain got smooshed coming out of her skull in blood like a spaghetti but mushy.... And smashed...

He disposed of the evidence using his variety of tactics to stop the smell and clean everything without doing too much work the floors where good as new and the two students where marked absent till there parents said they didn't come home.

De lu sun sat down and think about what she said.....