
Cleaning Up

Hmph, I expected more of a fight. I sat down on the foot of their bed. What to do now?

Well, I guess I should clean up. I would hate getting caught so early on. I let out a deep sigh as I stood up. I stretched my body out, relieving the built-up tension in my body.

Now, where is our mop?

Oh duh, the kitchen. How stupid can I be?

I pull down my hoodie and take off my mask as I walk into the kitchen. I take a deep breath. Finally, it doesn't smell like blood.

Is there any way to get blood off bedsheets and clothing without using the washing machine?

Oh wait, I can look that up.

I pull my phone out from my skinny jean's front pocket. I hold the power button down to turn it on once more. I place my phone down on the kitchen counter, it's deep maroon color contrasting with my phone's lily-white case. In the meantime, I open the cabinets underneath my sink. A bucket. I take it out and set it on the counter as well.


Hm? Oh, my phone is on now.

I walk over to my phone and pick it up. 10 new notifications. I unlock it with my fingerprint. First I check my text messages. I opened Lillian's first.

Lillian: Hey wanna come over?

Come over? It's 3 AM in the morning.

"Uh, sure. I'll be over in like, 30 minutes."

Lillian is typing...

Lillian: OK! I'll see ya soon.

I close her message and open Josh's. Nothing but a picture of his dog.

"Aw, that's adorable. I wish I had pets at my house :/"

I waited for a minute. Must be asleep. He doesn't wait to answer messages. I close out of the messaging app. The rest of the notifications were from Youtube and Instagram. Nothing important. I open Google and swiftly type: "how to remove blood from clothing and bedsheets"

Ugh. I have to use a washing machine. That takes too long.

I guess I'll do that last.

I filled the bucket with water and grabbed the nearby mop. The floor had blood all over it. I started to remove the blood throughout the house. It wasn't hard, you just need perseverance. In 10 minutes I was done with mopping and spraying the floor down with chemicals.

I needed to do something about the dead bodies. I grabbed a few trash bags and our kitchen's cleaver. I headed back to that room. The odor was worse now. The bodies shouldn't be decaying this fast... Oh well. I cut both of them into tiny pieces so I could shove them both into the same garbage bag. I even grabbed some food from the fridge (and other items) to put over their cut-up corpses. I brought the bag outside and threw it into the dumpster.

Now I just had to deal with the bedsheets. Easy. I just had to wash them.

I simply put them in and waited. In the meantime, I sat on the couch and looked through my feed. I occasionally favorited posts, mainly fanart of my persona.

When the bedsheets were done washing I made up their bed and changed into new clothing.

White shirt, leather jacket, and black converse. Ah yes, the classic emo teen look. I packed the rest of my things and headed outside.


Lillian: You almost here?

Oh, I'm a little late. Oops.

"Yeah, just promise that you won't freak out when I tell you something upon my arrival."

Lillian: K, I promise.

This was a stupid little chapter. It was a little clunky but I needed to get something out. Enjoy!

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