
Chapter 11

With this chapter, we are finally over 15000 words so the word count chapter is now deleted!

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"Huh?" Aika made some confused noises as she looked up at me, her eyes red and puffy behind her glasses.

"Do you want to get back at them?" I asked once more.

"Get… get back at who?" She asked, her voice hoarse from crying.

"Anyone who hurt you." I said with steel behind my words.

"What's the point… it's not like I could really get back at them, who would believe an ugly pervert like me over the rising stars of the kendo club?" She said while chuckling soullessly, making my decision even more correct in my mind.

"Tell me Aika, do you believe in magic?" I smiled down at her confused face before she frowned.

"Magic? Samson this is no time to tease…" She trailed off as I opened my palm and willed a ball of fire into existence above it, making Aika's eyes widen up to a size that would make dinner plates jealous.

"H-How?" She tried to reach out to the flame which was my cue to make my hand into a fist and extinguish the flame.

"Magic." I answered her with a cheeky smile on my face.

"…how?" Aika managed to say after a pause but at least she wasn't thinking about depressing stuff anymore.

"As I said. Magic." I poked her in her ribs, making her squirm.

"Yeah, but how is it real?" She asked, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes sparkling.

"The same was air and gravity are real. Just because you've never seen it doesn't mean it's not real after all." I smiled down at her before continuing my explanation.

"Long story short, all the myths and legends you know, they are real. Every mythology we know of exists as a faction of supernatural beings. Some of them even live among humans without letting it be known."

"Have… have I met any of them?"

"Yup, Rias Gremory and Himejima Akeno." I answered and watched her eyes widen.

"The great ladies of Kuoh Academy? Seriously? What are they, some kind of boob yokai?" She asked and I had to smother my laughter with my hand.

"Pfft, no. No they are not boob yokai, they aren't even yokai. They are devils, from bible."

"Seriously?!" Aika's eyes were wide as she tried to picture it.

"I can't see it, they are always so nice with everyone." She shook her head.

"Devils have changed quite a bit throughout the years. They don't even steal soul anymore these days. The council president is a devil too anyway."

"Shitori, yeah I can actually see that." Aika nodded her head with a crossed expression.

"It's actually Sitri. Sona Sitri. She and Rias are what you would call high class devils, nobility."

"That ain't surprising either." Aika said, I guess them being devils was far more extraordinary than them being nobles.

"What are you then? Are you a devil too? Are you here to steal poor maidens and take them away to your castle?" She wiggled her eyebrows as she said that and I could hear Paul snicker from the corner of the room. He would get his due later.

"First of all, the castle and maiden thing is dragons. Secondly, no I am not a devil. I am descendant of the biblical hero Samson."

"Never heard of him." Ouch, there goes my family pride.

"He is rather… obscure compared to Moses or Jesus. He was more or less the biblical equivalent of Heracles. Oh and Paul over there is a magician, actual magic though not card tricks." I said as I pointed to the alchemist with my thumb.

"And I think you can become one too." I said and Aika's turned to look at me so fast that I was surprised she didn't accidentally snap her own neck.


"I think you can be one too. Or I guess I could've said 'You're a Wizard Aika' but that wouldn't work since you are not one yet."

"No! I mean, why me?" She asked with wide eyes, this girl needs more confidence in herself outside of lewd activities.

"Because you are my friend, because I like you and this would give you a pretty damn good way to get back at those who wronged you." I listed my reasons, Aika's eyes getting slightly wider with each reason.

"But… but…" I put my index finger to her lips to silence her.

"Shush, I don't wanna hear anything about buts unless it's sexy." I said with a wiggle of my eyebrows, making her giggle.

"You are telling me to learn magic and get back at my bullies. Isn't there some sort of law about not using magic on people who don't know about it?" That was actually a good question, I knew she was smart.

"Not really, it is just frowned upon and some people might try to play hero and the church might try to raise a fuss but honestly, fuck the church." I humphed, not caring how my words had shocked Aika. As far as I was concerned, the Church was the worst faction in the DxD without being outright villains. They were useless most of the time, did experiments on children and acted like they had the moral high ground.

The only good things that came out of the church were as far as I was concerned were religious waifus and Vasco Strada the buff. Everything else about them was trash.

"So yeah, as far as I'm concerned, you can do whatever you want with them. Make them apologize, humiliate them or even turn them into your own personal slaves." I shrugged, entirely unconcerned with the way a spark of intrigue found a home in Aika's eyes when I listed the last option.

"More importantly, I believe that I heard you say some stupid bullshit about being ugly before." I raised an eyebrow at Aika who shrunk into herself under my gaze.

"I… uhh…" I put my hand on the top of her head and started to softly pet her.

"You are a beauty, perverted tendencies and all, and fuck whoever claims otherwise."

{+10 Affection with Kiryuu Aika(100/100) for she is now madly in love with you and wants the D!}

{Maximum Affection Reward: Kiryuu Aika Obedience have been maxed, Skill [Lewd Scouter] acquired.}

Huh, that sounded fun. I would look into it later.

"So, do you wanna be a Wizard?" I smirked down at the brunette in my arms who had an impish smile on her face.

"I'm in."

{Quest: Magical Revenge!

Objective: Make Kiryuu Aika a mid class magician and help her take revenge on Murayama and Katase.

Bonus Objective: Make Kiryuu Aika a high class magician.

Reward: 5 Gacha tokens and [Eromancer] class unlocked.

Bonus Reward: [Great Teacher] perk}

That was a thing to do I guess but now I had more important concerns, like the brunette in my lap who was grinding her rear on my crotch and getting closer to my lips.

"Ahem." The hell?

"I recommend doing such activities away from me, sir. I also hope that this was just some harmless fun and not a result of you people forgetting that I existed." Paul looked at us with a less than impressed gaze.

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