
A Multiversal One-Shots!

Roxanne_Agares · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Inso's Law (9)

Hey, hey, vlog fam!


It's your soon-to-be seventh-grade vlogger here, but things are changing up a bit.


It seems that my vlogging may become a bit more infrequent, because guess what?


I'm now stepping into the world of live streaming! 


Isn't that amazing?


Yep, from being a vloggerist, I'm now a live streamerist. 


But don't worry, this isn't the last vlog. 


I'll still be here to share my transfer experience with you all.


First of all, let me clarify, I am not crying. 


Nope, not at all. 


You see, I'm not with my lovely, honey bunch, sugar pie sister, and that's why there are no tears. 


I just wanted to clear that up.


But now, let's talk about my flight experience. 


I have to say, the South Korean flight attendants are super professional. 


It's like they have telepathic powers or something. 


Before I even ask a question or make a request, they already know what I need. 


It's just... freaky in a cool way, you know?


And lastly, can we talk about the mama in the web novel I'm reading? 


She's just like your typical mother you would see in any neighborhood. 


It's funny how relatable characters can be, even in fictional stories.


So, let's make this vlog just like the previous ones, full of adventure and fun. 


Stay tuned for more updates, live streams, and maybe even a glimpse into my transfer experience. 


This has been your soon-to-be seventh-grade vlogger-turned-live-streamerist, signing off with a mix of excitement and curiosity for what's to come.


Don't forget to hit that like vote button, follow, and leave your comments down below. 


Thanks for being a part of this incredible vlog fam! 


Catch you on the flip side!. 





























































































Hey there, vlog fam! 


It's your soon-to-be seventh-grade vlogger back at it again!


So, here's the situation - I'm currently trapped in a taxi, and to make things even more interesting, my auntie has decided to use my shoulders as her personal pillow. 


Talk about a cozy ride, right?


I totally get it though. 


She graciously picked me up from the airport, and now we're on this never-ending taxi adventure together.


Now, here's the challenge - I have to maintain this stone-like position, making sure not to wake up my exhausted aunt. 


Trust me, staying still for so long is no easy feat!


As I sit here, trying not to let boredom consume me, the only thing I can do is stare out the window in search of something that catches my attention. 


It's like my own little game of "spot the interesting sights."


And let me tell you, it's harder than it sounds. 


But hey, I'm up for the challenge. 


Who knows what hidden gems I might discover along the way?


Alright, vlog fam, that's it for now. 


Stay tuned as I continue this seemingly never-ending taxi adventure. 


Who knows what other surprises await us? 


Keep watching and see you soon!