
A Multiversal One-Shots!

Roxanne_Agares · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Inso's Law (6)

What's up, vlog fam? 


It's your downcasted toddler vlogger here today, with a bit of a heavy heart and a lot to share.


Remember how I recently shared the news about my best friend leaving and how tough it was for both of us? 


Well, things have taken an unexpected turn since then, and let me tell you, it's been quite an emotional rollercoaster.


First, my dumbass father, in his infinite wisdom (or lack thereof), decided to tease me about the situation. 


He made a comparison between my best friend leaving and my mother and him in their youth. 


I mean, really? 


Now is not the time for his silly jokes. It only added salt to the wound and made me feel even more down.


In the midst of my melancholy thoughts, as I lay in bed that night, something unexpected crossed my mind. 


I had this strange feeling, this intuitive sense that a younger sibling was on the way. 


It was as if the universe was whispering secrets to me that I couldn't quite explain.


Now, don't get me wrong, the idea of having a younger sibling is definitely intriguing. 


It could bring new adventures, moments of bonding, and even more love into my life. 


But at the same time, it's a lot to process, especially in the midst of missing my best friend.


Change can be both exciting and overwhelming, and this potential addition to our family carries a mix of emotions. 


But hey, life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn't it?


And despite my downcasted mood, I'm choosing to stay open to whatever the future holds.


So, my vlog fam, let's navigate these twists and turns together. 


Let's hold on to the cherished memories of friendship and find moments of joy amidst the challenges. 


Who knows, maybe the universe has something amazing in store for me, whether it's a new sibling or a reunion with my best friend.


Stay tuned for more updates as I continue to embrace the ever-changing world around me. 


This has been your pensive toddler vlogger, signing off with a mix of hope, curiosity, and a dash of uncertainty. 


Catch you on the flip side!







































































Hey, vlog fam! 


It's your resident toddler vlogger here, checking in with some exciting updates and maybe even a sprinkle of bittersweet nostalgia.


Remember when I shared my feelings about missing my best friend and how lonely I felt without her? 


Well, fast forward a few months, and there's been a bit of a twist in the tale – my premonition from five weeks ago actually came true!


You won't believe it, but I now have a younger sibling! 


Yep, you heard that right, a little bundle of joy has joined our family, and let me tell you, it's been quite the adventure.


When I first received the news, a whirlwind of emotions filled my tiny heart. 


There was excitement, curiosity, and even a little bit of nervousness about what this new addition would mean for me. 


But let me tell you, it's been nothing short of magical.


This little baby has brought so much light and joy into our lives. 


Watching their tiny fingers, hearing their sweet little coos – it's heartwarming beyond words. 


And you know what? 


It turns out that having a younger sibling is actually pretty awesome.


Sure, there are challenges along the way. 


The late-night crying and the occasional diaper mishaps keep us, especially mama, on our toes. 


But through it all, there's this undeniable bond, a connection that grows stronger every day.


It's fascinating to see how my role as a big sibling has evolved. 


I find myself taking on new responsibilities, helping out when I can, and showering them with all the love my little heart can muster. 


And you know what? 


It feels pretty darn amazing.


Now, don't get me wrong, I still miss my best friend dearly. 


Her absence is still felt, and I treasure all the memories we created together. 


But having a younger sibling has given me a whole new perspective on the beauty of companionship and the wonders of growing together as a family.


So, vlog fam, join me on this incredible journey as I navigate the world of siblings, laughter, and unconditional love. 


Together, we'll embrace the magic that comes with welcoming a new family member and cherish the moments that make life truly special.


Stay tuned for more updates, adventures, and heartwarming stories as we embark on this exciting chapter. 


This has been your joyful toddler vlogger, signing off with a heart full of love, gratitude, and the joy of newfound siblinghood. 


Catch you on the flip side!