
A Multiversal One-Shots!

Roxanne_Agares · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


And of course, that one is just a joke.


But anyways.


As Chabashira-sensei faces me, with her arms at the bottom of her bosoms, she then questions me..


"Okay so Mitsuaki, I want to know how you reached this point of yours."


With her demanding voice, I know that she wants evidence, a valid one.


"I am suspicious of the S-system, sensei. It's hard to believe that this school would give their students 100,000 yen, which holds the same value of Japanese currency, yen, on the first day of school, and supposedly every month according to my classmates. So to me, this is extremely suspicious. This alone could potentially cause the entire value of the S-system to collapse due to high inflation."


"Also seeing you teachers turned blind eye to the disrespectful behaviors of my classmates, forgave my vocabulary but this is just bullshit. And I mean it. So with that sensei, can you explain it to me more clearly"


As I said my suspicions to her, subtle yet unsettling changes are on her face.


Her smirk a while ago had turned into an eerie one, it looks like those crazy people who find the chaos in front of them beautiful.


But with that eerie smile present on her face, she looked more beautiful than before.


It even makes her look like a sugar momma in a suit.


However, I need to understand.


Know what's happening behind the S-system, as it is crucial for me.


Is there any more hidden motives on it aside from the plotting of someone?


This question needs to be answered.


By knowing what's going on with the S-system, I can avoid many inconveniences in the near future.


I'm not even convinced with the not-so-great honored thinking of my classmates, they are just blinded brats that need to be hit by a reality punch, so they can go back to reality.


With a hopeful gaze to my homeroom teacher.


I hope she will answer me truthfully…




Is what she said.















































































With me, not getting any leads with my conversation from my homeroom teacher.

I then proceeded to the gymnasium as there was a club fair happening…

Upon walking there, I noticed that nearly all of the freshman students this year including me are right here now.

Hundreds of club recruiters are at my front waiting for the official launch of the Club fair..

Then someone gave me a pamphlet that was showing me all of the possible Clubs that I might enter.

Taekwondo, baseball, soccer. ..

Literature, science, theoretical. ..

And etc..

The clubs that were being shown here were all high end, so what should I join?

While I am still browsing its contents…

But then they are suspicious.

I don't know but, as I looked at their orderly manners.

I can't help but be weird out by the stillness of their behaviors. ..

And then, someone who is also a girl, then steps up on stage while wearing traditional archery gear.

Holding the mic, she started to introduce herself and convinced all of us to join their club..

Then one after another, every club representative invited us to join their respective clubs.

As they are all finished, someone with glass then steps up onto the stage.

Wearing the designated uniforms of the male students.

Standing in front of the mic, he is calmly looking around the first year students.

With a calculating gaze in his eyes, I couldn't help but think that I am in the presence of a ruler.

It's been a while since I felt this kind of gaze, the last I felt was when I met up with my father's parents.

I then waited for him to talk but he just stood up there, still looking at us…

And then a ludicrous thought appeared in my mind..


"Did you forget your note cards!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ~!!"






This was clearly not from me, but this is also what I thought in my mind.


He only stood there and was still calmly looking at us.

Okay this now starts to be crazy…

With him being ridiculed by the first-years I somewhat expected that he will be affected by it a little.

But no…

The laughter and their offensive remarks about him, didn't faze him at all.

Still wearing his apathetic expression, a voice of disbelief was then released by an also astonished student.

Well it's kinda relatable, since I am also astonished by the dude's strange behavior that I am feeling a slight bit of nervousness creeping into my heart.

And one after another all of the freshman students were now quiet, since they also felt the extreme gaze of that dude up there.

Then the student started to speak, while still staring at everyone.

Putting his hands at the podium, he calmly started his speech.

"I am the Student council President. My name is Manabu Horikita."


Was he related to my female classmate?

While I am pondering this, he then continues his speech.

As I heard his voice, I can't help but be drawn to him, like he has a super strong magnetic field that can attract the iron content of every blood cell present on my body.

And I am not the only one that is feeling it..

All of us who were at this gymnasium, are drawn to the massive presence in our front.

He didn't even take a breath in his speech.

After he said all of it, he immediately hopped off the stage and left the gymnasium.

As we watch him leaving, we can't help but still remain here standing at the same place.

The immense pressure that we just experienced is not easy to ward off with a simple breathing pace..

Thankfully someone then tells us something that snaps us back to reality.

One by one, the freshman students then went to their desired club while as for me, I went to the mall since I forgot to buy anything for the entire month.

As I am now walking, I noticed some of my classmates also present here..

But I immediately retracted my gaze to them and immediately went to the Mall.