
A Multiversal One-Shots!

Roxanne_Agares · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 11

You're quite persistent ain't you?




































You're still scrolling?



































I see that you are still here…


Well, allow me to indulge you further. 


You see, just like you


I find my own creativity quite entertaining, and it makes me filled with a desire to create more on a whim. 


The ideas stored within my mind yearn to be realized, to exist somewhere outside of my own imagination. 


The human mind truly knows no bounds - it can conceive countless concepts and ideas, transforming the intangible number of zero into something extraordinary. 


They can even encompass the concept of "everything" in representing the vast array of matters and phenomena from the human perspective. 


It's utterly mind-blowing, not only to me but to you as well.


How did the human mind come up with such seemingly nonsensical ideas, only for them to make perfect sense upon further examination? .


Throughout all of my existence, human minds have never ceased to amaze me. 


Their capacity for creativity and innovation seems boundless.


And so, I've come to a fascinating decision. 


I am going to conduct an experiment involving a human soul. 










I will divide it into numerous pieces, each one will be given a new body, and allow them to reincarnate over time. 


The question that drives this experiment is whether these fragmented souls will continue to function without the entirety of their essence. 


Will they thrive and adapt to the circumstances incoming?


Or will the new bodies wither and falter due to the lack of a complete soul? 


The results of this experiment are shrouded in mystery, and I am dying to know the outcome.


I comprehend that this experiment will span an incalculable number of years. 


Patience is a virtue. 


But as a notable human once said, "Everything comes in time to those who can wait," as François Rabelais wisely remarked. 


I wholeheartedly believe in the wisdom of this quote, and I am willing to wait for as long as it takes.


But I am still Indulging myself with the experiment which makes me more hungry. 


The idea of sending those fragments of the original away, is simply euphoric.


I then wonder if those fragments will develop their own selves, will they even retain some of the original's essence?


Or will they be lost broken puzzle pieces that won't fit, if I reassemble them once again? 


With reincarnating them numerous times, will they reach the result of losing their own selves?


Or will a new distinctiveness be fitted?


These questions make me think more about its results. 


Witnessing a new phenomenon with my own eyes, if ever I have one. 


To observe every single fragment's development and their potential triumphs for the challenges they will experience.


Until then, I will remain here waiting for your return.


Entertain me more, Hikari Mitsuaki. 













































































As I took a seat here, in the large pile of dead bodies. 


I felt an extreme emptiness, swirling inside of my existence. 


A simple yet, weighing unanswered questions lingered, and burdening my mind. 


It is a collection of stacked shelves of confusions.


Relatively make me feel dumb.


What is joy?


Is it something I can even experience?


Then what about love and happiness?


Do they even truly exist in the first place, or are they merely illusions, human's desperately cling to?


Each passing desperation brings still unanswered questions. 


It makes me feel an overwhelming amount of myself, missing. 


This despicable longing has been within me, when I start getting an order to end other lives.


I can't stop this insatiable hunger of finding my biggest puzzle piece. 

Yet I'm entrapped by the large pit of confusion.