
A Multiversal Journey! - Rise of A True God

!! WISH FULFILMENT !! - DO NOT TAKE THIS STORY TO HEART, THE STORY IS PURELY FOR ENJOYMENT. Dying from cancer was one of the most painful things Simon Kilmonger had experienced in his quick fifteen years of life. His last five spent battling for his life against an aggressive form of cancer. However, before he could even grieve his own death, he was met with an opportunity that came once in a life time... Literally. "And who are you supposed to be? God?" - Simon. "That, and your one last chance at an enjoyable life." - TOB.

HYKEEM · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The God & His Dragon [Chapter 2]

Taking his first steps above the forest he's so familiar with, Simon hummed. His first move was to spread his consciousness over the entirety of the planet, making sure nothing escaped his senses.

It was his way of utilizing Omniscience. No one could escape it and nothing could block it.

Instantly, the position and information belonging to every entity and inanimate object entered his mind. Though, he focused on the one thing he wanted to change about the original story first.

'Let's enjoy myself first. She won't be going anywhere any time soon.' He thought, keeping the movements of a specific group of Vritra within his mind.

'They move fast, I have about a couple of hours before they arrive to take her away. Should I just get her now…?' Shrugging, Simon shook his head.

With a single thought, he disappeared. The next moment, he arrived in front of a giant boulder that sat beside a creek. Since he's familiar with the novel of The Beginning After The End, he knew exactly what this boulder was.

'Would be really cool if the boulder talked to me too…' Chuckling at his own joke, he approached the giant stone and found the entrance he was looking for. Without a second thought, he hopped down.



Sylvia was currently teaching the little human named Arthur how to continuously cycle mana within his core as he did normal activities. Like walk, run, sleep, eat- even fight.

She was still deep within her disguise as a Vritra warrior, her black obsidian armor, dark gray skin and wrinkled nose, her bright ruby red eyes that held kindness as she watched the little human reincarnate in front of her.

However, the atmosphere was ruined with a shiver that shook her to her core. From the entrance of her little hideout, a figure covered by the shadows slowly descended, just behind Arthur.

Sylvia tried her best to gage the strength of the intruder but to no avail, she couldn't get a reading. A cold sweat enveloped her back, and her mind went numb.

"Arthur!" She called out, startling the boy who was in the middle of doing a routine of stretches, he fell on his behind. Before he could even get mad and say anything, Sylvia appeared in front of him, her arms trying their best to reach around him.

But within a singular moment, her objective was snatched from in front of her. "The famed Protagonist… I'm honored." Sylvia felt her wound begin to ache, but her mind was elsewhere.

Spinning on her heels, she faced her own throne, met with the sight of a brown haired boy with crystal whitish, blue eyes staring down at her from her own seat.

Arthur, the boy she'd grown accustomed to was within his grasp, placed at his feet with a black chain wrapped around him.

"Let him go, now!" She shouted, palpable killing intent radiating off her very being. Simon hummed, he wasn't really going to hurt Arthur.

After all, he has no idea what would happen if a protagonist of the world were to be killed off.

He figured that going the direction of the, "tyrannical overpowered God" route would be effective. And so far, he was right.

Arthur Leywin was drenched in sweat. In a moments notice, his whole life had taken a drastic turn, once again. 'H-How…? They were both so fast.' Taking a hesitant glance at the young man behind him, Arthur found that he was just another human.

So he thought.

His gaze was met by Simons though, and the empty, cold gaze sent shivers down the veteran's spine. It was true fear, something he hasn't felt in a while. His head snapped forward and down, keeping his gaze the lowest it could possibly be.

The cold metal wrapped around his neck and wrists sent his body into a state of fight or flight, yet he couldn't even act instinctively.

"If I let him go, I have nothing to get the edge over you with. I think I'll keep him here." Simon replied statically. Sylvia growled. Clenching her fist.

Not getting a response back, Simon continued. "Better yet, you should be asking me who I am, what I bring, and how I can help you. After all, the people that you pissed off are VERY mad." He chuckled.

Sylvia flinched.

'Agrona? No, he wouldn't come personally. It's his scythes.' Simon nodded, "Bingo." Syvlia's eyes widened, she was truly shaken.

"Y-You can read my mind? Just who are you?" The boy sighed, leaning back on the black throne. "Finally a question I want to answer. I'm Simon Kilmonger. And I'm the only one that can help you, this boy and the Asuras." Sylvia felt her guard slip a bit before she was fully on edge.

Hearing her people get mentioned raises clear red flags within her mind. 'He's a simple lesser… How could he possibly know about them?' Simon rolled his eyes but kept his comments to himself.

Arthur on the other hand, was truly at a loss. He had no idea what was going on. The chains were uncomfortable and felt as if they were slowly tightening, his knees beginning to hurt as they scraped against the hard, rough rocky ground.

He was frustrated more so than fearful. He had full faith that Sylvia would save him, he had no reason to fear the man behind him.

Sylvia let out a breath, resigning to the boy in front of him. Her posture relaxed as her guard dropped. Arthur was stunned. 'W-what's she doing…? Someone like her submitted to this guy? There's more to this.'

Keeping his calm, Arthur stayed quiet. His gaze hardened as his resolve steeled. He wanted to help Sylvia, but he also wanted to learn as much as he could.

Something Simon favored about the young Protagonist.

"Fine. I'll hear you out." Simon smiled slightly, his eyes showing his amusement. Seeing the look on his face only infuriated the Dragon further, reminding her of her late husband.

However, she held her thoughts to herself. Simon nodded, waving his hand he sent Arthur to a nearby wall, dissipating the chains around his neck and wrists and reapplying some to wrap him and hold him against the wall.

The wall formed four spikes that sat snuggly in designated holes within the spikes. Arthur groaned as his back slammed against the stone wall, further groaning as the chains tightened to keep him in place.

"Arthur!" Sylvia called out, finally having enough, she launched herself towards Simon with the intent to kill him in one blow, but Simon didn't move.

She took that as a sign of weakness, that she was too fast for him. 'Stupid piece of scum.' She thought smugly, as her fist came centimeters from connecting, she was suddenly stopped in place.

"Kneel." Arthur's eyes widened through the pain he felt. The giant lady came to a complete stop, her momentum nowhere to be found as she was forced to both her knees by an unstoppable force.

Her body wasn't her own anymore. She knew that for sure.

"Stop making this hard. I understand I overstepped my boundaries, but we are running out of time." Simon began to explain. Sylvia grit her teeth.

"...You aren't human." Simon stood up rolling his eyes, groaning. "Come on~ Is that even important anymore? I'm offering you, your child and the human a chance to live- And more. Stop being stubborn."

Sylvia' jaw tightened as her eyes lowered. Finally, she sighed. Finding that resistance was futile.

"I'll comply. Just don't hurt the boy." Simon sat back down with a sigh. "Deal." With a thought, Arthur' chains were removed and he was safely returned to his feet. A thin crystal white, bluish glow enveloped him as he returned to peak health.

Seeing that, Sylvia fully submitted. "What is it that you want from me?" She asked, causing the young God before her to smile slightly. "Become mine and work with me." His bold proclamation was humorous to the Dragon.

"Become yours? Heh, how so? Marriage? You filthy lessers are run by lust after all." Simon chuckled and shook his head. "Sorry, I'm not into ancient old ladies."

"Become my bond, Dragon." Sylvia' eyes widened in surprise for the fifteenth time. Her head shot up to the brown haired boy. Her pure red eyes stared into his crystal ones.

Not an ounce of malice was seen within, Sylvia then glanced over to Arthur, thinking about his future. '...With his weird magic… Arthur would be safe. My daughter would be safe… I'd be safe.'

Simon quietly read her mind. Liking where this was going. A moment's time later, Sylvia spoke. "Okay."

The God released his hold over the Dragon, patting her head while doing so. "Good. Make it quick, this took longer than needed." Feeling the presence of the squad of scythes sitting above the cave, Simon teleported Arthur to his side and raised his head, ignoring the blinding light as Sylvia transformed into her dragon form.

Arthur watched in awe and confusion as the once demon lordish character suddenly changed into a beautiful, golden white dragon with amethyst eyes.

Standing at a height of 15 meters, her head just barely sat beneath the roof of the cave.

Simon shifted his gaze towards the dragon and reached out his hand, his cloak shifting out of the way, revealing his chest and abdomen. Unclipping the cloak, he threw it on top of Arthur.

"Sit tight, do not remove the cloak for any reason less I do it for you." Arthur just nodded absentmindedly, still stunned by the circumstances going on.

"Simon. I trust that this power I bestow upon you will be used to help my people. If you do anything to go against that promise, I swear I will kill you." Simon stayed silent. Feeling the shackles of an Aether vow restrict his 'core.'

Though, he didn't have one till now. Forming one out of pure aether was easy, especially since he governs all.

Nodding, the God gestured to continue. Though, his mind was focused on the intruders preparing to make their move. As Sylvia lowered her head, she tapped his stomach and Simon felt a burning sensation envelope his entire body, a golden light spread from his stomach and spread across his entire body.

Setting in golden runes that raced up his chest, his shoulders, neck, back and down his arms. His hair turned white and his crystal blue eyes glimmered.

'...The fully potential of one of these dragons is greater than I expected. For even me to feel a subtle change…' Though it wasn't anything great, his control over his aether magics seemed to be increased.

'I guess even God doesn't have a limit.' It was a silly thought he had, after obtaining literal Omnipotence, he was convinced that Omnipotence was the limit. The limit of doing anything and everything without being able to improve.

Guess he was wrong.


The caves roof caved in as Simon shifted his cold gaze over to the new visitors. Off-handedly healing Sylvia, he stepped back. His white hair that sat in a half pony-tail danced in the wind.

Sylvia looked over herself, feeling her body glower with literal power, she never felt so alive.

Glancing over towards Arthur, who was placed behind her Throne, which had Simon sitting on it, she shifted her gaze back towards her enemies.

"Show me what you can do. Don't disappoint me." His words seemed to motivate her, something she didn't bother to question at the moment.

Her amethyst eyes glinted with malice as she took a step forward, her full draconic form bathed in the invading sunlight.

"My pleasure, Simon."