

(I'm just gonna say this at the start, the chapter contains quite a bit of cursing. Mainly the F-word, if you don't want to read that, just leave this chapter.

Anyway, that's all I've got to say)


I've never quite understood a person try to comfort me.

Although hearing sweet words is nice, how's it supposed to help?

Say a painter who lived for painting, crippled his hand in an accident. Are you gonna say. "Oh, it will heal with time. You don't have to worry, just try and use your other hand." Or are you going to say. " you may have lost that hand, but so what? Do think painting is all about what hand you use or how good it looks? If you think those, you don't deserve to paint. It's about the meaning, the heart, the effort and the care placed into that piece. You think it takes talent to flick paint at a canvas? For fucks sake, I could do that with my left foot! No! It is about what the painting is trying to express. Use the colours. Use the rigid and unusual lines painted by your other hand to create feeling of distress, of confusion, of panic. You will lose many things in life and it will hurt. Each time more than the last. But it's up to you and your heart, to be able to live on. Do not drown in the misery, use that loss as a fuel. Paint what your heart wants, for you are an artist, not a fool."

As to how I came up with that, I'm not sure. But it does embody what I feel quite well. Life gets hard, you just gotta do what you can to get through it. It ain't gonna be easy, in fact, it probably gonna be real fuckin hard. You're gonna want to give up, and maybe you will... for a while. But you've got to get up and try again, maybe follow a different path if one is blocked by a fallen tree. Or maybe as for help.

Sweet words are nice for a while, but they don't help. They may give hope for a while, but at some point, if the hope turns out false... it's gonna hurt a lot more than the original pain.

The truth may hurt, it may make you feel like the worlds against you. But if you can make it out and accomplish the task it is to get back up, you'll come out a stronger person.


I just felt like putting this up somewhere and chose here. Yeah.... that's it.