
A Mother's Blessing

When a young boy witnesses his mother's own murder in cold blood, It sets him on a path full of dangers, All for revenge.

Tsukariyugo · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter one: Cold blooded murder.

Cheers are heard all around the village of the hero's return and everyone is celebrating, except one little boy,That boy is the outcast of

Rigu village, Yukki samanai.

"Hero! Hero! hero!" is all you can hear all around. Meanwhile Yukki is in his room, staring at the moon through his window, of his small hut on the outskirts of the village.

"Everyone seems so happy! i wish i could celebrate! i wanted to meet the hero" is what the boy said to himself.

"Wonder when mom's coming back"

knock knock*

Yukki jumps out of his bed and runs towards the door and opens it.

"Mom! welcome back"The boy says cheerfully to his mother."Thank you honey! I got you your favourite! Tomato soup!"The woman said to her son.

"Thank you so much!"The boy says and both mother and son sit down to eat their food.

knock knock*

"Who's there?"Yukki's mother says, but no answer. She opens the door and.....

"ahhhhhhh!!!" She screams on top of her lungs, Yukki hears his and runs towards his mother, only to see her on the ground, covered in her own blood.

"Mom!" Yukki screams but.... it was too late. Maybe if he got their earlier it would have been better? No one really knows.

"Yukki.... i know it might be hard..... without me,

but i want you to love a happy life.... Please! Live for me!" Those were his mother's last words to him.

The last thing his mother said. And he wasn't even 10 yet.