
Chapter 3

Ruma hesitated for before taking off reluctantly. Breaking away from the carnage Ruma dashed through the battlefield field. Taking minor cuts here and there as she headed towards the town center.

In the town center the kids all huddled around each other silently. A wide range of emotions could be seen on their faces each worried about their family outside and the future of their village. The sounds from the war raged in their ears as time progressed inching closer and closer to their hiding place.

"Everyone prepare to escape into the mountains. The town center won't be safe soon." Shuri's voice broke the silence.

Even though she was one of the youngest within the group she had the bearings of a leader. After some hesitation everyone began to move. Shuri nodded and went to the back wall. After pondering for a second she gathered her Qi and punched out.

As her fist touched the wall it was like hot knife cutting through butter. her red Qi swaying like a wild flame. Soon after the dust cleared a hole big enough to fit two people appeared in the thick wall.

"Ok everyone let go" shuri spoke as she began to lift the little boy in her arms through the wall.

"Bammm" as he was half way through, the entrance to the town center flung open. Frightened they all looked over with pale faces. A sigh of relief came out shortly after, as they saw elder Ruma at the door. Only the sharp ones noticed something was off.

"Go" Ruma only managed to get one word out before she collapsed. A giant paw pressed down on her back while a shadow loomed over her body.

It was a beast!!

Shuri was among the quickest to act. pushing the child through the hole before she turned and charged toward the terrifying beast wanting to buy time for the others to escape.

"Go hide in the mountains and wait for Kuma" she bellowed as she rose her Qi. Shuri was at the early condensing stage she was one of the strongest in the room. But even still she was no match for the huge beast. The young boy had and internal struggle with himself before taking off through the hole. Tears streamed down his face as he felt shameful and afraid. inside he wanted to stay and fight but he was powerless to do so. He hasn't even condensed his Qi yet. all he could do was listen to the big sister and pray for her safety.

The beast began to pounce swiping its claws left and right at the frantic children. Shuri's small frame was sent flying hitting the back wall. The beast flew towards the hole blocking the exit. Rabbit kicked out at the beast trying to move it's large body. But it was hopeless the beast continued to slaughter. When the kids tried to go for the front entrance it would swing its claws launching debris to mow them down. it was a hopeless scene no matter what they tried the group couldn't escape.

Rabbit was able to let off one more attack before he too collapsed. Soon after the rest of the children fell. The beast was to powerful. as the last one alive Shuri struggled to get up. The beast ignored her as she was about to die soon. It looked over at the little boy running in the distance. Throwing caution into the wind just before the beast could pounce Shuri rushed over grabbing the beast by the tail.

Aggravated the beast began to claw at her. In its eyes she was nothing more than a pest that refused to fall over. Shuri felt searing hot pain as the claws shredded down her back. Sinking deep into her skin striking bone. Her small frame trembled as she bit her tongue to remain conscious. Refusing to let go. she took blow after blow. Dying her back crimson. Her willpower was the only thing keeping Shuri up. Her red Qi began flickering like a dying flame.

Farther away at the edge of the village a figure was running towards the town center.

It was Kuma! caked in blood, wounds covered his entire body. His dark hair shined red under the sun. He was slaughtering every beast that appeared in his path in seconds. Speeding along like a comet. In his hands where two little horns. His daggers broke hours ago at the moment he was using banther tusks!

Running on fumes he suppressed his emotions as he ran on. All he could think about was Shuri. The world turn gray for him when he lost his parents. She was the one that brought color back into his life. Staying by his side looking after him. She was the reason why he secretly trained so hard in the night time. Pushing his body to limits even if it resulted in a backlash. It was all so he could protect Shuri the color in his life. But now when Shuri needed him he wasn't there. witnessing the bodies on the ground caused his heart to go heavy. Unease crept in as he sped up even faster. All around him were the bodies of beast and the villagers. Even the chief who was the strongest in the village was lying on the ground. It was a hard reality to accept for his young mind. Kuma could only steel his heart and press forward.

"Shuriiiiiiii" a roar came out of Kuma as he reached the town center entrance. Relieved he finally made it to her. But a cruel scene soon met his eyes. There were bodies lying all around lifeless, But the thing that pained him the most was standing in the middle of the room.

It was Shuri!!!

Shuri's senses dulled out a long time ago. All she could feel was pain. She knew even if Kuma showed up now it would be to late. Facing death her mind was serene, all she could think about was Kuma, and the memories they shared together. Like when Kuma caught her a fish from the river or when she hurt her foot and Kuma carried her home. They were simple but touching memories that she cherished in her heart. In the ruthless world were everyone stuck to themselves Shuri was grateful to find warmth and comfort in Kuma.

"Momma, papa your daughter is coming home. I wonder if you'll recognize me when we meet."

She spoke lightly on her last breath, glancing at the entrance hoping to see his face one last time. Her gaze tremble as it landed on the bloody Kuma. She then smiled, it was a pure smile one that came from love. A strong love one full of devotion and reliance.

"Stand strong." she whispered to Kuma lovingly showing her true feelings one last time before slowly closing her eyes, reluctant to lose sight of him. Shuri's Qi dissipated into the air a lovely smile plastered on her face as she closed her eyes for good.