
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
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127 Chs

ch 79

Running through the forest I felt the thrill of the hunt as I finally had become a true titan with my own domain I could stand toe to toe with the lesser gods without fear it was exhilarating I slowed down after catching the scent of Cernunnos as his smell felt like it didn't belong I lowered my self into the tall grass slowly I approached him only to see the temple he made and dedicated to himself using the natural surroundings even now the god had not given up his obsession to rule the world as an unquestioned diety I slowly made my way to the back of the temple searching for any trace of the stranded god but unexpectedly he found me first.

Cernunnos:"How the hell did a space monster enter my world unnoticed?"

Me:"Simple I asked" he was shocked when I spoke before I attacked

I unleashed my domain of corrupt chaotic energies mutating and polluting all it touched causing him to jump back in surprise before launching a bolt of divinity.

Cernunnos:"How can you form coherent thoughts when you are so polluted you should only have instinct at most your a space monster!?" as continued his barrage while dodging left and right

Me:"Close I'm a titan who traveled the void of space unprotected and evolved thanks that wonderful energy while absorbing a space monster" charging toward him

Cernunnos:"Don't pretend with me I fought in the titan wars putting down those blasphemers

you are not one of them!"

After that he kept screaming profanity and launching his attacks but midway through our battle he seemed to slow down and his attacks seemed weaker I could tell he was pulling fumes from an empty tank trying to work his way toward his temple most likely trying to call for back up seeing that I kept myself between him and his temple.

Cernunnos:"Alright monster you win I'll leave just let me to my temple so I can..."

Me:"Call for back up? no dear sweet thing *slurp* I don't want you leave were just getting to know one another"

Cernunnos:"Unfortunately I rather leave than spend another second with you"

Me:"Don't be shy sweet thing I'll keep you close you will be with me for eternity"

I began to drooling a bit as he took a step back and I took one towards him then he tried to run into the woods to lose me but I already had his scent my tasty little treat was going nowhere every time he ran towards his temple I was there before he was but then he ran back into the the woods trying to loose me while I enjoyed the chase eventually he was to weak to go on.

Cernunnos:"Just let me go I'll give whatever you want treasures, maidens how about the legacy of Coeus titan of intellect I have it hidden in my temple it's yours if you let me go!" as he sits on the ground defeated

Me:"But I have everything I want" as I carefully approach him

Cernunnos:"I just wanna go home" not even looking up anymore as I stand above him before I grabbed him by his throat and began to eat him eating all nonessential parts in order to keep him alive longer as he screamed, cried and struggled to get away