
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
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127 Chs

ch 50

The first to step off the air ship was the sun elf he was everything that the file said said friendly and genuinely wanted to be here his skin creamy, his hair was golden, his eyes looked like small suns and overall he was easily one of the most handsome man I have ever seen his very personality embodied the sun and all it's glory and I instantly knew I hated him I couldn't explain it I have seen people with some of his characteristics before and I was indifferent but for some unknown reason I hated everything about him.

Following after him were two elves with blue skin, white hair and glowing silver eyes the male was handsome but with a face of disgust as if he smelled something abhorrent with glaring around the landing area while his sister a scholarly beauty was seemed completely disinterested with everything around her and was reading a book written in elvish about long lost spells of the forest elves with a bag of books slung over her shoulder whilst an alchemical tool belt hung on her waist.

Finally the first member of the beast delegation steps off and she is not what I imagined the silver wolf would look like she dressed in full ceremonial military uniform that does nothing to hide her figure which is nothing short of incredible while she doesn't have the largest tits they are perfect for her body frame while she looks around on high alert for any potential threat which is understandable as the war ended not too long ago and tensions between the two countries is still high the next two are the weasel and the coyote they look like upright animals with human features yet somehow the weasel seems distinguished and very dapper and last but not least a petite woman with a leemar tail and ears she immediately moves beside the male moon elf and begins chatting which makes him finally relax and seem happy.

sun elf:"Greetings humans of the imperial academy I am Devon of the elven delegation here to promote peace between our three peoples elves, beasts and humans..."

silver wolf:"We have just departed the air ship and the first thing we see are beast slaves one even has the gall to bring elven slaves too not even trying to put up pretense!" I hadn't come alone as my elves and fox were with me this caused everyone to look towards me

Me:"I think there is some confusion I didn't bring slaves just servants as you can see none of them wear a collar" Lucy didn't like her tone and moves beside me glaring at her the entire time that immediately got their attention as they look at their necks trying to find a collar including the female moon elf who wasn't looking before

moon elf (F):"If they are not slaves why do they serve you?" there is no malice when she asks just curiosity

Me:"The elves because of what they got in exchange and the fox kin because I gave her purpose and a place at my side"

silver wolf:"Her place is with her people come be at my side sister!"

Lucy:"I have a home I don't need a people who reject me for my birth!" I place my hand on her shoulder to calm her down

Me:"It is alright I am here, you are no longer alone I will protect you" I say soothingly which only further enraged the wolf while the rest seem lost except the coyote who is in deep thought

silver wolf:"Why would she need your protection from her people!?"

Me:"Because she was a illusion fox" realization dawned on the wolf and the coyote but the other two didn't get it because they grew up apart from the commoners and remain as lost as the elves except for the female moon elf who noticed something

moon elf (F):"What do you mean by was?" that gets the attention of the crowd once again

Me:"I am half spirit if want more details than that then it will have to be in private" shock passes through eyes of both delegations and a level of understanding appears in the eyes of the elves

Devon:"I think we should do so immediately as it seems to be of vital importance is there some place secure we can discuss this further?" Devon who was very passive before takes the lead in order to find out more

Me:"Of course my beautiful fiance has a villa that is on the academy campus isn't that right dear?" which immediately shocked Melissa as I call out to her

Melissa:"Ah..yes of course!" she then begins to lead us to her place and a few people following who were then told to fuck off in a polite way by Melissa