
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
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127 Chs

ch 33

After I finished my business meeting with Michelle we part ways shortly after but apparently we were seen together with a not too happy looking looking young nobel who was glaring at me from across the room but was being held back by one of his buddies lucky for me it seemed as if the the whole event was winding down and people were starting to leave a little at a time and rejoining there original groups they arrived with I personally felt I was done for the day and was ready to get some rest but with look on lord Eric's face I knew my night was only beginning as he clearly looked displeased while I try to narrow down what I possibly did to piss him off so badly.

Lord Eric:"We need to talk now"

leaving no room for discussion he turned around and began storming off until we came to one of offices far from the ballroom where already the Grand Elder, the cousins and a few other key figures are present before we begin any discussion Lord Eric activated a spell formation covering the walls, ceiling, floor, doors and the windows in glowing glyphs he looks around the room to make sure everyone is accounted for before the glyphs change from blue to red.

Lord Eric:"The reason I called you all here is because I Bernard informed me before he left that certain groups have been trying to move in the dark against us to undermine and weaken our family on multiple fronts apparently two those identified was the Sirius and the Black households meaning that James was trying to make our family look weak but as his reputation proceeds him he was most likely just being an ass" frustration on his face

Me:"Were there any security hiccups no matter how small they need to be investigated because they could have used the oaf's natural disposition as a distraction as for the the third possible family besides the most obvious looking into those families closest to those two we should look into those that remained furthest from the group and possibly the youth that glared intensely at me at the end of the party although that could have been jealousy.

Grand Elder:"He makes a valid point we need to go over all the security feeds and interrogate all on duty guards to ensure our safety then look into those people he mentioned"

Lord Eric:"I'm already working on tonight's security issues but will also begin investigating those mentioned using only our most trusted agents as we can not afford to take this lightly unless anyone has any other ideas or resources that we can use"

Me:"I was planning on keeping this for myself but as this affects all of us I can't hold back resources that may be critical to our survival I recently gained gained access to the Danvers family via Michelle and plan to remove the current heiress to install my puppet"

The whole room becomes quiet and all eyes become focused on me most filled with shock with the exception of lord Eric and the Grand Elder which only shows mild surprise

elder 1:"How long ago is recently? You have never been in contact with them before today to my knowledge"

Me:"Tonight, and before you ask she is under a spirit contract with me"

Lord Eric:"This is good news! we can use her to spy for us indirectly if her family has any connections to our current predicament if not we can have the Danvers family try and infiltrate our enemy or simply use their resources but let's not let this bit of good news blind us our family is at war with an unseen enemies working against us in the dark"