
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
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127 Chs

ch 117

The boarder almost immediately collapsed after our first conflict as they were not only under staffed but also underfunded but this mismanagement was not entirely the fault of the king here but also because of my faithful piggy although he didn't know why exerting his influence here as was an imperial noble using his status to make a soft target for me to invade the empire and quickly create a foothold as soon as I invaded I had every temple and shrine to the gods destroyed and all sacred texts burned.

Shockingly enough the emperor himself decided to contact me most likely because the gods were forcing him to act as he has been silent throughout the entire civil war has done nothing even as children ripped the entire empire apart or when imperial nobles began inviting demons into yet has the unmitigated gall to interfere now as I begun my advance into the empire the man known as the the indomitable Emperor Marcus Maxwell Penn Dragon his moniker comes from his personal combat abilities on the battle field as he has never lost a fight no matter how the odds were stacked against him but one man can't be everywhere hence why the empire was forced to a draw with the beast empire he alone was the only reason that the beast empire hasn't involved themselves even now.

Empror Marcus:"Why has the sultanate invaded the human empire as I don't recall any past grievances between our two peoples?"

Me:"I am surprised that you are still alive seeing as the human empire is in shambles to the point where it has become a threat to all nations that share a border with it which is why I have decided to interven in a preemptive measure to mitigate damages to the sultanate"

Empror Marcus:"And the reason you desecrated the temples, executing priests and enslaving beautiful priestesses within the kingdom you are occupying is?"

Me:"To protect my people from harmful indoctrination tactics of the organized religion of the human empire I would say you understand but I doubt it as you permitted this to go on at behest of the gods in order for them to gather faith only for it to backfire and you only act now as your masters fear losing more of their authority over the people as they try to mitigate the damage"

Emperor Marcus:"Whatch your words with me boy you have only just entered this game I have been navigating it for years you don't want me to be your enemy I will excuse it this one time if you pull your troops out now!"

Me:"Ever the loyal soldier to your gods do you know that as we speak they are actively hunting your daughter instead of fighting off the demons or intervening in the war whole heartedly ignoring your prayers for assistance or guidance"

Emperor Marcus:"WHAT! That is impossible they couldn't have she is a daughter of the imperial royal family which descends from the gods why would they!?"

Me:"And I am the ignorant one? Humph you don't even know your own history in the early days of the empire after the rebelling against the titans when the first human imperial royal family was created they put in charge of humanity with the promise that if one of their descendants should show potential they would be raised up to become a god but a few hundred years ago it was secretly discovered that the gods were actively preventing this what this means is that they never intended to fulfill their promise but instead have you toil for them believing a lie while they reap the rewards"