
A Monster Hunter in a Highschool For Monsters (Rosario+Vampire)

I hunt monsters for the Government. That's what I was raised for, and it's what I died for. It's all I'd ever known, other than a few on and off romances I'd had with other hunters, and a few life-long friends I'd made by hunting and surviving with them. I was never religious. I felt if there was a God or a Devil, they might as well be the same person. So imagine my surprise when I wake up on a bus, in a younger version of my body but the body already had an identity. Imagine my further surprise when I found out that wherever I was going, was in fact, a school. A school full of monsters. How did I find this out? A weird pink-haired girl sucked some of my blood and called it the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted. (A warning from the Author: Sappy romance will be very prevalent in this story, so get out now if you don't wanna see it. Don't expect complex romance but don't expect anything too simple. There will be a few obstacles but not anything too major.)

Mr_Cryptid · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

An End To The Fight

As per usual by now, Moka went through the change almost instantaneously.

With the appearance of the silver-haired Moka, I smiled before speaking in a grim tone, "Shall we?" I motioned with my arm toward where Gin would be right now.

Upon hearing what I said and seeing what I did, Moka gave an arrogant smirk as she took the first steps toward Gin. I followed close behind before she kicked up the speed, blasting ahead. I kept up easily enough and before we knew it, we were in a clearing that was directly under the moon.

It was quite dark for only being around 4 or 5 pm. Though I'd seen this happening all the other days I've been at this academy. Maybe it's some kind of Yokai Magic?

Shaking those thoughts from my head, I focused my gaze on Gin who was standing in the center of the clearing. Just seeing the dog's goddamn face threatened to send me into a homicidal rage but, I knew better. Killing him would be letting him off easy and all it'd do is get me in trouble and kicked out of this school. Maybe even hunted by monsters when they found out about how I was a human.

Even if that would be a cruel twisting irony seeing as what I used to do to monsters.

"Hm? What's this?" Gin's deep and twisted voice came out of the toothy maw he sported, "A Vampire? Well, that just makes you more and more interesting, Moka!" he roared before he flashed and charged at Moka who just sneered before slashing out with her claws.

"Don't you even try it, mutt!" she gave a yell as the air whistled around her claws. But she hit nothing but air. Gin went past her and sneered.

But not too long before my shin came into intimate contact with his snout which still looked slightly crooked, "You should pay attention. You're not just fighting her, doggy," I gave a huff as I flexed my lower body and blasted him back to Moka who gave me a thankful smile as she spun around and slapped him to the left with her foot.

He continued tumbling across the ground until he hit the treeline that surrounded the clearing.

"W-what?" he got out, coming out of his daze as he realized his speed at been seen through, "But how?!" he roared, stumbling up and glaring at me as he bared his teeth at me in a rather horrible looking snarl.

"You're quick," I said before touching my ears, "But you're not breaking the sound barrier anytime soon and my ears can pretty easily pick up the sound of your feet hitting the ground. It gives me a pretty decent gauge on where you are at any give time while you're charging about the place. Everything else is just figuring out where that ugly mug of yours is so I can hit it," I chuckled as I gave my neck a crack and walked over near Moka.

Moka chuckled along with me, her scarlet eyes sending me a few curious glances but we both kept our focus on Gin.

Even as I bragged so nonchalantly, I knew that it had taken everything I had just to listen for his steps and predict where he was going and where his face would be so I could get an attack off. But he didn't need to know that. Especially know that he looked so backed into a corner and at the end of his tether.

Suddenly he flashed away, darting from one end of the clearing to another like a pinball gone wild, using the trees as his platforms to move about.

I tracked him with every sense I had and yet even then, I was struggling a little. He really was fast.

"Here he comes!" I got out just as I lifted an arm to block his slash at me. His claws dragged themselves through my skin and even got through a little bit of muscle but not before Moka covered for me and got a kick off on him. Though a last minute dodge meant that he only got scrapped by the hit.

Luckily it was enough to send him reeling back as I charged forward on the attack, arms raised in a basic boxing stance.

Smiling, I knew I'd enjoy this and before he could even react, even with his speed, I sent out a flurry of jabs, each of them smashing into his sensitive snout and sending him reeling. But I didn't stop there, I continued throwing punches. Jabs, straights, hooks, body shots, liver punches, kidney punches.

I weaved a combo together that'd make professional boxers blush.

As his body was slagging more and more, going limp under the unrelenting beating he was going through, I grounded my feet before ducking slightly before flexing all my muscles as I extended myself upward, twisting my hips slightly and fully swinging my shoulders as I planted a titanic uppercut on Gin's chin.

The ground below me cracked even further under the rebound force and Gin went flying up into the air. Turning around I smiled at Moka before giving her a bow, "He's all yours, Moka. I'm sure you're equally as angry over his actions as I am," I said before moving out of the way.

"You have no idea," she smiled but it was a truly chilling smile that sent shivers up and down my spine for all the right and wrong reasons.

As Gin was in the air, Moka got ready and just as he began to fall, she began spinning aggressively. So quickly, in fact, that she quickly became a silver blur.

By the time Gin came into her range, the air around Moka was like a mini-tornado and when he foot finally whipped around and hit Gin...well, I've never heard such a satisfying crack in my entire life. It was wonderful and I found myself liking silver-haired Moka more and more.

Gin went flying, only stopping because he hit what looked like the thickest tree in the clearing, and even then, the tree cracked completely and fell over.

Just as we were about to walk toward him and continue our torment of him, a flash appeared in front of us, a stern look on her face.

"That's enough, Aono-kun, Akashiya-san. You can exit your true forms now," Nekonome-sensei said as she held her arms crossed against her chest in an angry gesture, "Can you not see that he's beat? How could you do this to your senpai?" she asked with a visibly hurt look. Though seeing her act so sincere for a guy who tried to r*pe someone...I guessed she was either a piece of shit or didn't know what Gin tried.

So I tried to tell her.

"Gin tried to take Moka by force and sexually assault her. Don't tell me you're going to protect a rapist, sensei?" I said and Nekonome-sensei's face instantly paled as her usually closed and droopy eyes instantly opened widely and looked at me with a severe glance that scanned over my face for whatever she could find.

"You can't make such accusations, Aono-kun," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"We have an eye witness who saw him try and take her by force, and the victim is right next to me. So why don't you ask her?" I calmly fired back, slowly exiting my Adrenal Form for now.

Nekonome-sensei looked even more troubled as she turned her gaze to Moka, "Akashiya-san, is this true?"

Nodding, Moka sneered, "He made advances on me and when I rebutted him, he went berserk and said he would 'console' me and that if I didn't comply, he'd hurt me. I didn't comply and if it weren't for Tsukune, I would have been badly hurt," she sadly grimly, her anger obviously not having settled. Just like mine hadn't.

"...And where's this eye witness?" Nekonome-sensei's was finally full of grief as she glanced back at Gin who was completely passed out by now.

Suddenly, coming from the sky, Kurumu dropped next to us and gave a sad smile, "That would be me. I'm willing to go on record about what I saw Gin-senpai try and do to Moka," she said and Nekonome-sensei just sighed before turning to Gin before walking over to him. She grabbed his snout before slapping him awake with a fierce expression on her usually happy-go-lucky face.

"W-what?!" he suddenly shouted, his form slowly reverting back into his human form, "N-Nekonome-sensei?" he asked, confused.

"Ginei Morioka, I hereby as a teacher of Youkai Academy put you in suspension from school due to your actions. You will cease being a part of any clubs or scholarships and at any time during this suspension, you may be expelled from the Academy. Taking into account the severity of your actions, you will most likely be expelled," she said with a cold face before she grabbed Gin's neck and squeezed it in such a way that he could move and could barely breath.

Turning to us, she sighed before bowing to Moka, "I apologize. As your teacher I should have been the one to sort out this mess from the beginning," she said before sighing and carrying on, "Go back to the dorms and get some rest, I'll deal with the rest. I have to take this one to the principal so he can get some proper punishment."

And with that, she walked away and I sighed a breath of relief that he wouldn't be around for a while. Hopefully he never comes back.

Turning to Moka, I raised an eyebrow, "Are you okay?" I asked, knowing that something like this would be traumatic no matter your strength.

I saw Moka freeze and shudder for a split second before she turned her aloof eyes to me and gave me a 'Really?' look, "Do I look like a weakling? Of course I'm fine. Save your worry for the other Me, will you?" she said before huffing.

Smiling, I nodded, "It's good your okay," I said, earning a snort from Moka before I cleared the distance and clipped her rosary back on, "Bye-bye~" I said with a wink and her expression looked at me with such frustration and annoyance that I knew the next time I saw her I was in for a smack or two.

Moka's appearance reverted to the pink-haired vampire I was fond of, and I picked her up as she passed out. Looking to Kurumu, I smiled, "Wanna go back to the dorms and get something to eat? If you have any spare, I could really go for some cookies right about now," I laughed, feeling drained by everything today.

Kurumu smiled and nodded though she looked...a bit troubled. We began walking and it didn't take long for her to speak up about what was troubling her, "I'm...I'm sorry I wasn't more help in the fight, Tsukune," she guilty said and I stopped while she stopped soon after and turned back to look at me with a worried gaze.

"You did more than enough, Kurumu," I smiled sincerely, feeling a genuine warmth for the blue-haired girl in front of me, "You came and told me what Gin was trying to do to Moka. You helped Moka immensely by doing that alone but you also helped me by helping me prevent it. You saved a friend of ours from getting r*ped, Kurumu. You did enough," I said before shuffling Moka onto a single arm and stepping forward to ruffle Kurumu's hair in a way I knew she liked, "And I for one am entirely glad that I gave you a second chance. You're proving to be a wonderful person, Kurumu."

Her face went beet red at my words but she didn't refute them nor did she move away from my hand on top of her head. In fact she smiled happily with her eyes in a crescent shape like a happy cat while pushing her head against my hand.

Chuckling at her cute reactions, I brought my hand away from her silky soft hair, much to her reluctance before smiling, "Let's go have some cookies, yeah?"

Kurumu shined brightly it was like the moon went out and nodded her head excitedly.

Looking down at the peaceful Moka, I smiled as I thought that I'd let her take a few mouthfuls of blood when she wakes up. She deserves it after today.

Sorry to go back on a promise to my readers but I can only put out a single chapter tonight/today. I only just had enough time and energy to get this single chapter out.

I've had a stunningly busy day, honestly, and yet another near sleepless night.

But I'm still going on strong and healthy (somehow)! Anyway, I'll be back to putting out two chapters a day soon. Just need to do some readjusting.

Mr_Cryptidcreators' thoughts