
A Moment at The Maldives

This is a tale revolving around 3 characters. Don't worry about the synopsis, just enjoy the story! Do comment if you like it!

Tanishk_Singh · Realistic
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7 Chs

The End

A car was speeding down the highway, the driver held a bottle of whiskey in one of his hands and was drinking while driving. His eyes were almost blinded with tears, yet he kept blinking them to be able to see clearly. His head was throbbing due to the lack of sleep and excessive alcohol consumption. 

The car was easily traveling at a speed of 90 kmph. He was blaring the horn at whatever vehicle that came in front of his car and overtook them speedily. From his eyes, tears were spilling uncontrollably now. With his left hand, he took out a cigarette in his pocket, popped it into his mouth and started searching for a lighter. He finally found one in the glove box, took it out, lit his cigarette, took a puff, but forgot to roll down the window of his car. As smoke clouded his already blurry vision, he sensed two powerful beams of light as if coming from a truck's headlight. Before he could do anything, it was already too late. The car bashed headfirst into the truck and skittered off the highway.

Inside the now mutilated car, fastened with the seat, oozing blood from his head, the driver sat with a smile, slowly losing his life force and submitting to the maws of death. The driver was Arjun and even when he breathed his last, that moment at the Maldives replayed in his head.