
A Moment at The Maldives

This is a tale revolving around 3 characters. Don't worry about the synopsis, just enjoy the story! Do comment if you like it!

Tanishk_Singh · Realistic
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7 Chs

A new friend.

An ambient atmosphere, light music, and a bottle of premium whiskey is all that one needs to party in happiness or sadness. Varun was sitting on one of the round, rotable stools in front of the bar's counter, enjoying the soft music, and sipping whiskey on the rocks. Every sip gave him happiness, he was clearly elated.

People around him seemed to fade away in a blur of motion. Someone just got up from the stool beside him in quite a hurry, he must've had a shot too many it seems. "I wish people knew how to hold their liquor in.", sighed a man as he sat down on the same stool that had just been unoccupied. Varun had a look at him. The guy looked as friendly as a lion would to human children. Dark lips showed his addiction to smoking quite plainly, and it seemed even the bartender knew him, as he placed a half-filled glass of neat whiskey in front of him as soon as he took his seat. 

"Well, I guess he may have been too happy to care about the number of drinks he downed…", said Varun.

"People don't always drink because they're happy Mr…. umm…" 


"Yes, Mr. Varun, sometimes even intoxication isn't enough to ease their inner pain"

"Looks like you've seen a lot mister, anyways, I'm quite happy today, things are going well at work, and even in my personal life." The alcohol was clearly making Varun more talkative.

"Well, good for you mate! My name is Arjun. I didn't want to be rude, keeping my name a secret"

"No worries mat-"

Now, it was Varun's turn to get up and hurry towards the restroom. When finally he had relieved himself of the extra alcohol, he found Arjun waiting outside for him.

"Hello Mr. Pukey… how was your experience?", he asked, smiling a bit at his misery. Varun just laughed it off and said, "I'm gonna go out to get some fresh air, you wanna accompany me?"

"As if I have something better to do…", came Arjun's reply.

Hello guys, this is my first novel on WebNovel! Please send your thoughts on the comments!

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