
A Mistaken Truth

A night that was meant to be a celebration, ends in tragedy, when Katie, a local veterinarian, becomes the victim of a sexual assault. She must learn to come to terms with the consequences, such as falling for the officer assigned to the case. Avery, a newly appointed police officer with the Tucson Police Department, is assigned his first case. Trying to make a name for himself, he arrogantly plans to solve this case in record time. Falling for the victim was never part of his plan, and he finds that this case will turn his world upside down.

Daoist6YgzgV · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 14


Nine months earlier

I just found out I landed the job with the local police department and my friends are taking me out to celebrate. I agree to meet up with them at the casino, because with Troy being the manager of the place, we can drink for free.

"Here's to our best friend getting on with the police department and becoming a real pig!" Wayne lifts his shot glass, "Now he can break the law and get away with it!"

"Here, here!" Troy chimes in, all of us downing our shots of Patron.

"Wait! Shit! Now there's not a designated driver." Wayne jokes.

"Can you arrest yourself for DUI?" Troy laughs. I know my friends are hard timing me for my career choice, especially since we were all so wild growing up. We eluded the cops at all costs, and now, I have become one.

"If I go down, you're both coming with me." I joke back. Troy orders us another round of shots, then we hit the blackjack tables. Wayne has always been fascinated with the game and for some reason thinks he is going to clean up by counting cards. Troy suggests we each take a shot for every hand that Wayne wins, the joke is on us when Wayne starts consistently winning.

"See, I told you I have this figured out." Wayne boasts, after taking another shot for winning the current round.

"I can tell now that we are going to have to keep an eye on you. You'll put me out of business!" Troy teases, as we head over to the cashier so Wayne can cash out his winnings, we certainly don't want to spend our entire night there at the blackjack table. Once he cashes out, we head back to the bar. Once Troy has had enough shots in him, he begins chasing the ladies. Of course, most of the women here know he is the manager, causing him to have no issues with keeping one on his arm. This also keeps us surround by women, interested in Wayne and me due to our relationship with Troy. Wayne, who has always been the master of all drinking games, suggests the crowd indulges him with one, even convincing the bartender to join in. Quite a group has gathered, bringing in a lot of revenue here at the bar, with the extra drink sales from everyone wanting to give the game a try.

When Vanessa arrives, we are well into our celebration. She is here to celebrate too; she has been hired on at a tabloid magazine in California. This is her last night in town, and she plans to go out with a bang. Since she and I are celebrating new jobs, we sort of pair off together. She begins taking shots with us, engrossed in our game, and that is when things begin to get foggy for me.

"So, you want to get out of here? Go have a party of our own?" I know what Vanessa means. She is known for her sexual indiscretions. She also knows the score, willing to hook up, no strings attached, and neither of us will feel guilty about it in the morning. The fact that she is moving tomorrow makes it all the sweeter, we are celebrating after all.

"Give me sec." I turn away from Vanessa to find Wayne. "Hey, I'm outta here, talk to you guys tomorrow."

"You leaving with Vanessa?" Wayne is grinning playfully.

"Don't wait up for me." I stumble a little as I turn back and head toward Vanessa.

"I think I should drive." Vanessa teases. I don't argue, I am in no condition to get behind the wheel of a car. We leave the casino, heading off on a sexual adventure. Vanessa has a reputation for fulfilling sexual fantasies. We have hooked up before, and she doesn't disappoint. "So, what kind of role play would you like to partake in this evening, Officer Maulden?" The question sounding dirtier with the use of my title.

"What do you have in mind?" I am beginning to wonder how fast Vanessa is driving, or if the amount of alcohol I have consumed is making me feel like I am flying.

"Well, let's commemorate your new job, something related to a crime. How about a rape?"

"What?" I'm not drunk enough to entertain this idea openly. A rape is not a joking matter, it is a serious crime. "I don't really think that is appropriate." My words slurring a little.

"Why not? How else will you know how a rapist thinks if you don't act it out? How will you know how the victim feels if you don't see it yourself? Look at it as hands on training." Vanessa sounds so callous about it, excited even.

"I don't know that I can do that." I sound like I am protesting, but am honestly giving it serious thought, which scares me. How much have I had to drink?

"We are both consenting adults, we are just playing a role. It isn't real. You would just have the added benefit of being able to apply it to your job. I'll find an alley, and I will enter it from one direction, you can enter it from the other, and we will just have fun with it." She has a point, doesn't she? We are consenting adults, I have her permission, I'm not actually breaking the law or becoming a sexual predator.

"Ok, let's do it." Excitement is coursing through my veins, and that along with the alcohol is creating one incredible high.

"Awesome! Let's start looking for an alley."



I am brought back to the present by Katie's screams. "Okay Katie, what I want you to do is push when you feel the contraction, understand?" The doctor is providing soothing instruction, as I watch Katie nod her head in acknowledgment. She is glancing over at me, giving me a knowing look that my mind is not in the present moment. Her face is flushed, from being tormented by her contractions. Her hair is tussled, the strands framing her face are matted with sweat. Another contraction has Katie pushing with all her might, her legs are shaking in the stirrups.

I suddenly have the need to remember the remaining events of that night. Which direction did we go after we left the casino? Right, we had turned right. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest. How long did we drive? I remember seeing the clock on the car radio when we found an alley. It was one a.m. Landmarks, what were the landmarks? It was dark, I don't remember any damn landmarks. But I do remember music, fuck! Vanessa had gotten out of the car first and had entered the alley at the entrance closest to us. I waited a moment, then exited and walked around the far end of the alley. I remember as I was approaching the alley, the music seemed louder than it did when I entered it. I remember seeing the silhouette, but it was dark, am I certain it was Vanessa? I had grabbed her from behind, I covered her mouth, my cuffs…..fuck…..

"One more time Katie, push hard! The doctor is instructing Katie, as she bears down, biting her bottom lip. I can only stand here, motionless. The sound of the baby's first cries is echoing through the room. Katie is crying, sitting up, wanting to see her baby, her son. Now I know why Troy had wanted me to contact Vanessa, it is so clear now that I am looking down at the little red-haired baby boy.

Avery and Katie's story continues in 'An Unmistaken Choice'