
A Mistaken Truth

A night that was meant to be a celebration, ends in tragedy, when Katie, a local veterinarian, becomes the victim of a sexual assault. She must learn to come to terms with the consequences, such as falling for the officer assigned to the case. Avery, a newly appointed police officer with the Tucson Police Department, is assigned his first case. Trying to make a name for himself, he arrogantly plans to solve this case in record time. Falling for the victim was never part of his plan, and he finds that this case will turn his world upside down.

Daoist6YgzgV · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 11


Life continues as usual for the months following our return from the lake house. I continue to try to solve Katie's case between my new cases, but to no avail. Katie has discussed taking in a partner at her office with her due date getting closer. She wants to make the necessary arrangements to bring in another vet to be sure that, in her words, her furry patients would have care available while she is out on maternity leave. She is in the third trimester of her pregnancy, and she and I have begun attending Lamaze classes together. No one has talked to Troy since that weekend, he continues to elude us.

It's the night of the grand opening of Wayne's new restaurant. It had taken a few months to finalize inspections after we had enjoyed christening the location. Hayley and Katie had wanted to get ready together and planned to just meet us at the restaurant. I arrive at the casino, making my way toward the restaurant. Troy's father has made a big deal over the grand opening, spending a fortune on promoting it. There is quite a crowd gathered outside the restaurant. I look around for Katie, and my jaw drops when I spot her in the crowd. She is wearing a hunter green sequin gown, with her favorite halter top style, with the dress flowing just below her breasts, trying to hide a much larger pregnant belly. Her hair is curled in a clip, that has the curls cascading down the back of her head. She is alluring. I find my feet moving of their own accord toward her, I am mesmerized by her. She finds me, making eye contact with me, a huge smile graces her face as I approach. "You are the most beautiful woman in the room."

"Hey!" Hayley pouts. She is standing next to Katie wearing a stunning silver gown, with her hair up in a princess crown.

"I may be partial," I grin, rubbing my lips across Katie's mouth, before placing a chaste kiss upon her lips.

We are joined by Wayne and Rick. "Can you believe all this?" Wayne beams. He certainly deserves all this and has a reason to be proud.

Troy's father walks to the front of the crowd where the ribbon is draped across the entrance of the restaurant, waving for Wayne to come and join him. He raises his hands into the air, causing the crowd to fall silent. It is clear the authority this man holds. "I would like to thank you all for attending the grand opening of the Myer Casino's new five-star restaurant." He is silenced momentarily by applause. He raises his arms again to silence us. "I would like to introduce you to Wayne Taylor, the chef and inspiration behind A la Carte." The crowd applauds loudly, I let out a loud whistle than can be heard above the crowd. Wayne is handed the ceremonial scissors by a scantily dressed female entertainer. The crowd quiets again, allowing Wayne to speak.

"Thank you all so much for supporting this dream of mine and allowing it to become a reality. Welcome to A la Carte!" The crowd explodes with applause as Wayne cuts the ribbon, officially marking the opening of the restaurant. The crowd begins to shuffle into the new location, stopping occasionally in awe. Now that the location is complete, it really does live up to the standards of the casino and its five-star status.

I let our party know that Wayne has a table reserved for us near the kitchen, and we all go in search of it, finding it with the reserved sign sitting in the center with name cards on each place setting. The table is set for five, the remaining seat intended for Troy. We each take our seat, and I am left wondering if Troy will show. The restaurant is filled with the bustle of the waiters and waitresses seating guests, taking orders, delivering food, and clearing the tables for the next guest. We place our order and watch the magic of the restaurant come to life. It seems that even if the guests didn't win in the casino, they would certainly leave here feeling like a winner.

"This is truly amazing." Katie whispers in my ear. I nod my head in acknowledgment.

"Truly." Comes a voice from behind me. We all turn to see Troy. I stand, extending my hand to Troy, a type of peace offering. He reluctantly shakes my hand, taking his seat at the table. A silence falls upon the table, a tension is present that is hard to explain.

"Troy, Avery tells me that you work here in the casino." Katie attempts to break the silence and welcome Troy to the group.

"Yeah, my father owns it." He answers smugly, acting uninterested in Katie.

"What exactly do you do?" Katie is undeterred.

"I manage the casino. My father owns it, I manage it. So basically, I catch all the shit when something doesn't go the way my father wants it to." Troy attempts to dismiss her again.

"I bet that doesn't happen very often." Katie smiles at him, "I bet you have this whole thing under control, and that is what your father gets so upset about, because you can manage it better than him."

Troy lifts an eyebrow at Katie and begins laughing. "Well, Avery, I must admit, I can see why you are interested in this one."

"Why is that?" I answer, narrowing my eyes at him in warning.

"She's so optimistic." Troy states dryly, finding no humor in my underlying warning.

Katie smiles, then her face pales, clearly hit with another wave of nausea. She excuses herself from the table, to slip off to the bathroom. Hayley excuses herself as well, stating she is going to make sure that Katie is okay.

"So, Avery, what are your intentions with the optimistic Miss Katie?" Troy is looking intently at me.

"What do you mean, what are my intentions?" I snap at him, getting really fucking tired of his games.

"I mean, do you plan to marry her? Do you plan to father this child?" Troy speaks slow and sarcastically.

"What business is it of yours?"

"What? Are you ashamed to answer the question? Or are you just not sure?" Troy is lifting his eyebrow at me, staring me down.

I stand up, my frustration boiling over, and I don't want to cause a scene at Wayne's grand opening. Before I can turn and walk out, Katie and Hayley return to the table, both looking a little concerned by the appearance of what they walked up on. Wayne comes out of the kitchen and almost walks into Katie. "Sorry, Katie, I almost didn't see you, although you look absolutely stunning this evening."

Troy stands, "I think she looks better in black." He glares at me, contempt clear on his face, storming off away from the table.

"What the hell was that all about?" Wayne asks, clearly concerned over the tension between Troy and me.

"I don't know, he has had an attitude since he got here." I huff. Katie takes her seat next to me, placing her hand on my arm. I look over at Katie, and it is clear by the look on her face that she feels responsible for the tension between Troy and me. What an asshole! I don't understand why he is questioning my intentions when it is obvious, I plan to be here for Katie. Sure, I haven't made it official, but we are still getting to know one another and building a relationship with each other. Why would Troy question that? He seems to be hard timing me over my relationship with her, and I don't understand why. Why is he being so condescending about everything? And when the hell has he ever seen Katie in black?

Wayne brings out our dinners, concern clearly etched on his face over the mood that has befallen the table. After eating, and singing praises over Wayne's food, Katie expresses her fatigue, setting the stage for everyone to mingle their way out and head home. As we are leaving the restaurant, I see Troy in the lobby, greeting casino patrons. I walk over to him, in hopes of settling whatever this issue is between us. "Troy, look, I'm not sure what is going on, but you are my friend, you have been my friend for a long time, and I don't want to leave without making amends."

Troy looks at me, anger dripping off his features, "I think it would be best if you left. Take care of Katie, don't let her go down any more alleys alone." He turns and walks into the casino, taking with him my hopes of a reconciliation. Although the girls arrived together, I am taking Katie home.

"I take it things didn't go well back there?" Katie looks over at me, concerned.

"No, they didn't." I reply solemnly with a sigh.

"I'm sorry Avery, I feel like this is my fault." I look over and see the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Your fault?" I give her a weak smile, "How could any of this be your fault?"

"I feel like Troy doesn't like me. I don't think he approves of us seeing one another."

"Why do you think he doesn't like you?" I am suddenly interested in her interpretation of what is going on.

"Do you remember the first time he met me?" Katie looks over at me, her eyebrow raised, head tilted slightly to the side. "Do you remember how he paused and looked at me?"

"I guess." I am trying to think back to that first meeting.

"Then, at the lake house, when he saw that I was pregnant, he did the same thing."

"I remember."

"Then he said he thought I looked better in black. I don't remember him ever seeing me in black; in fact, I don't remember ever meeting him before. I wonder if we met, and I don't remember, and that is why he doesn't like me. Or maybe we met, and he hated me then, or the circumstances under which we met." Katie is babbling, something she tends to do when she is nervous or upset.

"Did you tell Troy what happened to you?" I inquire, taking on a more serious tone.

"I told him I was raped, and that the pregnancy was a result of that rape." She nonchalantly explains, looking over at me like she wonders why it matters.

"Did you tell him the details of your rape?" Not trying to sound as desperate as I do.

"No, why would I do that?" She asks sarcastically, "I try not to think about it, much less talk about it; it is the one event in my life that I am trying to forget."

"No reason." I mumble, giving her a fake smile, not wanting to cause her any concern. She lays her head back, and closes her eyes, and has fallen asleep by the time I arrive at her house. I take her into my arms, and carry her into the house, laying her gently on the bed. I take a quilt that is folded at the bottom of the bed and cover her. I go back into the living room, where Katie's desk is, grabbing a piece of paper and pencil and begin taking notes. I have a horrible gut feeling; one I pray I am wrong about.