
A Mirror

A girl is born with exceptional qualities. Her name is Evelyn, and she has a gift for sensing evil. She can sense the danger.

She can feel it before any of her family members do.

She has no idea what's happening to her. The voice sounds like her father, but he would never threaten their lives. Why would he? She often thinks.

She loves her father very much, and he's the only person she can trust with her secrets. He knows everything about her, including some of her fantasies. Her father also loves her more than anything.

When she was younger, she often felt that someone was chasing her, but she had no idea who it might be and whether it was real or not.

But Evelyn didn't tell his father about the feeling of being chased by someone. But sometimes, she thought to herself, `` Why is she hearing such weird voices from her childhood? Why is she not normal like other small girls? What's wrong with her? She wonders about these strange happenings around her.

Then one night, after another nightmare, she wakes up screaming. Something is coming for her. She tries to fight back, but something grabs hold of her ankle and drags her under water. It happens so fast that she doesn't see it. A man is standing over her, holding a knife to her throat. She feels like she's going to faint, but she fights him off. When she awakens, she realizes she's not alone in bed.

"I'm here," he says. "Why did you scream?"

He's tall, dark-skinned, and very handsome. She likes him immediately.

"You scared me. What do you want?"

"I want you."

She didn't understand what he meant. He'll kill her if she doesn't give him what he wants. There's no question about that. But now she knows this man isn't her father. This is a stranger.

"What are you?"

"I am what you need."

He kisses her and pulls away.

"Who are you?" she asks again.

"You know who I am," he says.

"No, I don't. You're dangerous. Leave me alone."

She cries and begs him to let her go. His grip is tight, and she can't escape. She screams for help and begins to kick and struggle.

"Don't cry, baby," he whispers, pulling her close.

"Let me go!"

He places his hand on her mouth and starts to pull up her shirt. She struggles against him until he bites her. She opens her eyes wide and looks at him. He smiles at her.

"Now you remember."

"Get away from me!"

He releases his hold on her, and she falls to the ground. She crawls away, crying and shaking.

"Come here," he says.

She stops and turns her head.

"You don't really want me to leave you, do you?"

"Go away! Get out of my house!"

She runs into the other room and hides under a blanket.

"Where are you?" he calls to her.

She covers her face with her hands, hoping he'll go away.

"Come out, baby. I just want to play."

His voice makes her freeze. She doesn't move.

"Are you there?" he asks. "Can you hear me?"

She slowly lifts her head and looks around. She doesn't see him.

"Come on, Evelyn. Come out and play with me."

He laughs.

She crawls across the floor and puts her hand on the doorknob. She picks up the phone and dials 911.

"Please help me! Help me!"

She hangs up the phone and opens the door. Her father rushes over to her.

"Evelyn, what's wrong?"

"I'm so scared. I think someone is in the house with me."

"No, baby, you're dreaming. It's only your imagination. Go back to sleep."

"Daddy, there's something in my room. He grabbed me from under the bed."

Her father goes to his daughter's bedroom and opens the door. She's right. There's a man hiding under her bed with a knife. He's wearing black clothing and has an Afro haircut.

"Stop!" her father yells. "Get out of my house, or I'll shoot you!"

The man jumps from under the bed and runs through the front door. He turns around and fires two shots. One of them hits her father in the chest.

"Oh God, Daddy, please don't die," she cries.

He collapses on the floor. Her eyes filled with tears. She rushes to her father and hugs him.

"It's okay, baby. Everything is okay. You're safe."

She touches his forehead and notices it's cold.

"Daddy…please don't leave me. Not like this."

He takes her hand in his and closes his eyes. He dies without opening them again.

"Oh, Daddy…"

Evelyn cries and hugs him tight. She buries her face in his arm and holds on to him as long as she can.

She called the ambulance. The police also came there. And ask her questions.

"Did you see anything?"

Yes, there was a man wearing black dress and holding a knife in his hand."

So, do you know him? The police asked.

"No", I don't. I don't know who he is. I saw him for the first time in my life. I was sleeping when he came to my room and he tried to assault me. I don't know who he is and what he wants.

Ok, fine. Just relax and tell us "Where's the man?"

"He took off running."

After taking Evelyn's statement. They search the area, but they never find the man.

"What do you mean you couldn't find him?"

Evelyn screamed. "He shot my dad in front of me and you said you couldn't find him. My father was killed brutally and you said that you cannot do anything. "

"We looked. He ran from us. We searched the neighborhood, but we didn't find anything."

They left to continue the investigation.

Evelyn stayed at home and cried.

Now Evelyn was alone at her home. She lost her father, her friend and her hero.

"Why did this happen to me?"

"I don't understand. Nothing is fair. Why did this happen to me?"

She kept asking herself the same question every day. She felt like she could take no more. No matter how hard she tries to overcome and forget, it always comes back. She had been thinking a lot about suicide.

"Is this what I should do? Is killing myself the answer?"

She stood up and walked toward her closet. She went inside and closed the door.

"I'm tired of living. I can't stand my life anymore. I hate myself. Can't take this anymore."

She opened her drawer and took out a knife. She placed it on top of her white dresser. She picked it up and held it tightly.

"I can't go on like this. I'm not strong enough to bear all this pain. "

She put the knife on her neck and pressed it down.

"It hurts so much. I don't want to live anymore."

She was ready to give up. She wanted to die, but she wasn't brave enough to actually commit suicide. So she kept it bottled inside. She couldn't stop the tears.

"Why did this happen to me?"

She couldn't bear the pain anymore.

"I just want to die."

She pulled the knife away from her neck and sat on the edge of her bed. She stared at the floor.

"I can't go on like this. I've had enough."

She thought about her dad. How he was always there for her. He loved her so much. But now, he's gone.

"My family is gone now. Who will take care of me?"

She cried and sobbed.

"I'm not strong enough to handle my problems. I'm weak. I'm not like the others."

She continued to cry.

"I wish I could die."

She fell asleep by saying all this.

Next morning Evelyn decided to change her home and city. This house haunts her so much. Her family died accidentally in this house. She is not safe here. The one who does all this actually hates her and wants to give her a lot of pain.

She is leaving the city after having packed her belongings. She wants to start a new life somewhere far away where she would be happy forever, free of fear and anxiety. At last she has made up her mind

She purchases the plane ticket and sits on her seat. Suddenly a strange man sits beside her. The man was undoubtedly handsome and good looking.

"Hi! I am Jason, do you want to sit next to me?" He asks with a smile.

Evelyn looks at him without saying anything for a while. Then she replies


The plane takes off. Just then, Jason turns towards Evelyn and says,"I have never seen such beautiful eyes before."

Evelyn blushes and smiles shyly back. Jason continues, "You look so sad and miserable. Why are you here? You don't deserve to feel that way."

Then he kisses her passionately and she returns the kiss.

She senses that Jason is a reliable person. So she decided to tell him each and everything. She tells him that her sixth sense is very sharp. From childhood, she had strange incidents. She always felt that someone was chasing her. Even she lost her father. She never felt happy. She doesn't even know what happiness is. How it feels. She has been facing so many fears and anxieties since a long time ago. But now she has to leave all these behind.

Jason listens patiently and understands every word from Evelyn's mouth. When Evelyn finishes telling him about her past experiences, he hugs her tightly and says, "I will protect you" .

Jason says,

"All these happenings are somewhat connected to your past and may be your parents past. Sometimes we have to suffer upon our parent's acts".

If you want to live a happy life, then instead of running away from all this situation, you should face it. You should investigate why it is happening to you. Is this a curse or something else? You should be brave enough to face the reality.

After Jason said that, Evelyn felt relieved. She didn't realize that she was running away from reality.

But now she decided to explore the truth. Jason also promised to stay with her and help her.

Plane takes off. Jason and Evelyn say goodbye to each other and Evelyn comes home. This home was her grandmother's house. She always felt mentally relaxed here. She opened the door with keys and entered the house. There was dust everywhere. The furniture was covered with white clothes. She pulled white cloth from one sofa and sat there. She was mentally tired and wanted to relax for some time.

At night she wakes up suddenly due to the sound of a gunshot. She comes out of the bed and sees the masked man at the window. He aims his gun towards her. She runs behind the bed but he shoots again and she falls down on the floor. After that the maskman disappeared.

From that day Evelyn started to wear a mask to hide herself from the murderer. Evelyn was very frightened. She decides not to talk to anyone. She avoids going outside alone, using public transport, meeting new people or staying too long in a place.

She doesn't eat anything except water. She slept only for a few hours a day. But she wanted to start the mystery of this maskman. But she had no clue.

She opens her purse. And calls Jason. Jason says that he is coming. After some time the doorbell rings.

She opens the door thinking that there is Jason. But there was maskman standing in front of her with a knife in his hand. She tries to close the door but the maskman comes in and closes the door. He lifts the knife and stabs her on her chest.

Evelyn asks

Who are you? And why are you chasing me?

The maskman removed his mask. Evelyn was shocked to see that it was Jason. She screams and runs away from him.

Jason catches her and stabs her on her shoulder.

Evelyn asks

Why did you do this?

Jason replies

Because I hate you. I want to destroy you. Your life will be ruined because of your brother and parents.

Evelyn asks him.

Please don't play the game. Tell me each and everything why you are doing this. Why do you want to destroy my life?

Jason looks at her for a moment, holds her hand and takes her to the basement of the house.

He shows her a big cabinet. He asks her to open it. She opens it and finds many old photos. One photo was showing a beautiful girl with a young and charming boy. The picture was taken in college.

Can you guess the boy in the picture?

Jason asks.

Evelyn says "yes he is my father".

And the girl in the picture is ...my aunt. Jason says.

You wanted to know Evelyn why I hate you. Why did I kill your father? Why did I always want to destroy you?..... The reason is your father. Your father raped my aunt when she was only 23 years old.

He took her virginity forcefully. It was his first time. After that he didn't give her any rest. He used to come every day to her home. She tried to stop him but he was more stubborn.

My aunt just loved your father. And your father punished her like that. She tried to resist but he was too strong. She can go to the police. But her parents were poor so they didn't have money for a lawyer.

old. So I didn't understand what happened to her.

I was very small to understand that something like **** happens between two people.

But when I grew up I realized that she was raped by your father.

After her death I was taken to an orphanage. But I took my aunt's diary from her cup board.

A few months later I read all her diaries. In that diary she wrote about her story. She was in college when your father first raped her.

For a week he kept her under his control. She tried to resist but he was very strong. He threatened her to tell nobody else. Then he tied her hands and legs and forced her to have sex with him. After that he left her.

When I read that diary for the first time I couldn't believe it. But after reading that diary I knew about the monsters.

Since then I have hated you. I wanted to destroy your life. You are a bastard and deserve no mercy.

I know your address. I came here to kill you. Now you are going to die slowly. You don't have a chance to escape.

Evelyn was shocked to hear all this. She didn't believe that her father could do this to a woman. She was feeling guilty.

She wanted to escape from there. She tries to run away from the basement but

Jason stops her.

You cannot go from here.

You are my prey now.

Now you are mine.

She starts crying.

Why are you doing this to me? Don't torture me. Please let me go.... My father does this all. And you killed him. You took your revenge. Now what do you want from me?

Jason says

I hate you. I don't want to live without killing you. I want to destroy you. I want to kill you like how your father destroyed my aunt. Now I am going to make you suffer.

Evelyn cries loudly and begs Jason to release her.

Evelyn,.... You know. I always wished that I could destroy you in the same way your father has destroyed my aunt's life. I always chased you. Yes, it was me who was chasing you. Because I want to destroy your life, your dignity, your identity and everything about you. So I always waited for the right moment. And that moment came that night. When I found you sleeping in your bedroom. I entered your room. My ambitions were not good. But you ran away. Your father woke up and I had to shoot him. And you destroyed my plan.

I again made another plan to destroy your life. I came to know that you are flying to New York. So, I bought the plane tickets. But this time my plan was different. I decided to murdered you. But I could not do this. I saw your innocent face. There was purity, innocence and fear.. First time I felt that I was doing wrong to you. But I ignored that feeling. When you told me about your past, I promised to help you. I thought that it was not the right moment to kill you. So I decided to make another plan.

This time I wore a mask. I wanted to shoot you via the window. But once again I missed the shot and I had to run away. At this time I realized that there was someone who was protecting you. There is some force who wants to save you. And that force is God. I never believe in God. But in your case I realized that God loves you.

So when you call me. I decided to end this drama. Even though I could not kill you, I wanted to punish you a little bit. So I came here as a maskman. Now I decided to let you go alive.

Evelyn was hearing all this. She couldn't even take a breath. Finally she was free from all this.

Jason sat down on the floor. Put his knife on the floor. Evelyn also kneels down. Both of them were crying.

Jason…. I know you suffered a lot in your life. Your aunt suffered a lot. It's all because of my father. But please forget all this and forgive them. I know…. that's not easy for you. But I found a good person in yourself.

Let's begin a new life free from hatred, and revenge. As life is too short to love.

Jason looks at Evelyn's eyes. He thought Evelyn was saying the right thing. He kisses Evelyn's forehead. Evelyn gives Jason a hug. They both start to feel romantic about each other.

Sometimes we consider wrong people. Evelyn considered Jason wrong about Jason. But Jason was a kind-hearted and loving person. Evelyn also considered wrong about his dad. She always considered her dad a hero. But Jason's words spoiled her dad's image. And give her a lesson that life is not always like our thinking and perceptions.