
Chapter 1

I slowly wake up. I get out of bed and- *Thump* "damn it, jeez..." I say, as I hit my head on the roof of the house, I grab my phone and check the time- "11:36- shit..." I whisper, I overslepted again. Even though it's Winter Break sleeping in drives me crazy, I could be doing something... Something productive. I stuff my phone into my hoodie pocket, grab my hat, and climb down the ladder, embarrassed, I walk through the hall averting my eyes and look down. I turn my head towards the mirror in the hallway, Dark messy hair, hazel eyes, 5'2. I have black sweat pants on and a dark gray hoodie with a black leathered glove on my left hand, people back in 5th grade thought I was depressed cause of the dark circles under my eyes, the sunken look I'd always wear, and how I'd- well you get the point. To be honest... Maybe I am, I mean I've been through some shit but I'm doing ok these days. I walk into the living room and as I expected, Zoey and Mira were running around crazy, screaming, and Ezry was sitting at the dinning table playing with her dolls. "good morning, people..." I say sleepily. "Good morning!" Jessica says, I smile akwardly. Jessica is my dad's girlfriend cause my parents are divorced, It happened about 4 years ago, loves hard am I right? Well anyway, Jessica has two children as well, Zoey and Ezry. Zoey is 10 years old, she has blond short hair, half of it is shaved off, she's about 4'9, and blueish eyes. Ezry is 8 years old, and has brown shoulder length hair, she's probably 4'7ish, and hazel eyes. And Mira? She's my sister, Dark long hair, brown eyes, and annoying, you'll see... I sit down at the table next to Ezry and start to doze off back into unconscious , I close my eyes and then all of the sudden Mira punches me in the ribs "Wake up, Sleepyhead!" Mira says, I groan. I remember falling asleep at 2:00am but no one has to know about that, cause these days I'm always tired and full of fatigue. I'm too tired to be mad so I just give her the look that tells her to "back off before I rip out your throat out". She gets the point and runs off into the hallway with Zoey. Then Dad walks into the living room and sits right next to me. He starts giving me the usual lecture and loads of flack, and then- "HELP MEEE!!" Mira screams as she runs into the living room followed by Zoey in hot pursuit. Mira jumps onto the couch and tries to move out of the way until- *Slam* I watch the whole thing happen as Zoey jumps on to Mira "Zoey..." Jessica says, "Ok, fine-" Zoey says. "you have no bounds, zoey..." I say. Zoey seems upset, as she cuddles with her blanket, Blanky. Blanky is kinda like a emotional supporting thing for Zoey when she's mad or sad, Blankys important to her. I can tell everyone had breakfast already, and I'm not that hungry anyway so I sit down on the couch and wait until someone needs my help or something- "Sheena?" Zoey and Mira says in sync, right on que. "Yes?" I say, slightly annoyed. "Can you set up the Xbox for us? We want to play Kinect Sports" they say. "Of course, dear sisters" I say. I get up, turn on the Xbox, And so on. I watch as Zoey and Mira play, still tired and then- "Hey Dad? Can I have some coffee?" I ask, "Yeah yeah, ok" Dad says. I smile mischievously. "THIS ISN'T FAIR" Zoey screams  as the game glitches again and she losses. "Oh boy-" I say, this is gonna be a long day...
