

Part two.

"Cole Sprouse?" She asked and I nodded. "No, he isn't. Why did you ask?"

"No reasons, just curious."

She smirked. "Really? Don't lie, you have a crush on him?"

My cheeks turned red. I knew the answer to her question, but for some reason I couldn't give her a response.

"So you do have a crush on him," She picked on, smiling widely. "That's nice, he's a really sweet guy."

"You're friends?"

Shaking her head, she responded. "No, we are not, but we're acquainted with one another. I have met him at various award shows and we do greet each other, other than that we're basically strangers."

After saying that, Adrianna returned her attention back to her phone while I returned to staring at her. She was really beautiful and I envied her for that.

"Can I get a glass of water? Please," I nodded, standing up in order to get it for her when she stood up along with me. "I am also furnished. Need me some food."

"I can cook something delicious for you."

"Don't worry, I'll just order takeouts."

"Please, I insist," I practically begged her. I wanted to cook for her. "I'm a really great cook."

"Well. . . I'm not sure about that, but I guess there's no harm in trying your food."

"You'd be blown away, trust me, Miss Adrianna."

She shrugged, dropping her phone on the Galway low stool next to the one sitter she said, "let's go to the kitchen."

We proceeded to move downstairs to the kitchen, walking side by side. Arriving at the kitchen, I went into the store to get some stuff out to prepare for Adrianna — Mrs Peterson had earlier shown me the food store. I decided to prepare macaroni and cheese for her.

Minutes passed and the food was ready, I served her food onto a plate and placed it on the island.

She looked at the food, taking her seat on the stool. "Well, it does look appetizing." She commented and I flustered, waiting for her to take a bite.

I rested my back on the counter, and as she lifted the fork to her mouth different thoughts began to run through my mind — Although I was confident about my cooking skills, I still couldn't help but doubt myself at that moment. And thoughts like; what if she didn't like the food? What if it was too salty? What if she'd be disappointed with my cooking and told Bastille to fire me? What if. . .what if? And the fork went into her mouth. She closed her eyes as she chewed on the food while my heart raced in uncertainty.

Uncertainty, because I doubted if she'd like the food.

She shook her head and my heart fell. Then her pink lips stretched out into a smile, and she said, "I'm impressed, this is so scrumptious and delectable. You deserve an applause." She clapped for me and I facepalmed myself as I blushed really hard.

A celebrity ate my food and liked it.

I really felt on top of the world.

In a few minutes, Adrianna had finished the meal I'd cooked for her, and not even a drop of macaroni was left on the plate. I was impressed with myself and mentally praised myself for doing a good job with the food.

"Thank you so much," She said with a huge smile.

"You're welcome."

"The food was really nice, and I'm sure Bastille would. . ." She trailed off, and I really wanted her to complete her statement. I really wanted to know what Bastille would do. "I would be in the guest room."

And she left the kitchen without completing her statement about Bastille. I took her plate from the island and washed it, while I kept the remaining leftover in the fridge with the intention of eating it as dinner.

I went up to my new room, arranged my clothes into the closet before I went to take a cold shower. After the shower, I dressed up in something simple — a black baggy top with a white jogger, ate the apple I'd earlier placed on the Galway low stool and decided to take a little nap, having it at the back of my head that I'd fully start work the next day.

By the time I woke up, it was night already. I was thirsty so I moved downstairs to the kitchen and took a chilled bottle of water out of the fridge. After drinking to my satisfaction, I brought out the leftover Mac and cheese from the freezer and microwaved it before eating it. I did the dishes and made sure the kitchen was clean before vacating it.

As I went up to my room, I wondered if Adrianna was still around, so I decided to go check her at one of the guest rooms. However, I didn't know the room she was in, and there were about five rooms, excluding Bastille's room and my room. I knocked softly on the first door I saw and luckily for me, the door opened and I gasped when I saw the person who opened the door.

And no, it wasn't Adrianna.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Tola_Aishcreators' thoughts