
Chapter 6: The End Times Have Arrived!

The day of the apocalypse finally arrived, and even though Liushi tried to calm his heart, he couldn't help but feel anxious. The Starseed could only tell him the day of the virus outbreak, not the exact hour.

Therefore, he couldn't directly head to the city where his sister was. If he was driving when the virus exploded, it would be fatal.

As Jiang sat inside the AMF, reflecting on his next step, his cellphone rang. Seeing Yuxin's name on the screen, he quickly answered, "Hello, Yuxin!" However, Yuxin's anxious voice immediately cut off his words. In the background, Jiang heard the sound of helicopter blades, while Yuxin tried to speak loudly enough to be heard.

"Jiang, you need to listen to what I'm going to say," Yuxin practically yells, her voice laden with urgency. "It might seem crazy, but scientists have discovered the inevitable outbreak of a supervirus, and it's going to affect the entire world."

She continues, almost out of breath: "My family and I are being relocated to a military base on Shenhai Island. You need to get to Shenhai; the military will receive you there."

Before Jiang could process the information or respond, a soldier's voice interrupted the conversation, yelling for Yuxin to board the helicopter. "Go to Shenhai Island, Liushi! Good luck!" Yuxin shouted one last time to Jiang before the call abruptly dropped, leaving Jiang with the phone in his hand, in shock.

Slowly lowering the phone, he processed the information provided by Yuxin and couldn't help but feel some gratitude. Even though he already knew about the outbreak before her, Yuxin still thought to warn him and give him a hint of a safe location.

The evacuation had obviously already started. He wasn't exactly sure what the line of work Yuxin's parents were in, but they must have been of some importance since they were being evacuated to a secure military base.

Sighing, Jiang prayed that Yuxin and her family would arrive safely on Shenhai Island. If fate allowed, they would meet again.


Across the street, two men chatted casually as they walked. "I'm telling you, she had two huge melons."

"Hah, you'd never get with a woman like that." The other replied. But he stopped abruptly as his body swayed. "Hey! Did you drink that much?" His friend quickly grabbed him, preventing him from falling.

"Urgh~ I felt dizzy." The man replied.

"Your nose is bleeding, I know you haven't been to the doctor for a while. But you should go." The friend said worriedly. "It's just the dry air." He replied nonchalantly.

The two continued walking and sat down on a nearby bench, continuing their conversation and drinking. But Jiang, watching everything through the bars of his garage gate, felt a chill run down his spine.

Dizziness, fainting, and nosebleeds. These were some of the symptoms before the virus outbreak.

His heart started to beat uncontrollably. He had prepared himself. But he couldn't help but feel worried. What if something went wrong? What if Zhuying had an accident?

He took a deep breath and calmed his heart. Time passed slowly as he silently waited.

Until he felt his head become dizzy, his vision started to blur, and his heart exploded in anxiety. "Damn~" he cursed before feeling a wave of acute headache.

[Outbreak initiated!] The last thing he heard before his consciousness collapsed was the voice of the Starseed.

Across the city and around the entire world, billions of people suffered the same fate. Bleeding, fainting, pain, epileptic seizures, hallucinations.

Many people screamed, but the sounds coming from their throats didn't seem human. It sounded more like the roar of an animal, a raging beast.

"Bang! Peng!"

On the highways, vehicles crashed into each other causing deaths and pile-ups. Explosions occurred in various parts of the city, airplanes flying in the sky plummeted rapidly without pilot control, crashing amidst the cities and causing chaos. Millions of people died in an instant, in the blink of an eye.

Inside the AMF, Jiang hallucinated as the virus transformed his body. He felt as if his mind entered the AMF, into its structure, its essence. Not just the AMF, but also every mechanical equipment nearby.

He dreamed of his parents, the family lunch he never had again, his sister. The car accident that took his parents away.

He remained immersed in this illusion until a roar pulled him from his dormant state. Gasping in fear, he choked but quickly controlled his breathing.

Liushi noticed his hands were sweaty, and sweat dripped from his hair. His bones ached, and he felt as if there were a thousand needles in his skin.

Looking at the clock, more than an hour had passed. He could hear the sound of chaos coming from outside the garage. From all sides of the city. Then he was certain, the apocalypse had arrived.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang turned on the AMF, which responded with a roar provoked by the powerful engine. Stepping on the accelerator, the microbus knocked down the gate.


As he entered the streets, Jiang was quickly confronted with a panoramic view of the chaos that had spread throughout the city. Smoke columns rose from various locations, a sign of uncontrollable fires consuming parts of urbanization.

Overturned cars blocked the roads, some still smoking. Shattered shop windows displayed bloodstains, evidence of violent clashes or desperate attacks by people trying to find refuge or simply survive. And above all, screams for help cut through the air.

Jiang remained focused, cautiously driving the AMF through the chaotic streets. Ready for any dangerous situation as he headed for the highway.

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