

"Damn it!"

"Calm down, brother! We don't need another repair work on this ship." Kevin mused as he entered the top cabin holding two cups of coffee.

Rees ran his hand through his brown hair in frustration. He didn't spare Kevin a glance. His brown eyes remained fixated on the map in front of him. His thick brows furrowed. Kevin placed one cup near Rees before he slumped down on a couch leisurely. Just to annoy his friend even more, he began slurping the hot liquid.

Not a second later, he received an expected reaction from Rees when a pencil was darted in his way. Kevin caught it easily with his werewolf powers before snapping it into two. He tossed the pieces of the pencil with a smirk before he slurped his coffee again.

"Stop right now or I swear I will fucking kill you!"

"And turn Wildline pack against Vincardine?"

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