

Edwin was on the floor at Rees's feet, unconscious and with burnt hands. Rees slowly dared to look up a few feet away, only to look away instantly in awkwardness.

There was Ruth, her long toffee brown hair dishevelled, her skin red. Bluish marks of bites covered her neck and chest. Her lips were bruised and bleeding as she panted.

Her body was covered in sweat. Fiery red light danced on her fingertips as her eyes blazed in dark orange.

There she had done what she didn't want to ever do with Edwin.

She had used her powers against him.

Before Rees could say anything, he caught her fainting from the periphery of his vision. Ignoring her torn dress and the exposed skin, he quickly ran to her and caught her in time before her body hit the floor.

What the hell was going on here?





Darius ignored Hilton's call as he busied himself in throwing blades at a target. They had halted for a break, and Darius took that opportunity to practice with his blades.

Next chapter