

"Why does Cinderella always have to end up with the prince? Why can't villains get thier own happy ending?" "I think it's time for us villains to get our own deserved happy ending don't you think?" She's a fearless business woman. No one dares to negotiate with her. He is the most ruthless leader of a mafia gang. One day, they collide into each other lives. Love at first sight? Perhaps. However, she has every intention to use him. "I've set my eyes on you, you can't escape!" "Really? I would like to see you try!" Set out a mission to make use of each other, who will fall prey to the other? When the most feared woman gets together with the most feared mafia leader, the world is sure to be thrown into chaos! ....... When the predator becomes the prey, she can either fight to the end or surrender. However, the predator this time is love. Will Qiao Anxin surrender to love?

Sonia3 · Urban
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12 Chs


Qiao Anhao scoffed at Chen Yucheng's words. "Are you saying that I'm making trouble out of nothing?! Yucheng, do you really think that I don't want to live a peaceful life with you? Or do you think that I like arguing with you like this?" Qiao Anhao asked.

"I don't know! I don't know what it is that you want. So tell me Anhao. What exactly do you want. Why do you keep bringing up Qiao Anxin out of nowhere?? Why can't you just let her off?! She's not even thinking about you at all. Stop thinking that she's out to destroy you!" Chen Yucheng said

Qiao Anhao shook her head. Qiao Anxin...she's out to destroy her! She wants to completely destroy her! The things that she had done to Qiao Anxin....she definitely won't forgive her for it just because she doesn't bring it up. But Chen Yucheng can't know this, Otherwise, she really won't need Qiao Anxin to break them up anymore. Chen Yucheng will leave her on his own accord.

"I should be the one asking you Yucheng. What do you want? You keep saying that you just want a peaceful life with me but you can't stop thinking about Qiao Anxin. Even Shen Yu, who has no idea about your entanglement with her before could tell that you only have eyes for her. Besides, you even went to talk to her privately just outside the women's restroom. Do you really think that no one would see you doing that?"

Chen Yucheng's face went pale. He wasn't expecting Qiao Anhao to have known about this.

"How do you know that I went to talk to her? Who told you?"

Qiao Anhao smiled ruefully. He didn't even try to deny it just to make her feel better!

"So it's true that you went to talk to her? Why? What could you possibly have had to say to her?" Qiao Anhao asked.

"Just answer my question. Who told you?!" Chen Yucheng asked. His voice was urgent now. He thought he and Qiao Anxin were the only ones there...but obviously someone else was there too. Does this mean that Whoever was there had heard what he said about Lu Ming?

Qiao Anhao shook her head. "Do you really think that I'll tell you who told me? I just need to know what exactly you had to say that you could not say to her in my presence!" Qiao Anhao demanded.

Shen Yu was the one who told her that her husband was talking to her estranged step sister. He had even taunted her and told her that if she isn't careful, she would lose her husband.

However, she wasn't going to give Shen Yu away to Chen Yucheng.

"You want to know what I told her? Fine! I just didn't want her to get involved with Lu Ming! You could see that she was interested in him earlier today! A man like Lu Ming is too dangerous for her! I just wanted her to stay away from him!" Chen Yucheng said.

"What does it have to do with you if she's with Lu Ming or anyone else?! It's none of your business!"

"How can it be none of my business? We are still family after all, she's your sister and....." Qiao Anhao did not let Chen Yucheng finish his words.

"Chen Yucheng, are you talking to an idiot?! No one in City B will believe such a sloppy lie! What sister?! What sister in law?! Who doesn't know that Qiao Anxin and I don't get along?! Why should you care about who she's going to get involved with?? Do you have a problem with just Lu Ming or do you have a problem with anyone that she might get involved with in the future?! You really just can't get over Qiao Anxin right?! You are still in love with her right?" Qiao Anhao asked in an accusing manner.

"I really don't know what else I'm supposed to say to you! I already said that it's not that! I was just worried because Lu Ming is a dangerous man! Why can't you just listen?!" Chen Yucheng yelled. He was frustrated. Deeply frustrated. He thought that he could continue to pull on with Qiao Anhao.

He thought that he could ignore whatever she has done in the past, he just never expected that Qiao Anhao will be so good at wearing down whatever emotions he has for her!

"Why are you worried?! Why will you be worried?! I don't think of her as a sister so why do you think of her as a sister in law?!" Qiao Anhao wanted to know.

"You know what?! I don't want to deal with this anymore. We will talk when you are calm and when you are no longer throwing accusations anyhow you like!" Chen Yucheng said. He didn't want to listen to Qiao Anhao bitching around so he turned and walked out of the room, slamming the door with a loud bang as he left.

Qiao Anhao finally broke down after Chen Yucheng was gone. She sat on the floor near the bed and cried her eyes out.

She thought that she had won, she really thought that she had won it all, she had a father who loves and dotes on her, and she even stole Qiao Anxin's lover and forced her to leave.

But it all came crashing down when Qiao Anxin returned. That woman was full of vengeance!

Is she really going to lose Chen Yucheng to Qiao Anxin?!

Just then, her phone rang. Qiao Anhao wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone so she planned to ignore the call but she saw that it was her mother so she picked it up.

"Anhao, darling? How are you? I thought you said you were going out with Yucheng today? Are the both of you back? Did you have fun?" Li Cuixing asked on the other end of the call.

Qiao Anhao couldn't hold back her emotions when she heard her mother's voice. She completely broke down.