
A mastermind in multiverse

In Ajay's POV, he is likely thinking about the potential for adventure and discovery in the world of One Piece. With his reincarnation and the multiverse gate, he has access to countless worlds and possibilities. It's exciting to think about what he might discover and accomplish in the future. I don't own any character except for original characters of my own .

water_law · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


Chapter 3: The Way of Rokushiki

Ajay had been training hard for a month, but he still didn't feel like he was getting any stronger. He knew that the people in his world were actually normal humans, and he needed something to push him forward but he couldn't figure out why he wasn't improving. so he tried to ask Buddy.

Ajay: "Hey Buddy, I've been training for a month now, but I don't feel like I'm getting any stronger. What am I doing wrong?"

Buddy: "Well, Ajay, you're already doing a great job with your training. But I think what you need is to learn some new techniques. Have you heard of Rokushiki?"

Ajay: "Rokushiki yes I definitely have its a martial arts that literally defies logic but seems possible in this world .

Buddy: "Rokushiki is a martial art that's used by members of the World Government and some pirates. It's based on six different techniques that allow you to move faster, hit harder, and even control your body . It's a very powerful style, but it's also very difficult to learn."

Ajay: "That much I know but since it's used by world government , they are quite secretive about it .

Buddy: "I can teach you the basics, but it will take a lot of practice to master. Are you ready for the challenge?"

Ajay: "you can do that then Absolutely! I want to become stronger "

Buddy: "Alright then, let's get started. The first technique is called Soru, which allows you to move at superhuman speeds. Watch the screen closely."

Buddy then demonstrated the Soru technique, moving so quickly that Ajay could barely see the movements on the screen but then slow down the moment to show how exactly it is done step by step . Ajay was amazed and eager to learn more.

Ajay: I have to say , that's one heck of a technique combining all 6 and the hidden 7th technique The rokuogun could make me stronger.

Buddy: "Sure do , but remember, it will take a lot of practice. Let's start with the basics. Stand up and focus on moving your legs as quickly as possible."

Ajay followed Buddy's instructions and began to practice the Soru technique. It was difficult but since he had already reached the peak of human limit with his current body. he would get this and all other techniques

Ajay: "I can feel myself getting faster already! .

Buddy: "Great job, Ajay! Keep it up, and soon you'll be able to move as fast as lightning!"

Ajay : " Thanks but I do have to ask where did you learn about this technique "

Buddy: "I first heard about the Rokushiki martial art from Dr. Vegapunk's research. He was always interested in the latest technology and techniques, and he had a lot of information on the subject."

Ajay: "Really? That's interesting. What did he say about it?"

Buddy: "Well, Dr. Vegapunk believed that Rokushiki was a powerful tool that could be used for both good and evil. He was fascinated by the way it allowed people to move at superhuman speeds and control their bodies in ways that most people couldn't."

Ajay: "I can see why. It's an incredible technique."

Buddy: "Yes, it is. But Dr. Vegapunk also knew that it was a difficult technique to master. That's why he spent so much time researching it and trying to figure out how it worked."

Ajay: "Did he ever learn how to do it himself?"

Buddy: "I'm not sure. Dr. Vegapunk was always very secretive about his own abilities. But he did leave behind a lot of information on Rokushiki, and I've been studying it ever since we got here."

Ajay: "That's amazing, Buddy. I'm really grateful to have you as my partner. You already know so much about this world and its technology."

Buddy: "Thanks, Ajay. I'm happy to help. And who knows, maybe one day we'll be able to use Rokushiki to take down some of the dangerous pirates and corrupt officials in this world."

Ajay: "That's a great goal to have but I am neither good nor evil I just want to live a life as much free as I can "

Ajay had always been fascinated by the Rokushiki martial arts style, with its incredible speed, agility, and power. He was really fascinated when ever their are fighters who had mastered the six different techniques, and he was determined to become one of them. Though C P 9 were antagonist the technique they displayed were astonishing.

With Buddy's help, Ajay began to train in the art of Rokushiki. He started with the basics, learning how to control his breathing and focus his mind. He practiced his footwork and honed his reflexes, gradually building up his strength and endurance.

As he progressed, Ajay began to learn the six different techniques of Rokushiki: Soru, Geppo, Rankyaku, Shigan, Tekkai, and Kamie. Each technique required intense concentration and physical exertion, and Ajay spent countless hours practicing and perfecting his moves.

Soru, the first technique, was all about speed. Ajay learned how to move at incredible velocities, darting around his opponents and striking them with lightning-fast punches and kicks. He practiced running up walls and across ceilings, using his momentum to deliver devastating blows from unexpected angles.

Geppo, the second technique, focused on agility. Ajay learned how to jump and leap with incredible grace, using his body weight and momentum to launch himself into the air and dodge attacks. He practiced landing softly and silently, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

Rankyaku, the third technique, was a powerful long-range attack that involved unleashing a sharp blast of air from one's legs. Ajay practiced channeling his energy and releasing it in a focused burst, slicing through objects and enemies alike with ease.

Shigan, the fourth technique, was a precision strike that involved using one's fingers like bullets. Ajay trained his fingers to be as hard as steel, honing his accuracy and aiming for vital points on his opponent's body.

Tekkai, the fifth technique, was a defensive move that involved hardening one's body to become as strong as iron. Ajay practiced tightening his muscles and focusing his energy, becoming nearly invulnerable to physical attacks.

Kamie, the sixth and final technique, was a technique that allowed one to become intangible and avoid attacks. Ajay practiced focusing his energy and becoming light as a feather, allowing him to slip through his opponent's attacks and reappear elsewhere.

As Ajay continued to practice Rokushiki, he began to master each technique one by one. He learned how to combine them in different ways, creating devastating combinations .

But he also learned that Rokushiki was not just about strength and power. It was about control and discipline, about using one's mind and body in perfect harmony. He learned how to stay calm and centered in the heat of battle, even .

Rokushiki martial arts style and its six different techniques, but there was always one technique that eluded him: Rokuogun. This seventh and most advanced technique was said to be so powerful that it could level entire buildings and defeat armies. But it was also incredibly difficult to master, requiring immense physical and mental strength, as well as a deep understanding of one's own body and energy.

Ajay was determined to learn the Rokuogun technique, even though he knew it would be a long and difficult journey. He spent countless hours studying elusive technique. He practiced his breathing and meditation, trying to achieve a state of perfect harmony between his mind and body.

But no matter how hard he tried, Ajay could not seem to grasp the essence of Rokuogun. but he could not control it or direct it in any meaningful way. He became frustrated and despondent, wondering if he would ever be able to master this powerful technique.

It wasn't until Buddy made him realize his mistake he was moving way too fast learning rokushiki basics and his small body which was still growing couldn't keep up it wasn't that he was doing something wrong but more like his body was restricting him

The wave of force my rokuogun was erratic and unfocused, bouncing off the walls and causing chaos all around. Ajay tried to control it, but it seemed to have a mind of its own, lashing out at everything in its path.

so Ajay sighs it really was difficult to perform such an advanced technique when you're body can't keep up , so for now he could only wait .

Ajay closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He let go of his anger and frustration, focusing instead on some other way to become independent in this chaotic world .